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Niece's cat

Posted: May 29, 2011

Hi everyone.  I know many of you are cat owners, and my niece is having a problem with her beautiful Calico, Nina. 

Nina has been urinating on the floor lately, sometimes next to the litter box.  Could she have a urinary tract infection?   Seems I heard that before about cats when they suddenly change their habits.  Any help would be appreciated.   Thank you. 


Yes... - no1joe

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Urinating outside the litter box could be a sign of a UTI or other bladder problem. However, if Nina is not yet spayed, she could be spraying. Yes... spraying just like a male cat. It's less common in females, but they do it. Another reason for staying away from the litter box is if their food/water dishes are in close proximity. Cats don't like to go near where they eat.

Hope this helps.

And - crazycatwoman

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Could be either of the above and also may be the litter box is dirty or the cat just doesn't like the litter. I have one cat who has to have a box with clay litter and the rest just like the World's Best with no problems. But the old lady cat will not use the World's Best so I have to keep one box with clay. And yes, females do spray. Unfortunately. Good luck!

Thank you, both - Christine

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My niece has two really nice litter boxes for the cats with the privacy round top on. They are located in the laundry room on the first floor, and up in the computer room on the second floor, both really private and away from food and water dishes. My niece is totally meticulous and cleans both out several times a day. When I feed them for her I actually do them 3-4 times a day. I told my sister to tell my niece it could be a medical problem. I know animals go by instinct, and when they suddenly change behavior something's up. My niece has had a guy there in the last few weeks working on the house inside. Maybe Nina is upset about him being there! He is laying new floor in my niece's bathroom adjacent to her bedroom, and that is where Nina usually sleeps during the day. I am sure he is making a lot of noise. Reuben (male cat) doesn't seem bothered and is acting normally. Anyway, I will make sure she contacts the vet about this. Thanks again for the information!

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