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Don't throw out those coathangers just yet...sm

Posted: Aug 14, 2012

This is what's going on in Texas with all the new anti-abortion state laws:  http://www.texastribune.org/texas-health-resources/reproductive-health/looking-mexico-alternative-abortion-clinics/

And this is Mr. Ryan:

1. Ryan co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment that would give legal rights to a fetus starting at conception. Ryan joined 62 other Republicans in co-sponsoring the Sanctity of Human Life Act, an anti-abortion measure declaring that a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.” This would outlaw abortion, some forms of contraception and in-vitro fertilization.

2. Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. In addition to his support of the personhood amendment, Ryan won his congressional seat in 1998 by emphasizing his opposition to all abortions without exceptions. But this puts him at odds with Mitt Romney, who has said he would allow exceptions in cases or rape and incest.

3. Ryan voted to ban abortion coverage from being included in the state health insurance exchanges. The Stupak amendment that Ryan backed would have prevented women from purchasing plans that cover abortion services through the exchanges set up under Obamacare — even when using their own funds.

4. Ryan compared Roe v. Wade to the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision. “Twice in the past the U.S. Supreme Court—charged with being the guardian of rights—has failed so drastically in making this crucial determination that it ‘disqualified’ a whole category of human beings, with profoundly tragic results,” Ryan wrote in 2010. After the 1857 case, Dred Scott v. Sandford, “the second time the Court failed in a case regarding the definition of “human” was in Roe v. Wade in 1973,” he added.

5. Ryan has supported defunding Planned Parenthood. In 2011, he voted for an amendment that would block Planned Parenthood and the health care organization’s affiliates from receiving any funds in a 2011 continuing appropriations bill.


Thank you for posting the link--especially the Texas Trib - efghijk

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I am so frustrated that it is even a possibility that women will lose these freedoms to control their own bodies-- that many women fought (and died) for. I am getting pretty hardened to it all and "almost" think that if the women of today allow this to happen, then they deserve the consequences. Then I think of my own sister who was a victim of rape, my best friend who got pregnant way too young in high school, my ex-boss who became infertile from a botched abortion, and realize that they don't have a clue to what life could be like in Romney/Ryan world.

Cider House Rules - Old movie

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Going to have to put this on my list of books/movies to reread/watch. Any other suggestions?

Inflammatory headline - Dara

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Ryan is pro-life; that's public knowledge, and he is all for protecting the life of the innocent. Feminists believe a woman' right to abort trumps her baby's right to life. Ryan is standing up for those most vulnerable -- baby boys and girls. That's what this all boils down to.

Don't forget BCP, IUD and In Vitro - sm

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and apparently the protection ends when the baby is handed off to the NICU staff. Then, baby, you are on your own!

I'm trying to figure out - what you're trying to say here.

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Both my grandkids were preemies and had to be in the NICU. I'm confused about what you mean.
Paul Ryan wants to take away family planning methods - but
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After the baby is born, he wants to take away its health care if you are poor (decrease Medical Assistance/do away with the Affordable Health Care Act), decrease education funding, decrease funding to nutrition programs, decrease funding for higher education, decrease funding for retraining programs for parents, deregulate the investment industry eliminating the protections for mortgage holders (who put the roof over the heads of babies), send jobs off-shore so all that is left are minimum wage jobs for parents to provide for their children. In a nutshell, the policies that are fine if you are rich, but terrible if you have a family and are middle class or low income. That is what I am referring to.
No offense, - but this sounds like liberal talking points.
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and worded to reveal class envy. I don't believe it. Except the part about his wanting to do away with obamacare. We need health care reform, yes, but not obamacare which gives the govt. control over our person health care and insurance choices.
You were right. Those WERE liberal talking points. - Ryan is pro-life -rest of the stuff is exaggerated
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Unfortunately...they aren't exaggerations...sm - JTBB
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Everything in the original post is fact. Those are Ryan's stances on women's issues and/or voting record. He also was in on the mandatory ultrasound before abortion thing. I say this to you in particular, because you seem a little confused, and for your sake I think you need to know the facts. Take the items one by one and look them up (best to get items from both sides, or better yet, read the bill). And no, I don't care if you're a dem or a pub, but I do care if people are not informed.
Exactly. They just repeat what Obama spews. - Aunt Sue
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Actually, I am "spewing" from Ryan's own words - Try the Google
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Not trying "The Google." Ryan does not want to take away family planning (sm) - Aunt Sue
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I'm pro life too, but taking away your birth control? Of course, you may have to pay for it yourself. Otherwise, it's probably best to abstain. Like Sandra Fluck and 5000 of her best friends.
Ummm.. If Ryan supported a "personhood" - Al Fabbet
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ammendment, it most certainly WOULD take away certain birth control methods as well as IVF and thus take away family planning. The last time I checked, IVF takes some family planning.

