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So disgusted and sad!

Posted: Jun 8, 2013

After years of disappointment working at home for a company that I thought didn't care, didn't pay me enough...  all the usual I hear on the boards here, I took a chance and applied for a position at a new physician's office.  I was hired as a "front desk operator" which is basically a receptionist and someone who takes care of all the clerical duties.  At 51 years old, with 20+ years experience in the MT field and medical office, it was a step down, but I had high hopes and listened to the "it's only the beginning" stories.  I blindly believed.  as out practice grew and new people came on, I noticed that they were all very young, very pretty, not a lot of experience.  I kept doing my job.  I trained the newbies, orient interns and have now watched as three subordinates have been assigned to positions over me!  Now that the practice is up and on it's feet we again have had to hire two new people, this time I am told that I would take place in the hiring and interviewing.  I have listened to these applicants come in, voice their salary expectations and watched as the doc and office manager make their choice.

After all is done, people are hired, I decided it was time for a talk with the office manager and told her that I believe that it is way past time for me to be considered for a raise, considering I train everyone, perform all my duties well, and tactfully remindered her of their promise to me, which was better pay, benefits and position as something other than the receptionist.   Her response is "well, I'll talk to the doc, but we're in a tight spot with expanding, hiring new staff...".  Any, I've got to say her tone spoke volumes... 

One of the new ones coming on board is actually moving from another city for this job!  I can't imagine other than a hefty salary a reason to move!  Right??  We old employees don't even get PTO and are all just so put out that the new staff seems to be hired on makng considerably more than we do.  It's disheartening to say the least.  I feel that the past 2 years I invested in my "escape" were a huge waste of time.  I guess I'm just sounding off and want anyone out there to think twice about leaving your home based jobs.  I have such a hard time making ends meet.  I thought the pay they offered was better than my MT/ME job, but it's so not... 


Thanks for letting me vent.


I'm so sorry - Not very young either

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From what you've said, it does sound like you're not being appreciated in the form of raises and promotions.

I'm curious about the credentials of the recently hired and the positions for which they applied. Do these new employees have formal training, education, etc? Are their duties different from yours?

Good for you that you spoke up about a raise. Most of the time, we can't rely on our employers recognizing our value to them and acting on it. We have to be our own advocates. I hope the doctor realizes the contributions you've made and are continuing to make to his practice and rewards you accordingly. Best of luck to you.

Need some clarity - but see msg

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As the other poster, I'm not real clear, either. Are these higher positions? If so, maybe they have a special credential or degree that you don't.

Also to be considered is this: You are likely EXTREMELY valued where you are. A reception position is very important. You are the first face, the first experience the customer/client/patient has. It is by nature an under-paid position, but the fact that they gave it to you and want to keep you there is a very high compliment.

I know, I know, compliment me in my paycheck! I hear you. But it is highly likely that it is easier to find people to do those other jobs they are hiring for, than to find people with a receptionist personality. A receptionist has to look and sound happy all the time, no matter how they are feeling. A back office person can put on a grumpy face and slouch in their chair until they're actually needed to look happy.

If you need more clarity on what is going on with those other positions, I would ask for it. If you qualify, I do believe that since you work there, they are required to tell you the position is available to give you a chance.

The grass isn't actually greener with MT: It's a field of weeds. - PerkUp

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You're gaining experience, though, and can take that towards a better job! Or, inquire with the manager as to what you might add to your skills to move up. Explain to her that you enjoy your current position, but you'd like to keep learning. Maybe you need something more related to the computer or bookkeeping or something else? You could find courses online or maybe at a community college just to beef up your skill set/knowledge. It might even be fun!

Or, look around and maybe you can slide into something else now that you've gained some actual on-the-job experience (that's not home based), starting at a higher pay. Maybe there's a better situation for you? You could list on your resume that you've been entrusted to actually train all the new hires, etc. That's very impressive!

Besides being in this home-based job seems to be getting worse by the day!

Why would you stay in a job like that??? - sm

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OK, so you took a rock-bottom clerical job in a doctor's office. Now, they are hiring people over you.

Did you even apply for those jobs? Not clear from your post.

As someone said, you may be very good at what you do. So much so that they don't want to lose you for that position.

Also as someone asked, were there credentials or education required for those jobs that you don't have?

There is also the possibility that they just don't think you can handle the higher-level jobs. It may be that there is something about your performance that they feel will not fit with a promotion. That's my take on it given the response the manager gave you.

Jobs like that DO lead to new and better work. However, expecting it to happen in that office is not very reasonable. The general rule is that you have to move around to get promoted.

Remember that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. That office knows all about your and your faults, whatever they are, even if minor. They only know fabulous hype about people from the outside. Or that they're pretty and perky. Maybe they have "other" benefits, as well--the kind it isn't polite to mention. That is why they hire them instead of promoting you.

Take the opportunity to learn what you need about those higher jobs. Take classes or get a book or something. Start applying for jobs elsewhere.

If you can read the handwriting on the wall and it's telling you to start walking, you need to walk. Don't just sit there feeling put out and sorry for yourself. There is no need for that.

Disgusted and sad - Anonymous

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Some thoughts: Why is a receptionist being included in hiring decisions? Other people's salaries are not your business. I think you are mistaken about why people relocate. Maybe they went through a divorce and want to make a fresh start, maybe they couldn't find work where they had been living, maybe they moved because of their husband's job, maybe they wanted to be closer to family, heck, maybe they just thought it was a good opportunity and wanted to make a change. I relocated to a new city when I was young but money had very little to do with it. You are making a lot of assumptions but seem to have very few facts. You know, your employer may be picking up that you're only in it for the money. If you consider that you are wasting your time and have conveyed that to others, that would be reason enough not to promote you or train you for anything else.
Didn't you know what they would be paying you? I don't understand the statement that you "thought" the pay they offered was better. I see things a little differently than you. I got laid off from MT at 58 and started over in a new job and I am just very thankful to be working. I never worked at home so I was not naïve to office politics and I went in with eyes wide open. I'm lucky to love what I do and I am taking advantage of every learning opportunity, but it's a large facility. That might be an option for you; larger clinics and hospitals would have more opportunities, now that you have some experience; don't stay if you don't think you are being treated fairly. Perhaps you are not suited to be a receptionist; no offense but it is not for everyone, I would stink at a job like that. Sorry for your bad experience, but you do have options.

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