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Calm down. They only get one chance at impeachment. - sm

Posted: Sep 26th, 2019 - 11:03 am In Reply to: What a crock - me

This won't go well for Dems and they won't get another chance. (Just like they won't get another chance at a special prosecutor investigation of Trump.)

Look at the facts:
* No crime has been committed.

* The whistleblower didn't even hear the call firsthand and didn't get the info as part of his normal work responsibilities. (In other words, whistleblower laws don't apply.)

* There's nothing wrong with asking a foreign leader to work US law enforcement (DOJ) to help investigate possible crimes committed by US citizens in the foreign leader's country.

* The Dems started the impeachment process before the story had been fully reported by the media. The fake news story is going to bring them down while giving the media another black eye.

* Dems have proved they will obstruct everything Trump attempts to do and will continue to obstruct his office. If Americans want Trump in office, they can't elect Dems in Congress. Dems aren't a moderating influence on the party in power (Reps) any more. They're an obstructing influence. A moderating influence would be good for the country, obstructing everything is bad for the country. Dems have proved they can't handle even a little bit of responsibility.

* Even if the House votes for impeachment and it goes to the Senate, you need 67 Senators (two-thirds) to vote for impeachment. That's not going to happen. Republican Senators see exactly what Dems are doing and their attitude, previous point. They will never side with the Dems on this.

* Think about the precedent this would set. All future presidents would need to have their phone calls and diplomatic communications okayed by ... (someone?) to ensure they aren't breaking the law. Totally unconstitutional.


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