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Extracting blood from a turnip

Posted: Aug 10, 2011

I do watch stocks and the market and I would say I am getting a bit of experience. As Boehner and the House led the country to the verge of economic collapse last week, I was listening very carefully. After the debt ceiling bill had been passed and everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, I noted that the CNBC pundits were talking about the corporate insiders selling activity (Corporate CEOs and other high ranking corporate types must report when they exercise their personal stock options). An indicator to sell off a particular stock is high when you see alot of insider selling. Then, when the market should have been settling down after the debt ceiling deadline, there was a 413 point drop in the DOW between Wednesday, August 3, and Thursday, August 4. The part that is curious, is the S&P downgrade was not released until after the market closed on Friday, August 5. Anyone else see any funny business here? Monday's sell-off was entirely predictable in light of the S&P downgrade. The fluctuations that occurring now are probably based on a fear-driven round of profit taking opportunities (stealing?). I sure hope the SEC takes a look at the big fund/big banks that were selling. There are days when I cannot believe what they did to Martha Stewart for taking a friend's advice when this huge rampant stealing goes on all the time. Anyway, I then saw the below video of Dylan Ratigan expressing his views. I am starting to think perhaps Obama's Super-Congress is a brilliant move, if they can get some moderate Republicans serving as well. Maybe change is possible. ;

Thanks for posting this. - Interesting....

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This bears looking into. It reminds me of the recent post about S&P's possible ties to the GOP. I haven't had a chance to read that article in depth by following its's embedded links but would be interested to see what kind of information has led to these conclusions. To answer your question, it's beginning to look like something is definitely amiss.

The stock market is dishonest, manipulative. It has - ruined the way America does business, and

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the way America saves for retirement. (Not with real money, but with pretend, funny-money that may or may not really actually exist.) It's a smoke-and-mirrors establishment, and I would like to see the stock market dismantled. There's too much greed in it, and just like everything else that's wrong with the US, the greedy ones at the top are making their fortunes off our backs, and grinding us into the dirt as well.

for pete's sake - dnh

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No one forces anyone to invest in the stock market. if you don't want to risk the market making money off of you, don't invest in it. But don't complain when it does well and you have missed out either. It is a given fact that the market involves risk. No one was complaining in the late 90s and early 2000s when everyone was making big bucks. You can save for retirement or anything else any way you want, the market, a bank, depositories, bonds, or under your mattress. Dismantling the market would do far more damage than good and would serve no good purpose. Again, if you don't like it, don't use it. Why, oh why, are so many people on this board so eager to blame someone else for their problems and so jealous of others who have been more financially successful? Grow the heck up already.

Yes, it's just like its owner, - Rupert Murdoch (nm)

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Note: 401K and pensions are mandatory - No opting out

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I guess you don't understand how it is to be a worker bee. The problem is that it used to be you bought a stock (or mutual fund) because you thought the value was good and thought it would raise over time. Now, the market is manipulated by computers programmed to make split-second trades and by leveraged financial instuments that ARE smoke and mirrors. The 401K was a good idea initially but then the crooks figured out how to make your money, their money. Now they want your SS funds.

This message was meant "for pete's sake - dnh" - sorry, wrong place.=nm

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for pete's sake - dnh
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Where? Mine is most definitely not mandatory. Where is it mandatory? I do not know anyone who has to make a mandatory contribution to a 401K, 403B or pension fund.
Oops. Should have said automatic enrollment. - Not a nit-picker
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Many are mandatory or you lose it. Now that would be stupid, wouldn't it? Hmmm. Auto enrollment started during Bush/Republican Congress years, didn't it?

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