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What a moron this man is . . .

Posted: May 28, 2010

the only ones who are bigger morons are the sheep that think this man has anything of any worth to say . . . .



No, that would be the people who don't see the value - see message

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In some of the topics he talks about. Today he had a show on. Very very interesting. He had a guest, Lucas Morel, and another man and they talked about a lot of black people in our history who were great men. He talked about Benjamin Banneker (think that was his name) a scientist from the 1700-1800s, Frederick Douglas and others. On Fridays he has Founding Fathers day and talks about Washington and our other founding fathers and great people in history. So you are calling the people who like to hear about this "morons"? I sure don't agree with everything he says, but I think he provides America with some very valuable and interesting information. So you pick one article, which I have to say I don't agree with him on what he did (except apologizing) and you say that anyone who listens to him (because of this article) is a moron. If so you have to list the people who listen to Maddow, Olberman, Mathews as morons as they at some point in time said some pretty stupid things.

Sorry, but I'll include myself in the group of free thinkers and intelligent Americans who listen to Glenn Beck and learn about our history and the important people in time. I'll listen to his episodes about the people in our government and what they are doing to our country and then I'll make my own intelligent decisions.

I think the bigger morons are the people who pick out one thing he says (or any other person with a TV show) and then call other people morons if they want to listen to them and learn about history and what is happening in government.

P.S. - If anyone else saw the show could you please tell me the name of the guest that was on with Mr. Morel. Thanks.

No, this man is a moron as are any people - who see "value" in his

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hysterical, paranoid diatribes. This man is a joke. He has nothing to contribute of value and will say or do anything to make a buck. He is a sad, pathetic, drama queen and I totally agreed with the original poster. BTW, if this is they kind of thing you are basing "your opinions" on, then they are not intelligent and whats more, they are not free-thinking or "your" opinions. They are just the rehased rantings of this wing-nut. If you want information about history, turn off Faux and turn on the history channel, because this guy has no clue about history. He only knows how to whine and present nonsensical garbage in such a way that it makes him money, and his follower look like idiots.

But you love that MSNBC, dont ya? LOLnm - NOBAMA

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You know what happens when you assume - do you not?
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Nope, I turn it on only occasionally. I agree - that MSNBC is left leaning
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but there is NO ONE on that channel that comes even close to Beck. I even occasionally will watch Bill O'Reilly on Faux because he seems to have become a bit more reasonable recently. I have no problem with differing opinions but Beck is beyond that. He is wayyyyy off the deep end. He draws some of the most illogical conclusions and some of the jumps he makes to draw them are beyond reason. I doubt even he believes what he says. I think he just comes up with this garbage to increase ratings and his checkbook.

If you and others don't like him that's your opinion - plenty of others that do

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I'm sure glad I did the 5-minute time out and walked away before sending my original reply. Something told me...don't do it.

So my reply is simply this....you don't like him don't watch him. There are plenty of us that do. If you don't like being informed of the issues going on in the country that's your choice. I enjoy his show. Today I learned a lot about a lot of very important black men in our history like Benjamin Banneker, Frederick Douglas and many many others who were an important part of our history that we never knew. I really enjoy his guests he has that talk about our founding fathers. I enjoy the shows where I learn about the people in our current day government and who they are and their backgrounds, and what's going on with the current regime, etc. So if that's not your thing...oh well.

So you pick one article you disagree with then come on the board and profess to call everyone who listens to him a moron. First thing I thought was the old saying "takes one to know one". Second thing I thought of was "whose calling who a moron?"

If you don't think he has anything value to contribute then don't watch him (which you don't). What you have to say on this board about him will not change people's opinion. Those of us who enjoy him, who like being informed about issues and what's really going on will continue to listen. Your opinion that we are all morons is just that...your opinion. And as the saying goes "everyone has one".

People who come on and post messages like this one should not be calling anyone morons.

Yeah - that is what is scaring me! - Good grief!
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He is a lunatic. Plain and simple. But don't let facts blind you.
Again - your opinion. Nothing else, just an "opinion" - Everyone has one
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You think he's a lunatic...well that is just your opinion. You don't like him don't watch him (I know you don't), but again, your "opinion" is not going to change the viewpoint of others. We like him and will continue to watch him. Beck provides us the information that the other lame stream media is not. I sure didn't hear about Van Jones or other cabinet members on the other stations. I don't hear about George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc and what they did for our country on other stations. I don't hear about the constitution or other important documents that shaped our country and made it what it is today (or what it should be rather) on other stations. I don't hear about the prominent black men in our history on other channels. I don't hear about a lot of stuff that our govt is doing to the country on other stations. Sorry...I will remain up to date and knowledgeable about the issues and research what I hear on the show further.

So I see you don't like being informed on issues. Like the other poster, that is your prerogative. The rest of us who do like him and do like being kept apprised of what is happening in our government and in history, and enjoy his guests will continue to watch him.

Those that think that stating their opinion is actually a fact are the ones that scare me.


Facts please, examples please. Your name calling and diatribe at not facts. nm - Allysgrandma

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I don't agree totally with your post, but today's radio show - Backwards Typist

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was not what I would expect from him (I don't listen to his radio show-I heard this on the news). I watch him once in a while,but not lately. This supposedly took place on his radio show. He didn't have to bring O's children into it.

After all, the children should always be off limits to ANY press,any TV show, but, think about it, O himself opened the door when he brought his children into this melee in the Gulf. He shouldn't have done that either. Now it will be open season on them.

O was probably trying to make people jump back on his bandwagon by doing using his children as the ploy. Ex: "Oh, those poor kids. We've got to back O all the way on this because it wasn't his fault." I think it was beneath O to do this.

