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Posted: Apr 16, 2010

Is it just me, or do you notice kids/young adults being rewarded for EVERYTHING?  To give you an idea of where I'm coming from, I'm 40 with 2 elementary aged children.  I watched a talk show recently where they were discussing this phenomenon, saying that the youth of today feels they are entitled to certain things, and it is because they have been taught that if you do something, no matter how small, you get a reward every time.  Otherwise, why bother doing it? 

I notice this with my own kids.  In their soccer program at the end of each season, everyone gets a trophy just for participating.  It doesn't matter if they lost every game or won every game.  The trophy is just expected, but does it really mean anything anymore?  Shpwing my age here, but when I was a kid, the trophy was a HUGE deal.  Not many got trophies...only the real winners.  It was something you really had to work hard as a team to get, not just show up at practice and be handed a trophy at the end of the season.  At school they even give the kids ice cream if they will sign up for programs like student council and class reporter. 

I'm 100% for encouraging kids and promoting good sportsmanship, learning how to lose and learning how to win.  Those are all important lessons in life.  What concerns me is that everywhere you look, there are rewards (bribes?) for the kids.  Volunteer for this, get that.  Sign up for this, get that.  What ever happened to just volunteering because it's the right thing to do, not because of some monetary or tangible reward to be had? 

Of course they are also witnessing the rewarding of corporate greed (banks and others), criminals, etc.  Where does it end?  

I'm afraid if society as a whole keeps this up, then our youth is going to have an extremely hard time in the workplace and with overall life issues.  



I agree completely! - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I too am a 40 YO mom with an elementary age child. The "awards" ceremony at the end of the year is completely ridiculous! They will give awards for every little thing the children do, just so everyone will have one and no one will feel left out! The youth of today do feel entitled...I also have a 19 YO daughter and its like pulling teeth to get her to do anything without some sort of "reward" for it! I tell her her reward is a roof over her head and food in her stomach.

I remember back in my elementary school days, did we even get awards for anything? It's crazy...

I agree too! - mrs.krabs

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SM- you sound like my husband. 3 hots and a cot! Our elementary school took away food rewards, not even goodies in a treat bag 3 times a year! Trophies and awards used to mean something; now we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings now do we? And by the way, I'm not a fan of affirmative action either!

Yes, agree with this totally - sm -

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I go to my kid's award ceremonies at school for their grades and reading points, every single kid's name is read out...150 kids for several different awards ....it takes about 45-60 minutes. They get certificate for straight As, As and Bs, Bs and Cs....they draw the line there for that, then reading (AR) points, as long as you took a reading test, you get one, improved grades, etc. They also have a yearly art contest, EVERY single kid gets a participant ribbon (again reading out every kids name and entry), and of course those that place 1,2,3 get ribbons too as well as a money prize. They take dance and get a participation certificate there too. Just seems so silly. I notice my kids get a bit bossy sometimes but I just cut them down to size, or make them pay for it. They learn the value of a dollar that way. If they want it bad enough they will either save up for it or wait until Christmas or their birthday. Trophies/certificates should not be given out for every stinking little thing. Schools and organizations are trying to be so politically correct it is pathetic. These kids will expect to inherit everything mom and dad have too, presuming they have anything left after supporting their entitled kids, kids whow probably won't give them the time of day when the parents need help in their golden years whether due to finances or illness.

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