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Do you have a relative

Posted: Dec 17, 2013

I bet you do, and you know, with the holidays, you're sure to have to deal with this!  My sister-in-law thinks any subject is fair game for discussion.  Husband's bowel movements, their sex life, their children's sex lives (in morbid detail), my mother's breast lumps (discussed with my husband; why?), pelvic exams, nothing is off limits...did you see We're the Millers?  The woman explaining how she found out she has a shallow vagina?  That's my sister-in-law. 


How do you deal with this? Maybe I'm a prude but I just don't think we need to talk about some things in public.


How about this - sm

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"Maybe I'm a prude but I just don't think we need to talk about some things in public."

One of my nephews says TMI, TMI, TMI, TMI, TMI meaning "too much information"!

I agree with you, in fact I care nothing about - hearing about other's lives be it

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their sex life, their husband's snoring, nothing. I cannot believe that others not only mention these in public but have the audacity to think others are interested. I was thinking the other day, believe more and more people in the pubic wanting to expose so much, if not a law against going completely naked they would. Wearing see through tops, pants, everything just out there. I also care not to overhear your telephone conversations, not interested.

Change the subject - Anon2

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Tactfully ask if you could talk about something else or just change the subject. Leave the room. If they have a captive audience, they will think people are interested.
I am not drawn into this ever - just saying what I didn't like
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Really no issue on this end.

Tacky - see msg

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Some people just have no scruples. Might be a generational thing. I'm 58, and this public display of nonsense was not heard of years ago.

I was in the gyn office the other day in the waiting room, and I heard a mother, daughter and aunt talking about the darndest things. Probably if it was just me, I could have handled it, but there was an 80-ish year-old man in the waiting area waiting for his wife to be done with her appt.

Well, this threesome was going on and on with the daughter (who looked all of 16 to me) and why she should get an IUD, because the daughter was always worried when her period was late, etc., etc. They were talking quite loudly. The kid sounded like a little twit squeaking and laughing about she "needs to do something" so she doesn't have this pregnancy worry every month. Mom and aunt were carrying on like teenagers, too. And their other concern was an STD, but they were giggling about it because of the multiple partners the daughter had. Geez.

Some of us have some decency, other's don't. I'm sure this man from an older generation than even mine did not want to sit and listen to how this "child" was tired of waiting for her period to find out if she was pregnant, slutting around, etc.

Yeepers. Somewhere along the line, we lost decency, and somewhere else along the line mothers have become their teens best friends. No wonder they're on drugs, having sex with multiple partners, etc., etc.

that's been going on for a long time - OP

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I'll never forget, this had to have been 35 years ago, I was 17 and in the waiting room at Planned Parenthood, and these two women, apparently a mother and aunt, were talking about their pregnant teenager. She was probably 14 and Planned Parenthood was encouraging her to either have an abortion or give up the baby, I can't remember which, but the mom and aunt were going on and on about "Well Planned Parenthood doesn't know Tamara! When she makes up her mind!" Even at the tender age of 17 I knew encouraging a 14 year old to keep a baby was WRONG.

My SIL that I posted about is 50. The funny thing is, when we were in our teens, before she married my brother, she was the quintessential lady. I so totally admired her! I don't know why she changed so much. Maybe people she hangs out with have rubbed off on her.

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