Sorry, but as time goes by, I don't see much of a president who can keep our nation strong. I see someone who always blames someone else for the problems; i.e., Bush, the pubs, radio and television, BP (got a case there!),and how about all the dems he has "thrown under the bus" so far?

Who will he blame when the next terrorist strike comes?? What else will he do to bring this country to its knees?

Bash away. That's JMOO.

GB - Linda

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I love GB.

Don't know if this is coincidence, but - Really?

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there was an ad for Goldline at the top of the page of this article -- that's hilarious, considering Beck is the mouthpiece for this company that pressures gullible people into buying way overpriced gold. What a snake oil salesman . . . . but then, he'll stoop to any level for his $$$$$$

So you have a problem with - sm

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Al Gore making billions of dollars off of global warming? Is that not a conflict of interest for him as well? Hmmm.

Former Vice President Al Gore has built a Green money-making machine capable of eventually generating billions of dollars for investors, including himself, but he set it up so that the average Joe can’t afford to play on Gore’s terms. And the US portion is headed up by a former Gore staffer and fund raiser who previously ran afoul of both the FEC and the DOJ, before Janet Reno jumped in and shut down an investigation during the Clinton years.

Think Katie, Charlie, or Brian will be all over this tonight? Regardless, that was just the tip of the questionably melting iceberg as reported by Bill Hobbs in Nashville, Tennessee:

How Gore buys his “carbon offsets,” as revealed by The Tennessean raises serious questions. According to the newspaper’s report, Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management:

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globeâ€Â¦

Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he “buys” his “carbon offsets” from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn’t buy “carbon offsets” through Generation Investment Management – he buys stocks.

Fascinating. So, as Dr. Global Warming travels the world in his private jet while spending 20 times the average American on energy for his home, all the time telling us its okay because he’s buying carbon offsets, he’s actually purchasing these investments from himself.

Furthermore, and maybe more important, Gore stands to benefit financially in a potentially huge way if more and more people buy into this junk science.

Isn’t that special?

Yet, it is not clear that Gore’s money is going to purchase carbon offsets at all. Riehl reported:

Here’s a list indicating what it takes to make money along with Al. Funds associated with these companies have placed millions of dollars under Al Gore’s control. And, as you’ll see below, Gore’s selection for the US President of GIM might raise a few eyebrows as well.


According to their own documents, GIM intends to invest in, or buy companies poised to cash in on Global Warming concerns.

Putting this in perspective, for years the left and their media minions have posited that George W. Bush started war with Iraq to benefit the company Vice President Dick Cheney used to run, Halliburton, as well as Bush’s oil tycoon friends. In fact, there have been times when you couldn’t swing a dead cat in any pressroom in this nation without hitting a reporter working on such a story.

Yet, as the former Vice President continues to plug global warming as a coming crisis in need of immediate attention, the same media completely ignore his obvious financial conflicts of interest.

No liberal media bias there.

However, as Riehl pointed out, this story is even juicier:

To add insult to injury, Gore chose Peter S. Knight, an old friend and colleague some are sure to recall, as the US President of GIM.

Peter S. Knight, formerly Managing Director Met West Financial, lawyer, Chief of Staff for Senator Al Gore (D-TN) from 1977-1989, and Campaign Manager for President Clinton’s successful re-election in 1996, is President of Generation U.S.

This would be him: Reno Rejects Inquiry Into a Clinton Aide

Atty Gen Janet Reno decides against any further investigation of Peter Knight, Pres Clinton’s 1996 campaign manager in connection with office building development in nation’s capital; such an investigation could have led to naming independent counsel to look further into activities of Knight, who is also former top assistant to Vice Pres Al Gore.

Yes, thanks to Janet Reno, no one ever found out how $20,000 in stock turned up in an account for Knight’s then 13 year old child.

Dispute over Democratic Party campaign-financing shifts to Zachary Knight, 13-year-old son of Peter S Knight, Clinton-Gore campaign chairman in 1996, who was given $20,000 in stock by William Haney 3d, chairman of Molten Metal Technology Inc; Republicans believe gift, which came after father was named chairman of campaign, was really payment to Knight, who had worked as $7,000-per-month lobbyist for company; Knight denies involvement in any impropriety; photo

Riehl accurately asked:

If Gore’s motivation in pushing Global Warming is so altruistic, was it really necessarily for the already wealthy Gore to establish a multi-million dollar corporation in England to cash in? And given the history of Gore and Knight, are these people we should trust to drive a re-vamping of the world economy at the same time they’re lining their pockets because of our much smaller carbon footprints?

Riehl marvelously concluded:

If Al Gore is successful with this latest scheme, Gore and his cronies are going to be much more $green$ than most of the earth. And the only green in this for you and me is the kind that accompanies envy as Gore trucks around on private jets putting dollars to offset his extravagance into a cash machine generating profits on the backs of the middle class with misrepresented science that doesn’t deserve to be called science at all.

Meanwhile, a complacent media, rather than hounding Gore over his financial conflicts of interest, continue to shill for this conman’s junk science.

Glenn did not make fun of Malia - Obama did when (sm) - Auntie Lou

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he reported that his 11 year old daughter said, "Daddy did you fix the hole yet?" What 11 year old would even think that. Obama made her look stupid, just like Michelle insinuated she had a weight problem and probably embarrassed the crap out of her. Poor kid...with parents like that....

The heck he didn't!!!!! Have a listen!!! PLEASE! - Beck is a boil on the butt

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this country!

Glenn Beck - Tired of Bashing

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As it has already be said multiple times to not watch Glenn Beck or Fox if you do not like their opinions. Last Friday's show on Glenn Beck was very informative.

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