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So Disappointed

Posted: Nov 7, 2012

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. I am so worried about the future of this country. Today with sadness I took my flag down. I do not want anyone to mistakenly think that my flying the flag implies that I am happy about the outcome of this election and I cannot bring myself to feel at all patriotic. I have been thinking about what individuals like myself can do to express our disappointment, for lack of a better word and trying to remain polite. I have decided that I can and will vote with my feet. I can choose to do business, as much as is possible, only with individuals or businesses who share my political beliefs. I can choose to go on vacation only in red states (assuming I can actually afford to take a vacation after the thugs in DC steal as much of my hard-earned money from me as they can and will). I am sure there are other things I can do as well. I would love to hear your ideas.


sounds good - except the part about

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vacationing only in red states is sort of like punishing the entire class because of the one kid who threw a spitball. I'm sure there are many deserving business owners who share your beliefs but happen to live in a blue state.

Nope. I do not even want to go to work today. - I could not even put

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out a sign who I wanted to vote for because of the cold attitude I will get in the neighborhood.

I just cannot get over the first debate and I actually saw the real Obama and thought you gotta be kidding that he was running our country the first 4 years.

Maybe we should divide the county, the east can go to the Dems and the west can go to the Pubs.

How bout you all move to - Antartica and

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start your own country? I hear with climate change it might actually be livable one day... oh but wait, you folks don't believe in climate change... oh well.
oops, that should be - Antarctica NM
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How bout you all move to North Korea. Nobody is allowed to disagree there - You'll fit right in
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People have concerns. LEGITIMATE CONCERNS!

People are upset. LEGITIMATELY. People have the right to express how they feel.

You don't like a difference of opinion or people expressing the sadness they see at the death of our country and democracy YOU go move to North Korea. People there are not allowed to give a difference of opinion. You'll be happy there.
Your own country - Mgc
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Good advice for them to start their own country. They need one, as it's their own hard right-wing nuts that got Obama reelected. They never learn, though, do they. They just keep coming with the most ridiculous and outlandish and plain out stupid accusations possible. Turn off Fox News for a day or two, and see if you don't feel better.
Do you have any idea what posters look like when they - assume?
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The answer would be just that.  You are assuming that all conservatives watch Fox.  The truth is we don't.  A lot of us don't have TV.  We read independent websites to get the news.

You're just mad that people have a difference of opinion.  That's America baby.  Land of the free (or so it used to be).  You see, here in the United States people are free to have a difference of opinion.  That is what our country is about.  i know you don't like that, wish anyone who doesn't agree with you would not have the right to voice their opinion.  But this is America. 

There's a place called North Korea.  People there are not allowed to give a difference of opinion.  If they do they are jailed and sometimes executed.  You'd love it there. 


own country? - dina
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yes, i think republicans might do well to start their own country. We can all work, practice our freedoms (all of them) without fear, uphold the constitution and honor the bill of rights. Then when all the democrats are in their own country, they will find out how ignorant they are because without the working republicans, who will there be to support them? Who will fund everything for them? There will be no one to rob or to demonize as they do to the republicans. Hmmm, might they have to actually grow up and take care of themselves? Yes, republicans would be better off without democrats.
Sounds like Utopia - nm - anon
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You cannot be that - vf
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small minded to believe that only republicans work. If so, how sad for you that you believe that progressives/liberals/Democrats don't work or don't want to work and are looking for a handout just because you heard a few radicals say that. Our history tells a different story and it would do you well to brush up on facts and stop buying into the hype.

WA, OR, CA, and NV might have problems with that - nm

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What you saw in that first debate - vf

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was disbelief and confusion. Obama was all set to debate the conservative Mitt and was caught completely off guard when moderate Mitt showed up. It was unbelievable how he just changed all his positions right there in front of millions of viewers. The truth prevailed. Don't worry, all the talk about Obama's plan take away guns and turn the country over to Muslims were just lies and propaganda.

LOL on dividing the country... especially the part about the west going to the pubs.

I put out a sign in my highly conservative neighborhood, - reception be damned. If you disagree

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so much with them, why value their opinion so much? My postman and neighbor down the hill smile to my face but talk to each other about the magazines I read. They're okay people anyway, even if boring to talk to. I'm afraid they miss the very important point that some people really DO read.

