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Preparing yourself spiritually

Posted: Mar 13, 2013

I don't consider myself a religious person, but I am a spiritual person.  Through the years I have prayed on and off.  A few months ago a situation arose where i found myself praying more and more and now it is a daily occurence for me.  I've gone to this church or that.  Grandma was a Sunday school teacher and organ player for our local church, so been to church since I could walk.  Went to an episcopal church until 4th grade, a methodist church until 9th grade, took catholic classes (I guess that is what you would call it, met with a priest and had lessons to follow) and went to catholic services til I was 20.  Joined the service and went to protestent services with some military friends, went through a year of mormon services and been to a couple jewish services and baptists services.  Also followed along with Wicca and Agnostic learnings.  So, familar with the church and different religions.  Never had a bad experience with any of it.

Okay, sorry, didn't mean to go off course, just was giving a little background on me so that nobody will get an impression that I dislike church.  I don't dislike church, I just don't like going anymore.  So I'm now sitting here with the movie Jesus of Nazareth playing (a very moving movie).  And all these thought's are running through my mind.  The most famous is the saying I keep hearing to get "spiritually prepared".  I believe, I say the Lords prayer (and rosary when I can remember it :-).)  I try to live my life the best I can, I treat others how I want to be treated.  Tonight as I was watching this movie one line really struck me - forgive others and you will be forgiven.  I sat and the thought immediately came to mind that I need to forgive my husband.  It wasn't until tonight that I never forgave him for how he has treated me in the past (not physically abusive, just says mean things over the years).  Never forgave him for telling me my family could come to see me and after they bought their tickets he said they couldn't come (things like that).  Many years I carried that around and it wasn't until tonight watching the movie I knew that message was directed specifcally for me.  Alright sorry again I got side tracked.  Will try and get to my thought once and for all.

When I hear people says nobody knows what is going to happen so "prepare yourself spiritually", is there something else I need to do.  If so how do I find out what that is.  Also, when I pray at night, is there a right way to pray.  I say the Lord's prayer (most of the time that's as far as I get before I fall asleep).  Pray for good health for friends and family, but that's it.  Should I be praying for more?  Sometimes I feel very shallow like I should be having a better conversation with Him.  Just wondered what it means when people say you need to be spiritually prepared. 


Preparing - sm

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God is the one who prepares us spiritually. "For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and then helping you do what he wants." Philippians 2:13

I believe the most important thing we need to do is stay in relationship with Christ. The way in which to cultivate any close relationship is to spend time communicating with the person (prayer) and getting to know them (reading the Bible).

I look at the Lord's prayer as a model for when I pray. It applies to all that I want to talk about to God.

"Lord, this problem is so large and confusing." "Thy will be done."

"Lord, I love and worship you and want to be closer to you than I am to anyone." "Hallowed be thy name."

I believe God wants us to come talk to him about everything. