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Take Flight When You Get Old

Posted: Mar 28, 2014

Okay, I'm only early 50s, but still...last night I got a "job shock," but then this morning, I got paid from my OTHER job...so we're gonna make it. The weather is nicer (warmer) - there's a whole spring, summer and fall of NO SNOW, NO COLD...a life is so short, and when you come to the fork in the road, do I do THIS, or do I do THAT...and the deciding factor is, what makes me feel alive? What makes life worth living? Versus, what's the safe thing to do...you get older, it's like you can be MORE of a risk taker, and not less...I have a friend who is very serious about her Christianity, and she's always posting stuff about..."the unpromised day," God didn't promise you another day, and look you got one! So what are you going to do with it. Last night I was reading about contemporary Italian poetry, they were making comparisons with American poetry. I found it quite instructive, useful. I think of all the other creative types who did medical transcription, to try and continue forward as an artist or writer or musician. And the whole thing imploded. Well, there is something on the other side of THAT. A THIS, that makes life worth living. I accept that "when I'm 64" I MAY regret the choices I make now. On the other hand, I understand I may be 64, and look back and say, "damn, woman, you've done some GREAT WRITING!!!!!!!!! You went the distance! Good on you!!!!!" Right now, I'd like a lemon cupcake with black raspberry frosting. Just one :) That is all.;

TheFork - BasketofEggs

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Life is about choices but why not have it all within reason, of course. Life is a lot more interesting when you have more than one iron in the fire. If you have a creative bent, you can certainly entertain that side of your nature and still make a living. Too many people feel it is all or nothing and then feel deprived if they cannot devote full-time efforts their fancy. IMHO, do not put all your eggs in one basket, divy them out and make your life more interesting.

?? - wheres_my_job

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"Too many people feel it is all or nothing and then feel deprived if they cannot devote full-time efforts their fancy."

I do devote "full-time" to my creative efforts and part-time to making a living. I WOULD be, as you put it, "deprived" to just create "on the side."
A person cannot have talents (perhaps prodigious) and then just sit on them - they will explode from the inside out. Trust me, I know.

Re: Advice: I doubt anyone said to Michaelangelo "Don't put all your eggs in the Sistine Chapel, divvy them out and make your life more interesting."

Michaelangelo was a versatile artist - and he had the support of powerful wealthy people. Alas, I am a feminist, and haven't attracted any wealthy people (foundations and so forth) in capitalist America to support me the way Michalangelo was supported. I like his stuff (despite the heavy sexism and excessive religiosity).

In short, gonna have to go with Mikey on this one.

you are so full of yourself - get over it already

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a person CAN have talents and sit on them to make a living WITHOUT exploding from the inside out. Just because you exploded does not mean everyone one else does. It is your choice to develop your -ehem- talents full time and live like a pauper, full of worry and anxiety. Accept the responsibility for your choices and stop shoving your beliefs down the throats of everyone else.

That is my opinion and I am entitled to it.
LOL - haters gonna hate - wheres_my_job
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Wow. It always astounds me, the incredible hostility some people have to women's creativity and self-esteem.

Posting on a message board hardly constitutes "shoving beliefs" down other peoples' throats.

LOL. Live like a pauper. As I said, Michaelangelo didn't live like a pauper. Madonna hasn't done too bad for herself either. There's a big stretch between living like a rock star and living like a pauper. We all negotiate that the best we can. Even if I did live like a pauper - what's it to you?

Uh-oh - maybe you resent the hell out of Obamacare or any government social programs at all. Well, when my tax dollars stop going to the most bloated military on the planet, I guess I'll care about "free" health care for "paupers."
Thank you for saying that - Agree, agree, agree
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for clarity - did you just compare your situation to - Michelangelo?

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talk about ideas of grandeur! Yeah, I agree his "stuff" was pretty good, and he made a good start before he was 30. You, on the other hand, are telling us you are in your early fifties and plan to set off in like manner as he.

I think I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.
Yes, I did - things are a bit slow around here - wheres_my_job
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What's it mean to be a menopausal artist in America, at this particular point in time? It's an intriguing question. It's fun to think about the "giants" of art - all male - put yourself in their shoes, think about how your situations are different - and similar. Expand your mind.

I think you expand your mind for the both of us TYVM - delusions not for me
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Seriously, you seem to cycle up and down with your moods/postings. You get money at the end of the month and tell us you're "going to make it" and suddenly you are spurred on to being a menopausal Michelangelo. Just before that cycle, you are telling us you live in reality and dominating conversations to such an extent that one could consider it a manic-depressed phase.

I really take a lot of pity on you and encourage you to seek out a live person to talk things out with.
I pity those with utter lack of imagination - wheres_my_job
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and read much too much into strangers' posts on message boards. What does that say about your psychology? LOL.