Babbling on here, but what I'm trying to say is maybe take this opportunity to declare your own independence? Put out a sign saying, "I'm disappointed and I want everyone to know it!" You won't be unhappy with yourself taking your little stand, believe me. :)

So Disappointed - just me

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Thanks for making a good point. I had not thought of that. So if I happen to find myself in a blue state for some reason, I will be as choosy as possible with how I am spending my money - again assuming I have money to spend.

You can give it a little time. Repealing Roe v. Wade is - lost if that was important to you, but otherwise

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we will continue on with the economic recovery, but with the Obama administration financial reforms staying in place. Same for healthcare reform and dealing with climate change; if you're not specifically watching you don't even know it's happening.

Thing is, nothing very dramatic, just getting better and better, with more jobs and chances to increase wages, etc., over time. You can live with that, right?

See message - just me

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It is obvious to me that you and I don't see eye to eye on this subject, which is fine. There is nothing you can say that will make me think the election of Obama for a second term is a good thing - just as I am sure there is nothing I can say to make you think it was a mistake and bad for the country. Just agree to disagree. I do say with all sincerity that I truly, truly hope you are right and I am wrong, but again I just don't see how this is a good thing.

My point is that if it's a continuation of our recovery - what's SO bad? Buck up. nm

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and what country do you live in??..... - anon

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economy getting better and better...ha. certainly not where I am at! more jobs...they are still laying off around here, daily, and increase wages? you have lost your mind or live in a bubble. healthcare reform?? you don't even know what is in that bill that could affect you, and if you think you won't have to pay high health care costs, you are so blind in that respect, it's sad. financial reforms?? the only financial reforms is taking money from us to give to some banks that say they are failing and letting them stay in business because of it...yet, "you didn't build that, somebody else built that for you." yeah...okay...keep on dreaming. I must live in a different country than you do, because I don't see anything good coming out of this at all... and no, I can't live with that...right?? Fantasy land!

taking down your flag - sm

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I think it's a shame to check out on America that way. Our flag is a symbol of our country, not a political device used to telegraph your political orientation.

Rather than seeking ways to express disappointment, seek ways to support your community and your country. Make sure your shopping habits are consistent with your philosophies. Supporting local business supports your community. Do you turn off your lights when you go out? Do you recycle? Think about every dime you spend and where it goes. Put your energy into being a good citizen rather than punishing those who disagree with you. If you do that, you can never go wrong.

It is a shame - just me

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I agree, it is a shame to check out on America, but for me the flag symbolized a great and free county and I do not see that country at this point in time. Hopefully, I will see it again in the not too distant future. I am an optimist.

As to shopping habits consistent with my philosophies - that has been my habit for my entire adult life. I simply now have one more thing to add to the criteria I use when shopping. I do support my local community in many ways and will continue to do so. This is nothing new for me, just how my parents brought me up. I don't waste electricity, I recycle, I compost, etc. Again, nothing new for me, just the way I was brought up. And I agree, those are habits with which you can never go wrong.

Well, it's your right to do so. - RC

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Lord knows, I'd probably feel just like you do, had Romney won. So in a way, I do understand.
Felt that way when - W Bush reelected.
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So disappointed, I also took down my flag and took a lot of good-natured (but stinging) ribbing for it. (I'm blue in red territory.) Then one day I realized how silly it was. I was still an American and proud of it. Heck, I could even take down my flag in protest because we still have freedom of speech here. The flag eventually went back up.

For "just me," I truly do understand how you feel. The disappointment and despair are very real, but I do hope (and believe) it will wear off one day and you can once again proudly display your flag.

If you think somehow Obama means less free, maybe you need to - add some "freedom actions" to your list.

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I'm not sure what freedoms are supposed to be lost with his reelection, but maybe that was just hyperbole.
No hyperbole - Just me
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Free is exactly what I meant to say. Citizens of a socialist country are not truly free and Obama's agenda for this country is for nothing less than socialism.
that would be hyperbole - sm
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We are not citizens of a socialist country. I think you realize that. Obama is not a dictator. We have a house and a senate, and enough checks and balances to hogtie the country for another four years. All of this anti-American rhetoric from people who think they are "patriots" is completely counterproductive. I long to hear from someone on the right who can talk about the issues without casting aspersions and making it personal.

Excellent. I so agree. I can't remember a genuinely - good citizen who isn't a happy person.nm

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Note, we're talking here about contributing in positive, good ways.

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