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Who drives this car?
Posted: Mar 20, 2012

A lot of dems too. A lot of pubs, independents - green, whites,
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asians, indian, christians, jewish, mormorns, baptists, electricians, teachers, doctors, etc, etc, etc. Do you get the drift?
There are stupid people all over the country that say and do stupid things. Yes many in your beloved party too.
I am a black member of the TEA Party. - Like to try that again?!!! nm
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I said a lot of tea partiers. I am sure that if you are black - you would not. nm
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I said a lot of tea partiers. I am sure that if you are black - you would not. nm - Your comment is racist-nm
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Disagree - SM
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No member of the TEA Party would put a disgusting bumper sticker like that on their vehicle.
Remarks like yours are what is dividing this country farther apart.
As a conservative, white, tea party goer - BLAH
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I find this bumper sticker vulgar and offensive. I would like to point out that your stereotyping of tea party people is also offensive.
A lot of tea partiers would love to! - Your mentality (or lack thereof) is showing
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Never saw 1 single tea party member behave in a racist manner. Even with a $10,000 reward, not one person from the lib side could come up with any proof either. All lies by the libs. Cannot say the same for the OWS, though. Bet you just LUUUUV them. BTW- I find your comments racist; this was probably a picture of your car.
An ignorant hate mongering racist, THAT'S who. - Low class, stupid, sleazy,
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slimy, disturbed, pathetic, deplorable, pitiful, sorry, disgusting, repulsive, reprehensible, wretched, miserable excuse for a human being. In other words, a scumbag.
Yup that about says it all - LOL and I agree - what if -nm
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The problem is we don't know who drives it - could be someone
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on their side trying to start something. Wouldn't be the first time.
"Their side"? Why is it your side vs their side - instead of our side? nm
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That's just the nature of the parties. I'd love to do away with - all parties and have the best
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person win. I'd love it to be our side. But then again if it was "our" there would be no sides.
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