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Posted: Nov 3, 2010

At the top right hand corner of page 17 of the New York Post, January 24, 2009, was a column entitled, "Replacing Michelle" in the National Review, The Week.

Here it is below as it appeared:

"Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical center hired her in 2002 to run 'programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting'.

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Her husband, Barak Obama, had just become a US Senator. He sure had. He requested a $1 million earmark for the UC Medical Center, in fact. Way to network, Michelle!

Now that Mrs.... Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled. How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000 ?

Let me add that Michelle's position was a part time, 20 hour a week job."


And the rich get richer and the poor get poorer - its all just a game

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This kind of thing just burns me up. How and why did we ever let this country come to things like this? I wish someone would offer me a job like that, but I guess I'm just not married to the right person.

To us, it's real life and a struggle. But to them, it's all just a game.

They are the party of "do as I say, not as I do." - sam

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That should be obviously to everyone but my "401K is great so the rest of you can bite me" or "obamaaaa whatever" down there that the democratic party has been well and truly hijacked by socialists. Some of the democratic party KNOW that and that is why they voted Republican this time. They need to wise up and TAKE THEIR PARTY BACK like we are taking our country back.

2012 cannot get here soon enough for me!!

and the Republican party has been hijacked by Nazis - and religious extremists.

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LOL! How pitiful. You are REALLy running out of - anything useful to say, poor thing.nm
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The religious extremists of the - Tea party/Republican party
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Are starting to look like the Taliban--especially as far as women's rights.
Nazis? LOL. Where do you folks get this stuff?? - sam
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Obama is a flaming socialist and guess how Hitler got started? Know what HIS party was called? National SOCIALIST party...heavy into class warfare, just like Barry and his boys. You should really do some research for yourself...of course that is assuming that you might actually care about the truth and not what you are fed.

Religious extremists? You mean people who believe in God, like the founding fathers of this country? Those religious extremists? What about the socialist extremists in charge of the country??

I keep forgetting....you folks are the me, me, me crowd. As long as you are getting your government freebies..errr...entitlements...you don't care what happens to the country.

You might want to take a little trip to Venezuela and see how the whole socialist government taking care of you thing is working for the regular guys. Then move on to Cuba. That is if you can find the regular guys. None of them live in Havana anymore.


party - sm

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LOL. So let me see, none of the republicans make any money. They are just down here with us, and I am sure they have never had special treatment by anybody. I see the halos over all of them. So, I guess that makes them the party of "do as I say, not as I do, but blame it on the dems and Obama."

So, now that the pubs are in the house, what are they going to do for us? All I hear is pubs putting down dems, but I don't hear anything on what they are going to do, or is that all they know how to do is down the dems? I'm sorry, but most of the pubs are very wealthy also. They have the support of big business for a reason. Sorry, but that is not going to help me or anybody in the working world. Tell me what they are going to do for me, here in the poor middle-class world.
Okay, I will tell you what they are going to TRY to do for you.... - sam
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First, they are going to try to preserve that middle class world for you. In a socialist system like Obama wants, the middle class DISAPPEARS. There are the elite at the top and the poor worker bees at the bottom. That is where the middle class goes in that system...to the bottom, the poor, the worker bees. PLEASE do yourself a favor and study upon socialism. It NEVER works. It has not worked anywhere it has ever been tried. Look at Nazi Germany....look at Venezuela...look at Cuba. It DOES NOT work. When you take away individual responsibility and make people dependent on government for everything (a job, food, HEALTH INSURANCE, etc), eventually the middle class goes away and you have the elite and the working class...the working class to support the elite and what little meager entitlements are left after that marvelous well redistribution that Obama wants. Believe me, you do not want that, whether you think you do or not. And that is what the "pubs" as you so snidely refer to them are trying to stop.

With all due respect, "big business" are the employers in this country. Try to understand that. Labor unions (big Dem supporters) cannot CREATE jobs for anyone but the union hierarchy. It is the businesses who provide the jobs. Try to wrap your mind around that. The Republicans do believe that those job-creating businesses SHOULD get tax cuts. Why do you think a lot of companies outsource?? Because they are TAXED TO DEATH in this country, and they are NOT in other countries, and they are trying to survive!! So, Republicans want to give them tax breaks to keep jobs HERE. Yeah, you should be calling them names and wanting to hang them on alight pole for that!! Sigh.

Now, all t hat being said, that is what the republicans SAY they want to do, and that is what I will be watching to see if they do. Of course, a good place to start is repealing that albatross of a health insurance bill and starting over. Of course, Barry will veto that. He does not care that the exit polls showed (when democrats, republicans, and independents wre asked) that well over 80% of this country want it repealed. Again demonstrating that what HE wants trumps what the country wants. And you wonder why the Democrats got their heads handed to them in this election? They did not listen to the PEOPLE and the PEOPLE got fed up.

What the republicans would like to do is keep Bush tax cuts in place for ALL Americans, including the middle class. Keeping them in place for the so-called "rich" (small and median businesses) enable those businesses to put more money into hiring people back. It is common sense that the LAST thing you want to do in a recession and bad economic times is INCREASE taxes on the jobmakers in the country. Yet that is what he wants to do.

Honestly, you should thank your lucky stars the "pubs" got back in, and you should hope and pray that Obama will not get in their way if they try to do what they say they will do. Then the economy will really start to turn around, the health care bill will be rewritten in a helpful way introducing competition into the marketplace, hopefully adding some tort reform to go with it (which by the way Obama did not want because he wanted the trial lawyers in his corner come next election)...things that are important so that a health care bill does not break the bank and will actually work.

That is just a small portion of what they will do.

If you will start listening to what the republicans say and read all publications, not just the left leaning ones, and watch a little Fox along with your CNN who actually let Republicans talk uninterrupted, they will tell you what they are trying to do.

It is up to we the people to watch them and make sure they do it, as best they can with a President with his own agenda with a veto pen in his hand. How he uses that veto pen will show whether he learned anything by the slam they took in the mid-terms.
Lock-step Pubs - sm
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and religious extremists look more like Iran than anything. Health care for the rich! More money for the insurance executives! Death panel insurance denials for everyone else!
ROFL! Lemme guess...you already have your Obama in 2012 button on. - sam
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Just keep on marginalizing the people who mounted that gargantuan repudiation of Obama and his policies the other night...keep on thinking they will go away. That was the mistake Obama made that LED to that massacre, and if you keep on like this, it will be worse in 2012.

So by all means...keep posting this drivel. Yay team!

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