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Do you think "the deathers" will believe Al Qaeda?

Posted: May 6, 2011

Al Qaeda believes Bin Laden is dead.

I guess I should add the link.  See





Sadly a few may believe AQ before Obama but - wouldnt bet the farm on it. nm

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You mean Al-CIAda - Historian

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Al-Queda was created by the CIA. Just like the Taliban.

Whether you mainstreamers like it or not, the above are FACTS.

What are deathers? - sm

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What are deathers? I've heard of birthers and 911 truthers, but not deathers (kind of lose track of all the "ers". Usually is just someone insulting someone else who doesn't believe what they do. This is a new one on me though.

I saw the article. I don't usually read Huff because the articles usually are not truthful, just the writers opinions, but with that said I read the article. I don't really need AQ to tell me whether or not I believe OBL is dead as I've read numerous (probably about 10 or more) articles from different sources (reputable sources) that have proof that he died about 10 years ago, so don't need AQ to tell me what I already knew. I'm glad PO finally told the public though. Now maybe the country can move on.

Just wondering what deathers mean. I know it has to do with OBL, but not in what context.

Huffington Post gets news from all sources - Sh

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Huffington Post is my favorite because it brings in new from all other sources. I choose the ones that I want to read. I usually can find what I'm looking for there.

That's probably true - sm

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I'm not doubting you and if you say so I'm sure they do. I just lost interest in them awhile back because all their articles were based on opinion and not fact (this was a few years ago). I'd read whatever it was and they had no facts to back up what they were saying (can't tell you exactly what it was about because it was so long ago), and the other info I read (which was reliable) contradicted what they said, so I just didn't trust them and stopped reading. This was about the same time I stopped watching MSNBC (during the Clinton and Obama primaries) because what they were saying was complete lies so stopped watching them and turned on Fox. I found I was getting better news stories/opinions from Fox and it wasn't filled with the hatred MSNBC displayed. I think at that time the articles with Huff were hatred based too, so just stopped looking. Now within the past week I have turned off Fox news. They are not being truthful on a lot of issues and O'Reilly and Hannity have totally ruined things. Hannity I just take into consideration he's not all that bright, so that kind of excuses him for me, but the O'Reilly yelling at Colmes (even though I don't agree with Colmes at all) and telling his guests they are wrong and that O'Reilly will sit as judge and jury and he's right, just was too much for me. On top of that I lost interest in Beck. He's like a person who watches a crime being committed but does nothing to help the victims. I was so happy to hear that he was going to be leaving. I was hoping the judge would take his place, but Beck is still on. So, I've turned off that station too. I'll catch CNN here and there and think I will start reading Huff again. I liked this article and maybe now they can start objectively reporting news. I hope so, because I'm getting tired of both sides telling people how they should think.
Well, then, since you're being so nice about it, I will agree that - see message
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Since you put it so nicely, I will agree that while Huffington Post gets articles from many different sources, including Fox, there is a liberal slant. Many of them are Huffington Post originals, not NYTimes, Fox, etc., so I keep that in mind when I click on one of them to read it. I think most of us are smart enough to read through the lines, as long as we don't 'live' at one source, being inundated by their biases and getting to the point where we can't tell the slant from the truth. You've made some good points.
Kumbayah, my lord. - What is this? Friday? NM
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Actually, yes. This post was posted on a Friday. - And the person posting it (sm)
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was very polite and not rude like you. This is how discussions are ended instead of how they progress successfully.

She didn't need/deserve your rudeness.

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