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Posted: Apr 28, 2011

Anyone have any advice for cramps?  I have suffered my whole life from horrible cramps and I have found nothing so far that helps!


I had terrible cramps all my life and was - cindy

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diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 24. I had surgery then and they removed a huge chocolate cyst (the size of a grapefruit on my right ovary) and cleaned up all the endometriosis spots inside my pelvic cavity. There are many different treatments for endometriosis that will help if that is what it is. I used maximum doses of anti-inflammatories, then I ended up moving to Darvocet for quite some time before I finally had a hysterectomy. It might be something you want to explore with your gynecologist. Otherwise, taking birth control pills on a continuous basis without the break is helpful, as you will not have a period, therefore, no cramps.

cramps - me

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I do not have endometriosis, but I do have terrible menstrual cramps. I start taking ibuprofen 800 mg 3 x a day about 2 days before period starts. Then I stay on top of it. I even sometimes set my alarm for 2-3 a.m. to take at least 400 mg so that when I wake up at 6 a.m., I can actually get out of bed and get to work without being doubled over in pain.

cramps - sm

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I don't know how bad ur cramps are but sometimes chocolate and also bananas will help...drinking hot water or tea is good too. I find doing even 10 situps helps...but I agree with a previous poster to get it checked with ur OBGYN because it could be more than what is average and you dont want to be doing longterm harm to your body by taking lots of pills now...good luck though :)

Cramps - Alice

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I suffered from horrible cramps for those 40+ years, treated with various NSAIDs, multiple D&C procedures, birth control pills, narcotics. I have to say that the only thing that really worked for me was Black Cohosh and Gin. I'm not a drinker, but took it medicinally. I do not advocate drinking, but I did find that this worked. Obviously, when under the influence, I did not drive, work, operate dangerous machinery or take care of children or anyone other than myself.

I also agree that starting to regularly take an NSAID such as naproxen a few days before your period starts is a good way to get a jump on stomping out those pesky prostaglandins before the level gets so high as to contribute to your cramps, as they may be one culprit in the mix.

At age 52, I was still having cramps and had a hysterectomy, which I never regreted for one minute.

Best to you.

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