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Nursing your lungs
Posted: Jul 5, 2012

So sad... - Tobacco and alcohol are legal.
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Pot is illegal. Topsy-turvey world.
Not only legal but in the case of tobacco - heavily subsidized by the US Government
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for the past several decades
Yep, and Big Tobacco big contributors to campaign coffers. - No Wonder
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The Speaker of the House being one of the biggest, if not the biggest recipient.
Are you implying that smoking pot is good for - your lungs?
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Just wondering?
must be the subsidies and taxes keeping it legal - L&L
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Have you ever seen those shows on (I think the History Channel or Disovery) how opium and others used to be illegal, how many people were hooked on them, and how they became banned. If the US could do that, it should be able to ban tobacco. AND I'm sick and tired now that insurance is paying for bypass and obesity surgery thus increaing insurance costs, that tobacco smokers saw obesity is more harmful. Damnit, when the doc pulled you from the womb and check you had a good suck and Moro, it was to EAT, not so that you would be able to suck on cigarettes.
scuse me, mean opium used to be LEGAL, not illegal - L&L
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