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Any news on the Dachsund with IVDD?

Posted: Feb 24, 2011

Just wondering how Kiki1's dachsund was doing.  I thought about her and her poor dog all day yesterday.  Hope you heard good news at the vet yesterday.


Thank you for thinking of my dog Oskar.... - kiki1

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Had vet visit. They did the xrays and blood tests. They sent us home with prednisone, some pain meds, and a muscle relaxant. We are going to give strict crating a go for at least a couple days and then readdress surgery if necessary.

I am going to do whatever it takes to get my little Oskar back to normal.

Vet says she's glad I telecommute so I can be with him all the time. I put his crate on my desk so he can see me all the time. The vet taught me how to express his bladder correctly. He looks so bored in there but I think he's at least happy to be up on the desk with me. I give him treats, got him some new toys, and reach my hand in and pet him constantly. Poor little guy now is not only deaf (he's a double dapple) but paralyzed. I am holding out hope that he won't need surgery but if he does I'll find a way..........

Thanks so much for your thoughts and for asking about Oskar.

I will say a pray for you and Oskar, Hopefully the meds will make him well again. - give him lots of loves and reassure you are there

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good luck

please keep us updated - cindy

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So sorry about Oskar - LinK
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I'll send prayers that he gets better and improves enough to not need surgery. You sound like you're doing everything to make him comfortable. Keep us posted.

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