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Andrea Bocelli concerts

Posted: Dec 2, 2011

Last Saturday night (I think that's correct) I saw a concert on MPT with Andrea Bocelli in which he sang The Lord's Prayer with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  It was something I will never forget.   David Foster said it was the closest thing to heaven he has ever experienced. 

I researched the reason for his blindness tonight.   He had poor vision as a child due to glaucoma, but then tragically lost his sight completely at age 12 due to being hit in the face with a football at a game. 

Tonight I saw the concert with him in Central Park in 2011.  When he sang Amazing Grace and got to the place where it says "I once was blind, but now I see" (even though the song is speaking in the spiritual sence)  It brought me to tears.    I threw a hint out to my niece last Sunday night that a CD of his music would sure be nice for Christmas!    Hope it worked!

Just wanted to share. 


Ironic - doctalk

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I came on the board to reference an abbreviation while transcribing and found your post just at the moment that Bocelli started singing Amazing Grace on PBS. We must be watching the same show. I agree, he is fantastic. I saw him live last year in California and he's even more awesome in person! Hope you get that CD; it's well worth it.

Happy for you - Christine

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Here is something ironic as well. When I was watching the show just at the point he sang Amazing Grace and got to the point in the song that I mentioned, I wondered what it would be like to ever see him in person. I was wishing at that moment someone could tell me what it is like. What a thrill that must have been for you. They said he dedicated the Concert in Central Park to his father, who passed away a decade ago, and that his mother was in the first row. I think part of what makes me cry when I hear him is that he has been given such a special gift and shares it so humbly. On the internet I saw he is married for eight years now with two sons. How proud his family must be.

Seeing him in person - doctalk

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It was thrilling to see him and he seemed as humble in person as he does on TV, unlike so many entertainers! I don't know what part of the country you're in, but he's always doing shows in the US. I'm out west, so I might try to see him in Vegas. Check his web site to see if he'll be near you. As I recall, his ticket price was very reasonable.
Andrea Bocelli - Christine
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I can only imagine what that was like for you. He is so gifted. They said Friday night that his father asked him to bring his voice to America. I live in southcentral Pennsylvania. I agree that his humility and gentle nature just add to the awesome experience. I was with my nieces yesterday and threw out the hint again for that CD! Thanks and have a great weekend.

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