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I keep hearing these terms and I chafe every time I hear them. Wasn't sure why until just now while I was making the bed (I know, random, right?) and a memory popped into my head. (Prepare yourself for a long analogy.)
My son was born with a raised birthmark just above his forehead in his hairline, which wasn't an issue until he was about 12 and started to notice girls. He perceived that it was the size of Mount Rushmore and everyone in the world could see it (which they couldn't). He wanted it removed, so being the conscientious mom that I am (she says, smiling) and working in the medical world, I queried all of the doctors I knew about their choice of plastic surgeons. Every one of them said, "Dr. XYZ, but his bedside manner stinks," to which I thought, "I don't have to LIKE him, I just want the best cutter!" (Turns out surgeon WAS a egotistical knob, said procedure was successful and son is devastatingly handsome. )
It just occurred to me that the same is true of our political leaders. I keep hearing that people can "relate to Obama" or that they find Ryan "charming," Biden is a "doofus," that Romney is like the "weird uncle" (okay, I admit, that's mine), but really, none of those things should matter.
It's easy to be swayed by personalities because we're human beings and social creatures. We want to have warm fuzzies about the people running our country. But it's more important that they be "the best cutter." I think we would be wise to put likeability and relateability aside and look at their ABILITIES and RECORDS. I want someone in the White House who is smarter than me, more world wise than me, and stronger than me. I'm never going to have him at my house for coffee and a chit chat, but I (we) ARE going to entrust in him the future of our country.
Okay, weird rambling thought tangent over. Thank you for your patience. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.