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Again - this will crack you UP!

Posted: Sep 8, 2012

Earlier, I gave you the DNC delegates proudly waving FORD banners while the auto bailout was being touted from the podium.  Of course, Ford didn't take bailout money.

Now this.  DNC welcome banners at the Charlotte airport - misspelled.  And what word did they get wrong? Nothing much - just the NAME OF THEIR PARTY.


See link below.


For Pete's sake, it is obvious to anyone with even...sm - VTMT

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basic comprehension skills that the banners are US Airway's banners not the DNC's. Warning::do not fly US Airways as they can't even spell! Haha!

These things are all orchestrated and cleared. - And no one noticed or asked to remove it.

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Nice try - no cigar for you today. You may try again after 24 hours.

Who cares? Much ado about NOTHING. nm - VTMT

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Romney camp typo police missed phone app misspell for America - AMERICIA

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Raise your hand if you find any humor in this garbage? Time is a precious resource. The clock is ticking but the sandbox crowd missed the memo.

For Pete's sake, you'll be the first to post with pics of misspelled - words from the Tea Party

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One word - hypocrisy

Less than 2 months before election and - THIS is what you think merits discussion?

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Did you catch Honey Boo-Boo last week? Sheesh.

you don't know that - nm

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Yeah, but what's Romney's plan for a balanced budget?..nm - JTBB

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More petty posts. I'm guessing that's all you guys have since your candidates don't have anything to offer.

Please don't pretend you're interested - because you can find that for yourself.

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And, of all the people on this forum, please don't undertake to lecture anyone about "petty posts" before you take a hard, long look in the mirror.

You mean Ryan's 30-year zinger? - Voters shouldn't have to look for this answer

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and shouldn't need to even ask the question. Secret economic "plans" are no plan at all. "Get back to us after the election" doesn't even rise to the level of snake oil.

That's not what is being discussed in the thread - Do try and stay on topic

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Since you are always the one writing complaining how someone is purposely trying to change the subject matter it would do you well to follow your own advice.

This subject is not about Romney's plan for a balanced budget? That would be called - a new thread. That way people could respond and say, "yeah, but what about Obama's plan for a balanced budget?" And the answer of course would be he has none. He didn't keep up his campaign promises the first time. He hasn't gotten a balanced budge and the worst part is he doesn't care. The only time he cares is when he wants people to vote for him. Oh wait, this is supposed to be a new thread for topics not related to the original post.

Bringing the conversation back to the original message - I think it's hysterical that democrats too make spelling errors, just like any other American citizen. I think it's funny nobody checked spelling before printing. An honest mistake happens to all of us. But what I think is even funnier is the responses that even with a picture of a misspelled word liberals can't even bring themselves to admit that there is a misspelled word and pretend to be appalled that someone would bring it up, yet they'd be (and have done) the first to post pics when members of a different political party has a sign(s) with misspelled words.

Some liberals do like to point out spelling errors - since cutting education

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budgets is a bad idea. We can't afford to get much dumber than we have. I have to admit that there's a difference between missing a keystroke typo and the completely botched spelling/incorrect grammar usage. I find the latter to be worse since it indicates poor basic English and grammar skills, whereas the missed keystroke usually indicates laziness in or lack of proofreading. Either way, it highlights the duh factor in this country which will not be cured by cuts to education.

Geez! The point is that US Airways is responsible for...sm - VTMT

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the misspelling on their banner not the DNC. That is not to say democrats do not make errors in spelling. They do. No one is perfect. I guess I am not surprised that the republicans on this board are making such an issue of it. I imagine it is because that is all they've got.
Another truth worth pointing out whenever they - present the opportunity to do so. nm
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The point is - Do try and stay on topic
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The OP posted a new thread about something that is political. I replied to someone who was trying to take the focus off of what the original thread was about.

There are hundreds of issues/topics being discussed throughout the country at one given time. Some are more important to other people and some less important. This is neither less or more important than someone posting about the Tea Party members having signs misspelled or that Sarah Palins daughter bought a home or anything.

And if people are so concerned that people are not staying on course with a message originally posted then they should do the same thing they don't want done to their posts.

You think that is all the republicans "got" whatever that means. Oh no, I don't even think you want to go there. This thread could go on forever talking about the failures of this administration, but like I said before, that would be what is called a new thread. In this thread I brought it back to what the OP posted above.

Yeah...but what's the deal with Obama - sm

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not passing a budget since he has taken office. So I guess I'm still wondering what YOUR candidate has to offer...other than more debt for us.


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Meh. Kinda disappointed. I was expecting more crack - baby arm waving hilarity

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And the poster above is wrong when they claimed that VTMT would be the first to post TP misspellings.... I am.

Teabonics away funnier than crack babies and "democatic."


It is called the "dumbing down" of America. That's - ::::

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why it is so easy to spot the non-MT rabid wingers on this board, like nails on a chalkboard to me. It confounds me why they are interested in posting on a political board for MTs who are known to be language specialists and against foreign and corporate takeover and offshoring of our jobs.

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