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Posted: Aug 13, 2016

I am from North Carolina and wonder if there are people on here from NC  and wonder how do they feel about not showing ID at the polls.  I mean we have to show our ID's and it is a fairly simple process to get one so how is this discriminatory.  Can someone explain this to me.   I always thought that this was a way to help deter fraud.  I mean when Obama got elected there was definitely fraud so how can it be prevented?




How do the impoverished get ID? - sm

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people who do not have an ID and do not have the transportation or funds to buy an ID--are they less than citizens? Does their vote not count? Are they just not worthy? Are they enslaved?

Oh, they have an ID. - DMV

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How poor do you have to be to not have a social security card, or card of some sort with your name, address and age on it? DMV gives them out.

If you want a country to call home, you had better protect your nation. If you want a taste of discrimination, vote Hillary. Foreigners will show you how to select the preferred employee - Chinese will work for Chinese. Mexicans will work for Mexicans. Arabs will work for arabs. And when you apply for a rental from a foreigner, expect to the last in line if you aren't the same nationality.

And I want to know why these foreign countries demanding that our country welcome their people with open arms treat me like a convict. Try moving to Mexico and just living there like it was a free nation. You'll be in their jail house for 2 years trying to remember what you were thinking.

What is really going on? Some British never left. They remained, blended in, received funding, infiltrated key spots and began voting for their agenda -

You Americans seem to think you won your country in a church raffle.

anon - anon

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Well how do they get to the polls to vote. I certainly feel that there are ways to get an ID, but if you can make it to the polls to vote you can certainly get an ID

They don't go to the polls - they vote absentee!! - all smiles

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They don't go because either they are too disabled to travel much or they have no transportation or they are too ill to wait in those long lines without getting sick and having to turn around and go home without voting.

They get the ballot from the board of elections in the mail, fill it out, sign it, and mail it in.

That is why they have your signature on file and that is why an unsigned absentee ballot is invalid.


Go to the DMV. Get there, one way or the other (sm) - LM

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I say if there was a check waiting for them at the DMV, they'd find a way.

Don't know where you live, but there's a charge waiting for them here, plus - sm

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requirements for a complicated matrix of assorted documents totalling a certain number of points for which they may also have to pay a charge.
But I bet they can afford a cell phone - No sympathy
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Oh, please - THINK! If you can get an EBT card, if you can get - Obamacare, or an Obamaphone...

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...you can get a voter ID. This isn't hard, people.

THINK! THINK! THINK! At some point, even in your public school education, you must have run across the novel concept of THINKING THINGS THROUGH TO A LOGICAL CONCLUSION!

That's the problem. They don't think. They parrot - What the left wing tells them.

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There was no fraud when President Obama - got elected

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That is what they all say, but simply not true. A mere fraction of voter fraud was actually found and mostly just honest mistakes, usually on the Republican side!

NC (Republican leadership) has been found to have TARGETED poor voters and voters of color purposely to stop them voting.

If you don't see why that's wrong, see the Voting Rights Act, which Roberts and Scalia idiotically did away with. Big mistake, needs to come back.

Voter fraud BEGAN with BO. - SMH

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Don't know where you've been for the last 8 years. If there was no voter fraud, BO never would have been elected TWICE.

Simply not true - fairly elected president

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Hard for many Obama haters to imagine, but the candidate with the most votes wins, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's fraud. Unless, of course, they can prove fraud.

No fraud from the last 2 presidential elections, though I believe Romney did try to steal Ohio (that's why Rove was so certain, the fix was in, but thank goodness for Anonymous hacking the crooked voting machines).

He was and should have been elected twice. Most of us absolutely love him! Obviously not on this board, but in the real world that is.

Same goes for Trump - he is losing abysmally in the polls, but for some reason if he loses he is already starting on getting his supporters to claim it is cheating.

