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Recess appointments...sm

Posted: Jan 10, 2012

How Often Have Recent Presidents Made Recess Appointments? 
President William J. Clinton made 139 recess appointments, 95 to full-time positions. President 
George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, of which 99 were to full-time positions.
 As of 
January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments, all to full-time 

How Often Have Recent Presidents Made Recess Appointments? 

President William J. Clinton made 139 recess appointments, 95 to full-time positions.

President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, of which 99 were to full-time positions.

As of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments, all to full-time positions.


Recess appointments - letsget real - Conservative

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Glad to see actual facts listed instead of the name calling below and assessments that are way off. Although, I do not like Obama at all, you cannot argue with the numbers and stats that are routinely published. Too bad more are not interested in facts on this board, as are you and me. The only comment I would make in regards to the latest recess appointment is not that Obama has the ability to make them, but rather the legality since Congress was not in recess. Those requirements are clearly defined in the constitution.

But in this case, we're not really talking about "recess appointments" per se. - Zville MT

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I have somewhat of a problem with recess appointments, but I understand it's part of the DC machine. In this case, however, the senate was in pro-forma session, not technically in recess, which means Obama could not make a recess appointment. What he did was completely circumvent congress, which is unconstitutional.

Recess appointments per se-ZVille MT - Conservative

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That was exactly the point. Very few posters even know what pro forma means. Because of that, following comments do not make sense. D.C. is screwed up in a lot of ways. Many problems would be corrected overnight if the Constitution was used as intended.

Agree whole-heartedly! - Zville MT

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I didn't hear any complaints from the likes of Harry Reid when he was the one holding pro forma sessions during the Bush administration. So do away with pro forma sessions so that no one can use them. Congress is becoming more and more obsolete as the days go by anyway! There should be a doormat of the Constitution in front of the WH! Why is is so hard to just follow the rules?
Agree wholeheartedly - Conservative
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I agree with you. Seems too many have no idea what the Constitution means. As for following rules, just look at the posts below...LOL. I think Harry Reid has some serious issues, as does Pelosi. I actually watched Pelosi make a speech that had content not well received. When the speech was reviewed with her front to back, she still claimed she did not make the comments attibuted to her....LOL There was a lot of "rule bending" with those 2. They only think it is okay if it suits their agenda. I don't think it is okay for anyone to bend the Constitution, regardless of why or who. Once that starts, it never leads anywhere good.

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