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And this is still A-Ok with you tea baggers??

Posted: Mar 24, 2010




This is just flat wrong.  Don't care how you spin it, it is wrong.  Sorry, sorry group.


Stop it with that baloney. I have been to a TEA party. - Civil, peaceful, regular Americans.

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A few people do something and you label an entire group. Just stop it! You are making it worse. -so sick of this garbage. I suppose all white people hate black people... or all straights hate gays.. baloney! Quit the labeling of entire organizations. By doing so, you label yourself -as ignorant.

It's called guilt by association. Aren't you - proud?

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Yes, you must be so proud to be associated with such a "peaceful" group.

Maybe the group you met with was, but clearly - many are not!

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Not baloney!
"MANY" are not? How would you know? You are - laughable, really.nm
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Deflect much? Avoid the topic much? - Anything to avoid any
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responsibility for the current behavior.
No, YOU DEFLECT from real problems by lumping - everyone together..at least admit it.nm
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Only correct my own behavior, not - others who I even do not know.
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I guess some are really mad and it is showing. I bet tomorrow will even be worse. Government was afraid of civil war or unrest in the people because government knows how they did it was not right.

kind of like - you guys

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with the Berkley riots and G8 summit riots. You don't complain about them, so you must be proud of them.
Didn't attend - either
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nice try though.
Not true at all. Violence or threats of....sm - oldtimer
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violence is never acceptable either by the populace or the government. What would you say if the Obama administration told you to shut your mouth and vote their way or you could risk your life or the lives of your family? The tables would be turned and you would be howling bloody murder! Is your consciounce clear or are you proud of the people who are threatening violence?
No...the O administration... - nnn
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votes behind closed doors, they bribe and twist arms to get what they want. You talk about being ashamed of something...I'm ashamed to have a president who has to stoop that low to get his way. That kind of behavior is just as bad as violence. Both parties want their way and each goes about it in a specific way. One is no better than the other. And if you're going to condemn violence, that's kind of silly. Many wars were fought for the freedom that we still enjoy. If you don't think war is violent, think again...
Was thinking same thing. Violence is never good, but - RightOn
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bribes and selling out your own country to save your own career (like several dems just did -probably threatened by witch Pelosi) is about the lowest of lows. This administration is full of corruption. They should probably be convicted and locked up.
No doubt... :) - nnn
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ROFL! You are so - amusing
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If you weren't so "amusing" you'd probably be dangerous.

I am proud, actually. You have no idea, since you - have NOT been there.nm

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If you are proud of this type of behavior, then you - must be one of the crazy
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fringe. *Only someone who is dangerous and unbalanced and completely unhinged could be proud of this type of behavior. And I bet you still call yourself "pro-life" and "patriotic" and a "defender of freedom." Unless, of course, others disagree with you. Then all bets are off, the guns come out, the vandalism starts, the death threats start, and it is all in the name of "freedom" huh??? Then, see above *.
Ding ding aling.. hello! PROUD of the TEA Party - not violence or vandalism..gee
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get over yourself and read
Ding ding dongalong....hello! The Tea Party is associated with violence and vandalism - like it or not
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It's a fact. So......guilt by association. It happens.
And the party of O is associated with.... - nnn
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threats and bribes...guilt by association and adoration.
ROFL! Another profound(ly amusing) - post
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You never disappoint.
WRONG! Thats a cop-out label you use to - distract from Obama -lame.nm
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What label? Talk about lame. - lol
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As is huffington post, etc. - Backwards Typist
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There is violence written by the left also. Below is only one example because I don't have time to post the other ones I found when doing a search on something entirely different, but this is fine with you, right?

Why don't you all just research facts and stop with the nitpicking. I try to stay away from it, but some posts just infuriate me with the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude.

When the Huffington - Post
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organizes parties of people who act like Tea Party folks, then you may have a point.
The Huffington Post doesn't need to - organize
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One of the most hate-filled, violence inciters, racebaiting, and hypocritical on-line sites there are.
So you think the written word is comparable to physical violence? - How odd
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Well, I guess it's not surprising that you would think that.
You didn't get it - - They incite violence and hate
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And there is no proof of violence from the tea party members. Nothing, nada, zip.

The people who are inciting violence are the left wingers on TV and radio and who go to the events causing trouble and beating people up. They are liberal plants and SEIU thugs.

Sheesh! Get a clue.
You're right. Tea Party goers are well-behaved little sheep and do no - wrong
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It's a conspiracy to make the flock look bad.
Ding ding ding . - Where is the proof.
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Where is the video, a voice clip, a name. There is no proof. You need to put whatever you are drinking down too.

Proof?...you don't have any. aling.
Swimming in that river again. You should really keep it to just - drinking
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You're wasting away. If you don't watch or listen to news, and cannot find video clips on your own, that's a sign of brain damage. Stop now. Stop swimming in it! Save yourself! We can only hope it's not too late.
What type of behavior? There is no proof - see message
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But I guess we're just supposed to take your word.

The Tea Party attendees have been peaceful. Sorry you don't want to hear that, but don't know how much more clear we can make it. Just because you want it to be true doesn't mean it is.

Hey, I can say Dick Cheney and George Bush will be returning to DC next week to return to their jobs as President and VP, but it doesn't make it true.

If anyone has come unhinged you have to look no further than the mirror - "The guns come out", "vandalism starts", "death threats start". Lions and tigers oh me, oh my... My goodness...what a nice little system of fear mongering and hate there.

Please for your own sake, and the safety of all others, please put whatever it is your drinking down. Educate yourself and stop listening to those nut job left-winger radio and TV talk shows. Go to one of the events yourself and see for yourself (that is of course if you can go and be peaceful like the attendees, and not start a fight or egg people on). You're really getting yourself all worked up over something that isn't happening. Just keep saying "it's all in my mind, it's all in my mind", and when you open your eyes, you may join the rest of us here in the Good ol USA, where the rest of us live a good and free life (well for right now that is).
There IS no proof. You are right. Heard tonight on - the news NOTHING substantial found.
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TEA party people are just like any of us, regular hard-working Americans. I guess some on the left will slam anyone that might be in their way. Well, I for one will no longer be intimated by ANY of them or their hatred. It is sickening, though.

This is my feeling about this...sm - nosa

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The signs that I have seen carried by teaparty members at rallys are not the norm for civil, peaceful, regular Americans. If I belonged to an organization that had members that preached violence, hate, devision, I would call them out. Do you have the courage to denounce the threats of violence directed at these members of Congress and their families?

Oh yeah? How about your messiah president calling - saying police acted "stupidly" only

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because they guy they arrested was his friend, and he didnt even know the whole story yet. Some leader! ... be so proud -NOT. There are bad people on all sides. Too bad that in this case, its the man in charge of it all.

Queen Teabag's website - Talk about whack jobs

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Putting gun sights as targets on Democratic offices, IMO, puts Sappy Sarah into the Home grown terrorist category, with the rest of the whack jobs inciting and executing violence.

Tea party attendees - nm

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"Real Americans?" - Lee

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You call yourselves "real americans" or "regular americans" This is a bunch of crap. You disgust me.

Why don't you just joint the thread below instead of starting another one. - Backwards Typist

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This was being discussed below.

Because they wanted to start more trouble. - Thats why -they are hypocrites.nm

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Tea party attendees - nm

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