No, it is the better candidate wins. That is not Trump. He's not even trying anymore.
anon - anon
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You need to look up your history. If anything, the policies of the Democratic party are making it more difficult for people of color who have lived in poverty and who will continue to live in poverty until something changes and I am sorry to say that it cannot be the policies of Hilary Clinton. Donald Trump is a voice for entrapraneurship and when you think about people coming out of prison who cannot get a job by regular methods, they have no other recourse but to start their own so just on this alone would help the black community. The policies of the Democratic party have done nothing but bring people of color down instead of up and it is time that these policies change and that is with Donald Trump.

um actually it started with... - LMT

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Bush...cannot remember exactly which one or which term, but I do remember there being a "recount" because something wasn't right...so voter fraud did not start with Obama... He was voted twice because that is who everybody voted for...like it or not.
voter fraud has been here since voting began - all smiles
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LBJ lost his first race for senate because of voter fraud. He won the next race because of voter fraud. But the parties were stuffing the ballot. Watch PBS American Experience on LBJ. John Connally explained how it worked.

The voters were not fraudulent, the parties were. Called stuffing the ballot.

Most "voter fraud" is not done by voters but a little higher up. It does not make a difference except in a very very close race. Even then, you'd have to stuff the ballot (somehow electronically) in every close margin precinct in every county in the state. A little hard to do but could be done. Not by voters though.

Oh really? Take a look inside - Moi

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Steven Sloan ยท University of North Carolina at Wilmington:

"Just a little side note for those of you against Voter ID.

Next time you hear Hillary, or any other Democrat, ranting about Republicans wanting to disenfranchise minorities by requiring voter ID, keep the following in mind:

* In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

* In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (Another statistical impossibility).

* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

* In one Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters

NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote."

Say the election board is a little lax there? - all smiles

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Wonder what results you are reporting, final, interim, initial?

Board of elections in each location (here in ohio it is by county), is responsible for the accuracy of the results.

I vote in Ohio. I sign on a line right directly NEXT to my signature they have on record from my registration. It would be really hard or the poll worker would have to be completely blind not to be able to check 2 signatures right next to each other.

Once I have voted, that's it. I cannot vote again not matter what. Because that is already signed and thus I've voted.

It is more likely that the board of elections had a problem with their tallies than there was that much voter "fraud."

If there is fraud, from having been a poll observer, republicans and democrats share equally in any fraud that might occur.

Not true - old and burned out

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Your figures are bogus. No one has been able to prove voter fraud. Every reputable institution that has studied this question has said voter fraud is extremely rare and usually occurs by accident. This is a myth perpetuated by the Republican Party which wants to prevent poor, rural and generally Democratic voters from being able to vote.

ID a fairly SIMPLE process? - all smiles

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Here's the simple part: Drive in your car down to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, stand in line for 3 - 4 hours, fill out the paperwork, pay your fees, go over to the camera and hope it works. If it works, sit back down while it prints out your ID and presto, in 5 hours and about $7.00 you have your ID.

Here's the hard part:

1) You don't have a car. Find somebody who has lots of time to take you to the BMV and sit there while you wait.

2) You don't have ID, so you have to bring your birth certificate, which you may or may not have (not free, have to pay $10 here to get it), or your social security card (gee, where did I see that last). Once the clerk decides that your ID is "okay," then you get to stand in line for the camera.

2) Hope the camera works. If it does, you sit back down and wait until your ID is printed. By this time, because you are a) sick on disabilty, b) old and tired on welfare or retirement and/or both, and/or c) have 3 kids or grandkids in tow, you just want to leave. You're beat.

3) Pray the person who took you does not want some gas money because you just spent your last dollar getting a state ID that only lasts 4 years. Think about having do to this again in 4 years.


Seriously, tell the elderly woman who has to stay with her sick husband at home to just leave him while she gets her state ID.

If you observe how some people have to live and get by, helping each other but having just enough to exist - enough money, enough energy, enough help from a few friends, you would never ever ask now hard it is to get an ID.

use the cell phone that you got at the welfare office - and call Uber with money from your welfare check

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Who you hanging with? - all smiles

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I was referring to the genuinely very poor. People without enough to pay their lights, their heat, and buy their groceries.

I don't know who you hang around, but the poor I know cannot afford an ID, cannot afford a taxi/Uber, a cell phone, their co-pay to go to the doctor (you do pay a co-pay with Medicaid), don't have cable or wide screen TV. They go to food banks when they can find a ride.

Get out of your self and look around. You'll see them. They're not all drug addicts or losers.

Maybe they have one pair of shoes with holes in the soles, a couple pairs of jeans and perhaps 2-3 shirts.

It seems you all think everybody sucks off the government.

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