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to NJ re: holding them accountable

Posted: Oct 23, 2009

I have to move this up from below because the posts ran off the side of my page and I can't read any more of them, but this was your post

"...you keep getting what you're getting.

Maybe you're happy with what Corporate America did under Reagan and both Bushes, but the rest of us will not let corporate greed and corruption go unpunished because you think we shouldn't interfere with entities.

We will hold them accountable."

I did not say don't hold them accountable.  I said it is not the place of the government to get involved.  It isn't just me who thinks we should not interfere with entities.  It is a reality; govt does not belong in private industry.  I do think we should hold them accountable.  We, the people, their consumers.  Not the government.  I said boycott them.  have you cancelled any credit cards with those institutions whose practices you dislike, moved any investments, sold any stocks, stopped buying gas from a particular corporation, stopped shopping at any particular stores that are guilty of the practices you so dislike, etc.  Have you done anything to prove your discontent or do you just want the govt to step in and punish them because you don't like their practices?  Yes, hold them accountable..   But keep the government out of private business.  At what point does it become enough already with govt interference? 


Regulation - NJ

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I am a firm believer in regulation. I am impacted by these giant corporations and their twisted business practices whether I use their products or not. Everyone took a hit from the shady dealings of banks, financial groups, and Wall Street traders. I didn't take part in those dealings but I took the hit.

I appreciate your boycott theory, but when Big Business is so big it can affect your life dramatically even when you are not a customer, it's time for government intervention. Way past time.


here's my problem with it - cj

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When does it end? Are we not allowing them to set a very uncomfortable precedent with this? Where does it stop? What stops them from setting other pay scales or determining compensation elsewhere once they get away with this? Do you want them deciding how much you can earn? I sure don't. Once you give the govt a power, you never get it back. It's the old give them an inch, they take a mile. I asked it before; when is it enough? How much control do you want govt to have in our lives? For me, they have already gone way too far, and I want it to stop, not grow bigger.

Understood - NJ

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We're safe since the government is not about to send us bailout checks to keep our businesses afloat ;)

But seriously, I understand your fear. I have that same fear except mine is of the control Big Business and Corporate America has over my life. I have more confidence in government. You (I think) have more confidence in an unfettered market.

Either stance in the extreme is a bad thing.

Either without the other is a bad thing.

I guess the US should be grateful for people like you and me who try to keep the system in balance by speaking up for the side we are on ^^


I disagree to a point - Sheeples

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I bought vacuum bags yesterday for my Kenmore. I spent 28.00 dollars for them. WOW, right? 28.00 for vacuum cleaner bags? But, I went to a new shop that is locally owned in our community. He gave me 2 packages of bags with the third one being free. I saved the gas driving the 40+ miles to the nearest Sears store so it was a win-win, right? I saved some gas, some time, and some vehicle emissions.

I go to our local grocery store. Sure, I pay about 10% more, but again, I save gas and emissions by doing so.

I buy most everything off of Etsy. It's all handmade stuff except for the vintage items. No gas, no emissions (except for the delivery guy, but he delivers to many, so I think it works out better), and supporting people all around the world who individually make their products.

Buy local and use local products, use local retailers, small shops, buy used vehicles, don't go out to eat (I never do), and again SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY with your patronage.

I could be lucky, stupid, or both; however, I refuse to use big box retailers or grocery stores. Same goes for car dealerships. Of COURSE, it costs more money, but the advantages in terms of time, emissions, gas, etc. compensate for that. Plus, we are helping our fellow entrepreneurs, who hopefully will be able to continue in that vein w/o government interference taxing them to death.

(Just remembered...what was that thing with testing everything in second-hand shops for lead..including books?? Many stores went out of business and many kids' books were burned. Ridiculous!!)

/end of rant/

When we become a socialist nation and the government controls everything.... - watcher

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that is when it will be enough for them. When the government takes from the so-called rich (except the rich protected by said government, themselves included) and redistributes it. When we become Cuba or Venezuela north. And the fact that these folks are not at all alarmed by that prospect suggests to me that they are 100% for it. As long as it includes government run health care. Amazing what people are willng to give up for entitlements, isn't it? Exactly what the Marxists count on...class envy at its WORST.

People are very "dishonest" the "reason" for controls, yes! sm - .

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Look what happened when the gov controls on banks, business, credit cards. They asked for no controls, got it and then what happened. It is for consumer safety. Darn crooks out there that has a goal in life to be greedy and more greedy. True.

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