Have a nice night.
Learn to be still - Eagles
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It's just another day in paradise
As you stumble to your bed
You'd give anything to silence
Those voices ringing in your head
You thought you could find happiness
Just over that green hill
You thought you would be satisfied
But you never will-
Learn to be still

I again encourage you to find someone to talk with face-to-face.
No, not the Eagles! - wheres_my_job
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Not the Eagles! - Nick
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I prefer Metallica!
Seeking a live person to talk to is good advice. - nm
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I'm Baffeled. WMJ you make no sense to me. - Honestly. SM
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Your posts are like a bunch of jibberish and I never get the point.
Well guess I'm "Eiffeled" since I'm learning French - wheres_my_job
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Merci, et bonne nuit!
WMJ - French tutor
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Je suis nee en France. Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur!
It is something only she can understand. - Ms. Manic
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Certifiable. - ToTheMax
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I wonder about the coincidence of WMJ posting - and the message on the health board
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from someone asking for help after mixing Xanax and Ambien during an anxiety attack. It had the same sort of euphoric out-of-mind feel as the WMJ post.

I have long wondered about substance abuse issues in some postings on this board.
Not to get off topic but I don't think that person on - the health board should have SM
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Been mixing Xanax and Ambien nor seeking help from a msg board. She should have called doctors after hours or something. I thought that to be totally strange.
I was wondering the same thing myself. - The posts sounded a bit "impaired".
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In the past, her posts were lucid and well-written. - Recently that hasnt been the case. Hmm.
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Then don't read them. Honestly. - nm
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To Where's My Job - Old Pro

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Your post makes the most sense of anything I have read in a long time. I love your attitude! I love your friend's attitude! (I'm Jewish and I share her attitude.) When I retired, I started taking Italian. One of my friends asked me if I was going to move to Rome (!). Hardly. I just did it to challenge my brain and because I have always loved Italy. I feel really sorry for all of the MTs (myself included) who either had to quit before they wanted to or who have less than optimal jobs. (I retired a couple of years ago.) I hope all of them can find someething that is really enriching. Most MTs are highly intellectual people. All MTs (and small MTSOs who treated the MTs like family) surely deserve better than we got. I hope all of us find something that really sustains us. For me, it's Italian, Rotties and Dobies. For others, it's other things. But thank you for a very uplifting post. And if I could bake (unfortunately, I cannot)I would make you a lemon cupcake with chocolate raspberry frosting! Ciao!

Bellissimo! - wheres_my_job

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On an Italian note - I just finished reading a translation of poems by Ada Negri, who was an Italian poet, socialist, went through a political phase, then romantic phase, THEN along came WWII - was she collaborator or a victim, forced to write for regime against her will?

So anyway I just thought I'd mention her name to you, in case you come across "Ada Negri" anywhere. I also have been reading Dante's Inferno, I have two translations, one by an America poet and another Irish - I think the one by the Irish poet is a lot fresher.

Well, I mention this because the Ada Negri book, and the translations of Dante - they have Italian on one side and English on the other. I can pick out a few words in Italian, since I am learning French. Maybe I'll study Italian next.

PS I just went and got lemons, buttermilk etc for my cupcakes.

Thanks for your comment and sharing perspective on MT biz. I hope someday to retire myself :)

I think she sounds high. Something's kind of off... - Just saying.. n/m

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I am so going to second that, sounding off that - is. The part where she compared

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herself to Michangelo was laughable. Something sure has puffed her brain up too much, too full of herself.
Why not give her a break? - Old Pro
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She is not hurting you, she has a creative personality, and as my mother (may she rest in peace) always taught me, "It takes all kinds to make a world." I like that there are some really quirky people in the world--and that includes me!
the reason I'm not giving her a break this time - is the over-the-top posts
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that seem to indicate a potential substance abuse problem. If you think following your mother's advice under that circumstance is the appropriate advice, then I would say you are an enabler of bad behavior.

I stand by my advice that WMJ seek someone to talk things over with in a face-to-face setting rather than online.
Thanks for saying what I was thinking, Old Pro. - Live and let live. nm
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Thank you for that WMJ. Those calling - I hate name callers

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you names and saying mean things need to get a life and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

WMJ/Name calling - Nick

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I agree with you. I think name calling is about the cheapest sell-out there is. It is actually a form of bullying.

a couple of words of advice to you - not empathetic

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If you don't like the posts of the responders to WMJ posts, why do you continue to read them? Stop reading them if you don't like them.

I've never known her to need someone to defend her - she's more than capable of that herself as evidenced by past behavior.

That's my opinion. I also find it curious that the two most recent posters with opinions on this thread have left the MT business, like WMJ.

I don't like it either. It reflects more on the name- - caller than anyone else. nm.

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definition of bully - see message
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noun: bully; plural noun: bullies

  1. 1.

    a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

    synonyms: persecutor, oppressor, tyrant, tormentor, intimidator; More

    tough guy, thug, ruffian, strong-arm;


    "the school bully"


verb: bully; 3rd person present: bullies; past tense: bullied; past participle: bullied; gerund or present participle: bullying


use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

"a local man was bullied into helping them"


persecute, oppress, tyrannize, browbeat, harass, torment, intimidate, strong-arm, dominate; More



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