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Has anyone gotten botox for headaches?

Posted: Dec 19, 2011

I have had headaches for 10+ years, been on SO many meds...I am trying botox tomorrow at the urging of the neurologist. It's covered on insurance. 

The only med that works for me really well is Vicodin, and they don't want to give me that long-term.  Right now I take Fioricet, Maxalt.  Anyone have experience with botox or any input from transcribing reports?


Botox - PC

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I have experience on the receiving end. They helped my neck/back of head/trap area. I had injections of Sarapin one week and then the botox the next. It did help me. Hope it helps you. I wish you the best.

Thanks PC - - catladynotcrazy

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I'm having the botox done this morning in a couple of hours. I can't believe I've never come across it in transcription, I feel like I've seen it all. It just makes me nervous as to the number of injections. I hope it works. I wake up with a headache every day; because of that obvious time of occurrence tried CPAP but cannot tolerate, have been diagnosed with mixed migraine/tension HA.

Well, that was most unpleasant. - catladynotcrazy

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I had it done about 2 hours ago - I'm usually very tolerant, but this hurt, esp. in the scalp. Right now I still have a HA, kind of nauseated, kind of achy, but we'll see if in a couple of days I see a difference. She said it can take up to 2-3 weeks to notice.
Have you tried this? - Another headacher
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I've suffered from headaches for years and years... finally started seeing a chiropractor, which has helped A LOT!

Also, if you're waking up with one in the morning, you might want to get your bedroom tested for mold.
Thanks so much - - catladynotcrazy
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I did see a chiropractor for a while, but unfortunately did not get the relief I was hoping for. The mold issue is something else though...I really, really hope that's not it. How do you test it, just with a swab kit from the hardware store? There's no evidence that I can see, no black dots or anything.
Sure thing... - Another headacher
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There are mold test kits you can get.. my neighbor used one from Home Depot that she liked, I think it was less than $15.00. I would research them online.

Remember that mold spores get airborne, so while you might not have any mold directly in your bedroom, it could come from your bathroom or basement, if you have one. I once had mold in a box spring that I bought--it was brand new too! Totally gross...had a huge fight with the company about returning it.

If you do do a test and it comes back positive, you'd want to research qualified mold inspectors in your area...maybe talk to some real estate agents, they may be able to give you some recommendations.

One more thing, have you reviewed your diet? You might have a food sensitivity that's triggering your headaches.

Botox works fabulous! - luckyladyinca

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Yes, it works fabulously. You have to get the shots every 3 months but well worth it. A miracle.... I also get supraorbital nerve blocks and greater occipital nerve blocks for the headaches, but mine are multifactorial. Good luck and hope you feel better!

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