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min pin doggie

Posted: Apr 25, 2010

She's almost 8 years old.  She's getting more and more neurotic as the days and weeks go by.  They are a high-strung breed anyway, and when we first got her our vet told us to train her immediately as far as not allowing her to growl when someone was around her food bowl.  She said for me to put my hand in the bowl while the dog was eating to show her I was the dominant one.  I did that.  She seemed to do okay for a year or two but then started becoming really, really protective over her food bowl, and even her food bowl area.  We used to keep her bag of food in the same corner beside her food and water bowl (we keep it in a separate room now and sometimes she will sit in front of the door to that room and even lie down in front of it, as if she's guarding the area).  She got to the point where she was sitting beside the bag of food and would growl and become tense and nervous anytime anyone even just walked by the area.  She even went so far as to nip the ankle of one of my son's friends as he just walked by that area on his way to another area of the house.  We have tried locking her away in her kennel, taking the food bowl away when she growls, set the bowl back down, allow her to go to it, one of us goes near the bowl and if she growls we take it away and that process goes on until she stops growling when one of us is near the bowl, but it hasn't broken her.  Maybe we haven't been consistent (I know we did not, but the entire family needed to be doing this and I couldn't get anyone to be consistent with it besides myself).  She is getting worse and my main fear is that she might bite one of my children or a friend of theirs who may be visiting.  We've resorted to (usually) just keeping her pinned away in her kennel when friends are here but then she barks incessantly and we have to keep reprimanding her.   She also (when someone comes over) will go up to them and sort of jump up and put her front paws on them as if giving them a small push and appears to try to be dominating.  I've reprimanded her for that as well by putting her in her kennel when that happens.  I also tell my visitors and friends to tell her a stern "NO" and that usually helps.  I've only given the "highlights" here in this story.  There are smaller details (she bit my son's ear when he bent down beside her food bowl and brought blood), and other incidents.  We give her no table food whatsoever, only her allotted amount of dog food twice a day and water.  If anyone has any suggestions or helpful tips please do share.  Thanks very much.


Animal communicator - Anon

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I've had some amazing results with an animal communicator. She/he will "talk" to the dog and find out what the problem is.

From another MinPin owner . . . - Sunshine State MT

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It sure sounds like you have a rascal on your hands. I have had MinPins as far as I can remember. I have 2 right now, one is 5 and one is 13. We also have a chihuahua/terrier mix, about 6 years old.

What I have learned from them over the years like you said they are very high-strung dogs and they have this "need" to be the protector of the house, the family, the car, etc.

Over the years, I have learned that by putting them in a crate it seems to get them going even more and they sort of retaliate when you put them in a crate. Hence, we do not have crates for our dogs.

As far as your food problem, that's a hard one. My dogs don't do that to us; however, they will growl at each other if one is eating and the other goes up to the same dish. Even they they are eating their dog bones, I can go up and hug them without even a growl or anything.

What your vet told you about putting your hands near the bowl is a really great idea but you have to stick with it and everyone in your house has to stick with it. My neighbor's German Shepard was like that and they starting working with him and he doesn't do it anymore.

I would put the bag of dog food where she cannot see it because obviously she does not trust anyone with her food for whatever reason.

I hope all goes well for you and your neurotic MinPin because they are actually great little dogs. It might be a case for the "Dog Whisperer."

Do you have any other animals in the house?

Have a great day!

neurotic min pin - crazy dog

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No other animals in the house. Our dog sure is a rascal, but we love her. She makes me so mad sometimes with her neurotic antics, but what do you do? I would LOVE to get the Dog Whisperer in on this one. My family and I talk about that all the time. It would be so interesting to see what he'd have to say about her, why she does the food thing. To an outsider observing the situation, I'm sure it would appear that we starve her, but we really don't!! We can't figure out what has happened for her to start being so protective of her food. I do know they love to protect, but as I mentioned before, I'm so afraid she'll bite someone. Thanks for your thoughts!

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