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There Will Be Blood

Posted: Nov 23, 2010

There Will Be Blood

Former Senator Alan Simpson is a Very Serious Person. He must be — after all, President Obama appointed him as co-chairman of a special commission on deficit reduction.

So here’s what the very serious Mr. Simpson said on Friday: “I can’t wait for the blood bath in April. ... When debt limit time comes, they’re going to look around and say, ‘What in the hell do we do now? We’ve got guys who will not approve the debt limit extension unless we give ’em a piece of meat, real meat,’ ” meaning spending cuts. “And boy, the blood bath will be extraordinary,” he continued.

Think of Mr. Simpson’s blood lust as one more piece of evidence that our nation is in much worse shape, much closer to a political breakdown, than most people realize.
Some explanation: There’s a legal limit to federal debt, which must be raised periodically if the government keeps running deficits; the limit will be reached again this spring. And since nobody, not even the hawkiest of deficit hawks, thinks the budget can be balanced immediately, the debt limit must be raised to avoid a government shutdown. But Republicans will probably try to blackmail the president into policy concessions by, in effect, holding the government hostage; they’ve done it before.

Now, you might think that the prospect of this kind of standoff, which might deny many Americans essential services, wreak havoc in financial markets and undermine America’s role in the world, would worry all men of good will. But no, Mr. Simpson “can’t wait.” And he’s what passes, these days, for a reasonable Republican.

The fact is that one of our two great political parties has made it clear that it has no interest in making America governable, unless it’s doing the governing. And that party now controls one house of Congress, which means that the country will not, in fact, be governable without that party’s cooperation — cooperation that won’t be forthcoming.
Elite opinion has been slow to recognize this reality. Thus on the same day that Mr. Simpson rejoiced in the prospect of chaos, Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, appealed for help in confronting mass unemployment. He asked for “a fiscal program that combines near-term measures to enhance growth with strong, confidence-inducing steps to reduce longer-term structural deficits.”

My immediate thought was, why not ask for a pony, too? After all, the G.O.P. isn’t interested in helping the economy as long as a Democrat is in the White House. Indeed, far from being willing to help Mr. Bernanke’s efforts, Republicans are trying to bully the Fed itself into giving up completely on trying to reduce unemployment.

And on matters fiscal, the G.O.P. program is to do almost exactly the opposite of what Mr. Bernanke called for. On one side, Republicans oppose just about everything that might reduce structural deficits: they demand that the Bush tax cuts be made permanent while demagoguing efforts to limit the rise in Medicare costs, which are essential to any attempts to get the budget under control. On the other, the G.O.P. opposes anything that might help sustain demand in a depressed economy — even aid to small businesses, which the party claims to love.

Right now, in particular, Republicans are blocking an extension of unemployment benefits — an action that will both cause immense hardship and drain purchasing power from an already sputtering economy. But there’s no point appealing to the better angels of their nature; America just doesn’t work that way anymore.

And opposition for the sake of opposition isn’t limited to economic policy. Politics, they used to tell us, stops at the water’s edge — but that was then.

These days, national security experts are tearing their hair out over the decision of Senate Republicans to block a desperately needed new strategic arms treaty. And everyone knows that these Republicans oppose the treaty, not because of legitimate objections, but simply because it’s an Obama administration initiative; if sabotaging the president endangers the nation, so be it.

How does this end? Mr. Obama is still talking about bipartisan outreach, and maybe if he caves in sufficiently he can avoid a federal shutdown this spring. But any respite would be only temporary; again, the G.O.P. is just not interested in helping a Democrat govern.
My sense is that most Americans still don’t understand this reality. They still imagine that when push comes to shove, our politicians will come together to do what’s necessary. But that was another country.

It’s hard to see how this situation is resolved without a major crisis of some kind. Mr. Simpson may or may not get the blood bath he craves this April, but there will be blood sooner or later. And we can only hope that the nation that emerges from that blood bath is still one we recognize.


Hey, but they have Palin, eh? - it is so sad

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The Republican's only answer is to go back to the Bush years and do the same thing over again. While they called for people to be patriotic and support Bush, they won't give an inch to support this country. Can you just imagine Palin negotiating with North Korea?

Now you know how the conservatives felt when - our President was elected

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So, the thought of Sarah Palin scares you when thinking of her negotiating with North Korea. Well, imagine how all of us conservatives felt with our new Commander in Chief got voted in. All of that military experience. I actually hope SP does not run for President, but I will tell you that was a very scary day for me (election day) when he became our Commander in Chief. I definitely did not feel he was in anyway qualified for that title over McCain. Yes, when I saw the headlines about the North Korea bombing that good old nauseating feeling came back, because I still have very little faith in him when it comes to dealing with anything of that nature.

Obama's qualifications--at least is smart - and knows foreign policy.

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"Barack Obama attended Occidental College, but received his undergraduate degree in political science from Columbia University, an Ivy League member currently ranked 9th in the country by U.S. News and World Report. Obama also graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, where he also served as President of the Harvard Law Review. Harvard Law School is ranked the best Law School in America.
Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude"

He did all that without a silver spoon in his mouth, or a rich powerful family to take care of those little problems that some seem to run into.

