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Trump and his gang of deplorables

Posted: May 11, 2017

As word comes out about Trump ordering Rosenstein and Sessions to write the letters recommending Comey be fired and Rosenstein now talking about quitting; while more is coming out about Comey stepping up the investigation and requesting more financial support and Trump being very angry with Comey for not dropping the investigation; AND Trumps juvenile poking at Comey in the letter of termination regarding Comey telling Trump 3 times that he was not  under investigation. . . do you think Trump's cabinet of deplorables will start dropping like flies and singing like jail birds?  Save yourselves, deplorables!


Democrats desparate to turn Trump into Nixon. - The Nixon scandal was about

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bugging and spying on political opponents, like Obama truly did on Trump. Russia is just the weak, made up excuse to cover for the real Nixonian spy scandal of the Dems.

I keep hearing the MSM saying "not since Nixon" - as if Bill Clinton firing

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William Sessions never happened.

MSM is counting on the stupidity of their - leftie followers.

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MSM is an insult to anyone with intelligence, but intelligent people are not getting news from MSM.

Not the same thing at all. - The Sessions firing

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was because of not not paying taxes and using government money for personal use. The Nixon firing of the FBI director - just like Trump's - was while that director was investigating criminal behavior on the part of the president. not the same thing at all.
Comey was fired for being incompetent. - The Russian investigation will go on.
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If you did not consider Comey incompetent you are out of line with your leftie comrades. They have been blaming him for Hillary's loss as well as incriminating her without prosecuting her.

Fired for being incompetent? - Just conveniently
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at the exact same time that he is pushing more aggressively into the Russian-Trump connections? After Comey pretty much handed the presidency over to Trump? I think not!!! This has nothing to do with Clinton, this is all about the President of the United States trying to get away with something by firing someone who would not look the other way! The post you replied to was just giving you a history lesson since Trump can't because he is completely clueless on the history of this country he is supposed to be in charge of!
FIRED because of INCOMPETENCY! - Don't you watch the news?
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Prior to this firing both sides of the political aisle have mentioned Comey was out of line. Now it suits the lefties to IGNORE their protests about Comey interfering with the election and the spin is he was fired because of the Russian investigation.

Any leftie who believes this investigation will be stopped because Comey is gone is incredibly "naive" when Comey himself was not personally conducting the investigation but just receiving reports from the 100s of agents who were on the case.

And if you think Trump thought firing Comey would end the investigation you are incredibly "naive" and probably a victim of too much MSM half-stories told out of context. Trump has access to the best and brightest advisors who told him the investigation would go on with or without Comey.
Not naive in the least, - but savvy enough to
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see that Trump figured out that he could not control Comey and is planning on replacing him with a more malleable investigator. The dems only protested Comey because of his 11th-hour announcement about the emails that helped lose her the election. They are not IGNORING that, but they are PROTESTING the way self-centered Trump handled it and the probable reasons why he did it. The investigation will indeed continue because now the republicans knows that they must push for it or they will be in big trouble with their constituents. And once again - the comparison of William Session in 1993 to Comey now is completely apples and oranges!
The Democrats were protesting Comey - giving too much info about Hillary's server
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and flat out told everyone she lied to him about why she had a private server. He laid out a case against her which was UNPROFESSIONAL but because of his Loretta Lynch connection and Loretta Lynch connection with Bubba Bill, advised she would not be able to or want to prosecute. This was UNPROFESSIONAL.

Comey has reeked for a long time, no matter what political affiliation you have. He damned Hillary for the private server at the hearing even though he kept her off the prosecution hook and he damned her once again right before the election reopening the investigation.

I think you mean Clinton, not Nixon - nm
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Comey deserved to be fired, plenty of bipartisan dirt on him and - excellent work down by Sessions'

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deputy to lay out the case.

The Republicans (hopefully) know by now that any "special prosecutor" becomes a political player against them. Bill Clinton very likely won the 1992 election because of the indictments of Casper Weinberger and 3 others, 5 days before that election. The indictments were quietly dropped right after the election (since they were only a political stunt), but they swung the vote from a small Bush lead to strong Clinton victory.

Any "special "prosecutor today would, again, simply be an arm of the Democrat Party.

I guess the lefties were for it before they were against it. - Where have I heard that before?

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Desperate Democrats would do anything but admit - they had a flawed candidate who lost to TRUMP

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All this commotion over Trump is not going to get a Democrat elected without new ideas and no reruns of the likes of Hillary or Bernie and certainly not Pocahontas.

While Democrats are focused on Trump, they are losing ground in creating new leaders and new ideas.

Trump lives rent free in the lefties heads. - nm

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I have never seen anything like this on MTStars - TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP
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Day and night, night and day.

I think some of these people need serious mental health help. I cannot imagine spending this much time obsessed over a political candidate and living a normal life.
Well you seem to be doing it! - NM
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I am waiting for work to download and - scanning posts. I only posted my surprise
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I am not obsessed with any political figure, Democrat or Republican. Personally I think they are all weird, egotistical and crooked. So to spend time trying to take them down is a waste and to post here trying to convert others to hating Trump is a waste.
I've never seen the MSM so full of hate. They were - bad with Bush and as far back
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as Reagan, but this takes the cake.

Thank you for this insightful commentary. We must not - allow the left and their sniveling

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boot-licker press allies to manufacture another Watergate and confuse and demoralize the public. Prayers offered up for God’s protection over the Trump administration and our Republic.

Don't bring God into it or Trump will have us - pay for that too.

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Trump will have you pay for God? - Have lefties lost their friggin minds?
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What ignorance prevails on the left side. Sore losers, sour grapes and crazed posting nonsense.

This must be the Washington Compost spin. - Numerous fungi are a part of that heap

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Just breakdown the species and you'll see they're all leftists.

I know nothing about a gang of deplorables except - the constant Trump bashing folks on MTStars

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Do you all ever get concerned that Trump is consuming your life?

What about your family and friends?

Never mind. Lack of family and friends for Trump obsessed posters may be why they are focused on Trump.

The crime is Hillary's illegal private email server - It opened the door for hacking by just about anyon

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You don't think other countries hacked??

She was warned. And her refusal to give up her computers says "intent".

She didn't lose any votes because of the hacking. She lost because she played the same game that Obama played to win..."Block voting...Blacks, Hispanics, Women"

But she forgot about working folks.

So you believe that opened the door up to - hacking?

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I have heard about hacking of government servers way before Hillary's server.

I believe I said propaganda is what killed her chances, which is true.

I do agree with you that she should have reached out more to the working people but do believe propaganda is what really did her in. I remember being on here before the election calling folks out on the propaganda they were spreading (and still are). Trump also played on that propaganda and the weak minded believed it all and thought he was the savior.

Neither of them are perfect but he a is pure and simple conman and will never be anything more.

Just what "propaganda" about Hillary was untrue? - I did not hear anyone deny it .

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Hillary is as pure and simple a lying crook as Trump is a pure and simple conman. Equally bad people that caused me not to vote at all.

Well, the crackpot opened this up wide - Trump can't keep his story straight

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