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So Donald Trump doesn't believe his own intelligence community.

Posted: Dec 12, 2016

You can bet that if HC won the election and the CIA said that the Russians hacked it to favor her, DT would be absolutely apoplectic, jumping up and down yelling that the election was rigged but, of course, since he won, the election was absolutely legitimate and the CIA is not to be believed.  It should frighten everyone to have a president who doesn't take intelligence briefings and does not believe his own intelligence community.


So you can predict what Donald Trump - would do? How is that possible? Psychic network?

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What exactly did the intelligence community OFFICIALLY say that Trump disbelieved? Do you have a link to an official announcement by a CIA authority that Russians hacked the election to rig for Trump. All I can find are "anonymous" sources so I am attributing that to fake news and excuse makers for Hillary. (Guess the Democrat talking heads gave up on blaming Comey for Hillary's failure.)

Kind of early to spread manure doncha think as the man has not taken office yet.

The intelligence community didn't say - Trump disbelieved

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the Russian hacking had any affect on the election, Donald Trump OFFICIALLY did.

What did the "intelligence community" say - that Trump disbelieved?

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What announcement has the "intelligence community" make? What documented official with any "intelligence community" make to the public?

If you quote an anonymous source I disbelieve the information and consider it fake news.
Methinks the intelligence community isn't so intelligent. - Olga
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Methinks the intelligence community has remained - silent, except for "anonymous source"
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For all we know, anonymous source could be somebody in their basement in New Jersey hired to create fake news by the Clinton Camp.
Why don't you send an email - to John McCain
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and ask him. He's one of the ones that asked for an investigation.
An investigation is not proof. Remember Hillary's - FBI investigation???
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What did that prove?
Nobody said an investigation is - proof
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it means it is an investigation. The investigation on Hillary proved there was nothing there.
Well there was a little something-something there. - She became a proven liar.
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And she did use the private server that had national security e-mails on it. And she really did lie under oath.
John McCain may just want an investigation - to clear false allegations.
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Considering all that has come out is from an anonymous source, maybe McCain wants to find out who is anonymous source and what exactly do they know.
He wants an investigation - on the hacking
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and investigate to see if there is proof that it did or didn't affect the election. An investigation means to prove one way or the other. I merely said he is one of the ones that launched the investigation because some are saying the democrats are behind it. I also said there is no proof of anything.
I think an investigation is good. It may out - the anonymous source
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I would love to know more about this source who is afraid to use his name while dividing a nation with his accusations of Russian hacking affecting the election.

I would also like to know more about how you can prove Russians hacked anything affecting the election or otherwise.

If the investigation was started by Republicans (I thought it was bipartisan) I am sure they want to get to the anonymous source who is making these claims.
I'm sure the investigation - will provide
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information on who the source is; in fact, I'm betting the people doing the investigation know who the source is but it is still under investigation. The republicans suggested a bipartisan panel to investigate and that is why a bipartisan panel is investigating.

Some of us are still waiting for Donald's tax returns. Where do you suppose those are?
If the anonymous source - Hail Caesar
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is a CIA agent (yes, we still have them) then you can understand the anonymity.
No I do not understand why an anonymous source CIA - person would leak information.
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What's the point in leaking that information? That could risk this person's job.

I think the anonymous source is a figment of liberal media's imagination.
I do not give a care about Trump's tax returns. - Millions of other voters do not either
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Only people who are sore losers come out from under rocks to suggest this should be an issue.

I pay as little in taxes is possible using every trick in the book. Suppose Trump did too?
I don't care if you're - not interested in his tax returns
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I am and so is over half the country. We don't trust him like the suckers on the right.
Just because someone requests anonymity - Hail Caesar
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does not mean it is not a reliable source.
Why would you seek anonymity if you have valid - information?
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And why did this "news" not come from a valid (reputable)source in CIA with details of what they have found?
Probably because he didn't want - to get
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death threats from Trump supporters like the Union guy at Carrier.

Trump's behavior and the CIA - Hail Caesar

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Stay tuned.

Stay tuned for what? An anonymous source - to tell me Russia was involved in election?

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Did you ever think anonymous sources are not reliable informants? Did you ever consider anonymous sources could be any cheeseball who likes to create fake news to undermine Trump.
Stay tuned again - Hail Caesar
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for more info. We are too far apart to argue. Let's see what develops. Congress is not treating this as fake news so I'm sure there will be more to come.
Sure, and more to come on Hillary's investigation? - Get real, face facts
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Hillary is a loser and she and her clan cannot face reality so they make every excuse under the sun.

I supported Trump but that's because a flying saucer landed on my roof and an alien told me to vote for Trump.

Santa and the tooth fairy told me to vote for Hillary because she had lots of freebies and my kids could go to college for free.

I decided to listen to the more realistic space alien and voted for Trump.

How can I predict what he would do? - OABO

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The past is prologue.

I voted for Trump because Putin told me to do so. - sm

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What frightens me is what the mainstream media feeds the liberal masses, and they lap it up!!! Oh, my!!

What frightens me - is that so

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many people don't lap up facts about Trump. Oh, My!!!

What frightens me is so many psychics have come out - of woodwork to predict Trump failure

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You would think this psychic network would be doing something beneficial for themselves and the country instead of using their cracked crystal balls to bash Trump.

It would be funny if it was not so pathetic.

...and ignored true facts about Hillary - Truthhurts

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and where is the proof of - those facts
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My internet and television must work differently than yours. All the facts I find are that nothing was found, only in the delusional right-winged minds who believe all the stories from the right-winged, hillary hating sites. I guess those are more reliable than what our government agencies have found. You seem to have all these facts, yet never produce any of them.

Yes, I also voted for Trump because I have a crush - on Putin. Millions of voters voted for Putin?

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The idea that Trump was elected by millions of voters because of Russia hackers is ludicrous.

But that is typical liberal excuse-making. Comey, recounts, fake news, the Russians.

Some examples of the - fake news

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that people believed is that 3 million illegals voted, Hillary and Bill had a sex ring going, the maid shredded the emails, the Wikileaks hacked emails that showed nothing. This is the stuff that got Donald elected. People believed this fake news. Before you say it's real, if you believe that then show me the proof. Before the election, on this board is where I saw people posting this stuff and believing it. Trump was even spewing this stuff.

Again, this is how Trump got elected. People also believed that he was "going to make America great, lock her up, bring all jobs back, build the wall, tear down ACA. Even the republicans are saying they can't just tear down the ACA before they have a plan, which could take a few years. I'm betting that their plan will be a few changes to ACA and they'll call it Trumpcare. He does have to have his name on everything.

I wish Putin would tell me more... - sm

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I need to know if I should put flavoring in the hot cocoa and what is the best crayon colour to buy.
I want to know the best vodka. Is there a - difference in expensive and cheap brands
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What is Putin's favorite vodka drink? Screwdrivers, martinis or bloody Marys.

He said Stolichnaya was the best. - And he likes his martinis
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shaken, not stirred.

It's not Trump's intelligence community. He's not the president yet - Truthhurts

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It's still Obama's administration and that includes the intelligence community.

It will only become Trump's intelligence community when he takes the oath of office.

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