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I'd like to see some definitions of libertarian.

Posted: Jan 11, 2014

The term is tossed about by both sides using it to define their position. Please enlighten. TY.


No takers? That's weird...NOT? - nm

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Why is that weird - It's Saturday. We don't all sit around - glued to our computers

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We do have lives outside of this board.

Yes, but lots looked. - Smile.

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I look at a lot of posts, but I don't reply. - Maybe -
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People just don't want to discuss politics all the time. In fact I was going to answer the OPs post, but it's the weekend and thought I'd wait until the weekends over.

I usually don't reply on weekends, but I do come to the board to "window shop". :-)
I have OCD. - nm
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I would suggest - NK

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that you read the Libertarian Party platform. It's all there in a nutshell.

I have done that and that is why... - sm

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...I asked the question in the first place. I see on this board and in the news that both sides affiliate with Libertarian principles. It's confusing to me. John Stossel of FOX news (formerly ABC) says he is a Libertarian. I've heard the Rands are affilitated with the Libertarian Party. I'm being sincere when I say I'm confused by it. My short answer interpretation is small government intrusion into our lives and keeping our constitutional liberties intact. Am I wrong?

That's the way I see it, too - sm

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I think that's a good description.

First, - NK

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I'm not aware that the term is tossed about by both sides using it to define their position. I suppose though that there are planks in their platform that each of the major parties would support. It's my perception that conservative Republicans are more inclined to be Libertarian (Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Bob Barr, Gary Johnson). I think it's a very complex subject and that it can't be reduced to a short description. If I were to do that, I would say minimal regulations (people doing whatever they want as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others), isolationism, and fiscal conservatism.
Thank you very much. - sm
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I like your definition, and it gives me hope that the two major parties can find some common ground and capitalize on that rather than on the differences.
You're welcome. - NK
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I know that there are people who believe that there is little difference between the two major parties, but I don't agree with that. May I suggest that you also read the platforms of Republicans and Democrats and compare the three of them. While not all the premises of any party can be realized, of course, at least they give insight into the beliefs of those 3 parties.
So does that mean Libertarians would want to - legalize drugs and gay marriage?
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Or are they only for coroporate freedom from regulation? It's hard to imagine Republicans getting behind personal freedoms like gay marriage and legal drug use.
Libertarian planks - NK
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1.3 - Personal relationships.

1.4 - Abortion.

As for drugs, I assume that would come under being able to do as you wish as long as it does not involve a victim of violence or fraud.

since you asked, a teapartier with even less heart and soul. - nm

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Sorry, but I don't get this. OP - sm

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Do you mean a libertarian is someone with less heart or soul?

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