He was a senator for 4 years, and now president for 2. He has signed the START treaty and we are waiting for the 'pubs to quit sitting on their hands and get it ratified.

Hopefully, all that running around the world that the 'pubs complain about will help him in this crisis.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_college_degrees_does_Barack_Obama_have#ixzz169bLnlFK
WikiWiki - sm
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Mikhail and Pelosi - where do you START
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Wow, that made me feel better. He graduated - with a nice law degree
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Now, that really made me feel better about him being over our military. Now that you have reminded me of his credentials, how did he get elected? Really, 4 years as a senator, not to mention a large portion of that was spent running for President. Loads of experience!!
I wouldn't claim the Columbia University credit - didn't you know?
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He never did attend Columbia. There is a lot more to him than people realize (or want to believe).
Have you ever heard of factcheck or snopes? - You must be a birther
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Get a brain.
Nope....just a truth seeker - didn't you know? (SM)
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Nobody in the class he said he graduated from ever knew or saw him. Even in the actual classrooms nobody ever saw him attend. Investigators were hired and found no public records exist. There is not one piece of documentation for the years he claimed he went to show that he ever went. His name does not appear on any of the rosters, register, memos, awards, deans list, yearbook, club records, fraternity record, activity roster, student newspaper, student radio or TV activity. As a graduating senior in 1983 he does not appear in any Political Science (his major) or Graduating Class yearbook or invitation records.

There is absolutely no documentation of any kind to show he attended, lived, worked or played at Columbia University during the investigated 4 years

Interviewed professors, college employees, students (who were at Columbia during the years in question) have failed to turn up a single person that can remember him. This is irrefutable evidence.

Wait, I know....he stood in the back of the room in the coat closet to make sure nobody would ever see him attend. Yeah, that's it.

Factcheck? Have you ever heard of the Annenberg Foundation? Might want to do some researching on them and their connection. Whenever doing research one should not trust just one site. You need to search multiple sources, compare the information, do some background research on the people who put out the information, and then make your best intelligent decisions. Citing just factcheck or snopes doesn't cut the mustard.
Wow, some defense there.. and very laughable.nm - Independent
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I don\'t understand - sm - Anoni~

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We haven\'t had a President with military experience since George Sr., like 18 years ago. And please don\'t bring up Jr.\'s National Guard stint which was a joke. Mr. McCain spent most of his time at the Hanoi Hilton - a horrendous thing, but it hardly qualified him as a military leader either. I can\'t see anyone surving that type of situation and being completely mentally competent.

While I\'d vote for my dog before I voted for Sarah, I\'d say her major problem dealing with North Korea is that there are too many Asians there - her reason for leaving the university in Hawaii I believe.

We haven\'t had a strong military leader in the White House since....Eisenhower? I think it\'s time to accept the fact that it\'s not gonna happen any time soon, perhaps never.

No, the Republicans' answer is the smart one... - sam

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The first thing to do in dealing with the deficit is stop adding to it. So far our President and the Democrats have not gotten that through their heads. The have doubled, almost tripled, the debt that Obama says Bush left him with (TARP, which he voted for himself while still a Senator). So, in effect, Obama supported and voted for a big part of thd debt he was left with. And instead of cutting programs that don't work, banning earmarks and various other things he promised when he ran...just the opposite. Piled on MORE debt. Now wants to reinstate tax cuts that will further depress the economy in a feeble attempt to start controlling the deficit he is largely responsible for.

I wuldn't be accusing Republicans of going BACK to the Bush years because Obama brought them FORWARD with him. Yep, that is sad all right.

Paul Krugman disagrees with you - and I think he is smarter - nm

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That's an odd statement - anon
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You have no idea the education of any of the people here. To claim that certain people (whom you obviously agree with) are smarter than others is just an odd statement. I know that a lot of people who come on this board have degrees. And I know a lot of people in the media who have degrees are not always playing with a full deck.

Sam claimed the Republicans had the smart answer - Krugman is smarter - nm
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Don't get it?
Perhaps you didn't read the O.P. article? - Paul Krugman is author
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Paul Krugman is an American economist, professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times.[4][5] In 2008, Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his contributions to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography.


Most real smart economists agree with him.
Paul Krugman is smart... - sure he is
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Depends on your definition of "smarter" - You didn't get the message
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Nobody on this board knows the education level of any of the people here.

Krugman is a known liberal. I've read a lot of his articles - Backwards Typist

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and listened to him on the Sunday morning "press rooms." The pubs can't do anything right in his mind. Even when there was bipartisanship, he was condemning them.

Instead of sitting behind a desk and condemning maybe, since he seems to know it all, he should run for Congress. Yepper, I'm sure he would have a lot of great ideas.

A KNOWN liberal - scary

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So many liberals seem to be very intelligent and nice. Why are you so afraid of them?

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