You do realize that these ridiculous personhood ammendments look to consider a fertilized egg a person, right? Therefore, birth control pills and IUDs would be a no-no.

As for abstaining... you try it. It's not for the rest of us. Sorry. Plus, abstinence-only programs have a miserable success rate for preventing pregnancy, disease, or sexual behavior at all.

See helpful links. On the 2nd link, pay attention to where it says "prevent implantation of a fertilized egg" under the "How It's Used" section.


Do you honestly believe if we end up saddled with (sm) - Aunt Sue
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Obama care, they are going to pay for your in vitro? Think again. That will be the least of your worries.
Paying for in vitro/BCPs/IUDs is not the point - Al Fabbet
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of my response. Ryan trying to take away family planning by supporting a ridiculous personhood amendment is the point. If this was successful, there would be no argument about paying for it... because IT WOULD BE ILLEGAL.

I don't know how to explain it further. Personhood amendment would consider a fertilized egg (still in the tube) a person. IUD/BCP work by preventing a fertilized egg from implanting on the uterine wall. Therefore IUD/BCP would be a murder weapon. Either Ryan thinks this is great or he needs a biology refresher course to learn how fertilization/conception works. You can't have a personhood amendment (life at fertilization) without banning BCP/IUD/IVF... which takes away family planning.

Folks should look into this guy a little better before singing his praises.
I wouldn't worry too much about it being illegal. Look at what Bozo has pulled. - nm
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No worries.
I'll sing his praises regardless. Look at the alternative. - Aunt Sue
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Then you're a cheerleader - Al Fabbet
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I didn't say anything about Obama or whether nor not I support him. Trust me, I do have issues with Obama, although probably much different than the ones that you have. Why do you keep bringing him into this conversation (with me)?

This is about Ryan and his absolutely ridiculous views on the female body (I don't think he understands how it works if he thinks a fertilized egg is a person but BCPs/IUDs are okay), what women should be able to do with their bodies, and what should be considered a person - views which more and more GOPers seem to share these days. Did any of them take biology in college??? Not to mention the fact that he is putting his own personal views based on ignorance in front of what is best for women (and their families) in this country.

I have a female body, so this stuff matters to me. The best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy (and abortion) is to practice effective birth control... not rely on abstinence only (if you don't believe me, please Google Bristol Palin). If you want to continue to cheerlead on behalf of someone who would like to do away with effective birth control and hence increase the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortion, go ahead.
Thank you. I will. The "issues" I have with Obama are far greater. (sm) - Aunt Sue
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So you continue to be a sheep, and I'll continue to be a cheerleader.
whoa! big swerve! - did the airbags deploy?
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: ) - nm
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Regardless of what you want to call it...sm - JTBB

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He doesn't want you to use contraception and no abortions. He wants us all to be Duggars...lol. And, of course, if you go with his Ayn Rand way of thinking, if those kids aren't at the top, they are nothing. Oh yeah, did you know that Romney's kids have had problems with infertility and used IVF? Does that make Romney an accessory?

the righteous get to decide about their embyos - I guess

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"dislike" if you wish, but IVF and fertility treatments involve making choices - about embryos
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Of course it never occurs to these women... - xxx

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to keep their pants on and their bodies out of the bed (or off the floor) with men with whom they have no immediate desire to procreate children.

Married women need BC, too. - There are enough people on this planet.

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I'm married and have no intention of having children. I don't know why everyone assumes we all want to have kids.

I would rather pay for someone's birth control than pay for 18 years of childcare.

Good luck with preaching abstinence. That will never work and will backfire every time. That's why we need to plan realistically to prevent pregnancies.

Wow - Al Fabbet

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Whether women keep their pants on, what they do in bed or on the floor, and who they choose to do it with is none of your business, and being preoccupied with that is counterproductive, rather pervy if you ask me, and has nothing to do with the issues at hand.

Some women have sex because (hope you're sitting down) they enjoy it, and there's not a thing you can do to change that. Sorry.

If you want to discuss EFFECTIVE methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion, you need to get over any preoccupation you may have with what other folks do in their bedrooms. Ridiculous personhood amendments (fertilized eggs are people and hence BCP/IUDs are illegal) supported by Ryan and other GOPers is a step in the WRONG direction.

so well said!! - nm

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...or off the floor (!) - that says it all

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tipped your hand with that one, I think.

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