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No letters on Saturdays

Posted: Feb 6, 2013

I can live with that--the bills can wait until Monday, as long as my packages arrive. :)


I can too, but hate that it shifts more service to - private corporations. Slippery slope. nm

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Curious..... - sm

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What is so wrong with private enterprise filling a void? Does not seem so slippery to me.

It's partly a private enterprise-created void--the USPS is - not ALLOWED to carry some profitable

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types of packages, even though it used to, before the private companies were formed. This law was passed by congressmen and senators who were lobbied and received massive campaign donations from the private carriers.

Other laws have been passed with the intent of hobbling and eventually bringing down the USPS by our "representatives" as well.
News to me - not saying you're wrong - but
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what laws are you talking about that were passed to bring down the USPS?

Prime opportunity for private enterprise - to step in and fill the void.

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Will probably get better service that way anyway.

Better service?! You think you're going to get - delivery to your DOOR for 45 cents? sm

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You'd say goodbye to a national institution and to good service for over 220 years to spite Democrats?

Where the HELL are all the CONSERVatives?

That was quite a rant. - -

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And that was quite a snark - --
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A lot of yelling and swearing in post. - Angry rant?
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Maybe take it as quite a point instead? Door-to-door - delivery will be history if we don't save it.
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CEO's can't pay themselves giant bonuses by charging 46 cents for mail carriers to hand deliver to households across the nation.

BTW, our grandsons' mail carrier is Jeff, and each afternoon they run to the door to chat and show him their toys. At their age, mine was Mrs. Scott. She delivered to the box at the end of the front walk, so I would play out front while I waited for my friend to arrive with the mail each day.

We're going to trade this at 46 cents a stamp for a parking lot kiosk at the entry to the neighborhood and ??? delivery charges?

That ? for future fees? Commercial carriers are only as cheap as they are BECAUSE they have to compete with the USPS... Now.
"If we don't save it" - P.O. has been in/near bankruptcy several years
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Why is it up to "us" to save it? Sounds like the auto and banking industries, and we see how that's turned out. Better to restructure and get good management in place.
Go find out WHY laws have been passed to put it - in danger of going under? Clue:
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There's gold, whole mountain ranges of it, to be mined in a nation's-worth of letters and packages.

46 cents a letter delivered door-to-door is pathetic. We'll pay many times more AND drive to the nearest pickup point for it too.

Just google and find out. There is a REAL conspiracy to drive the United States Postal Service under.

The Tea Party - ate them.

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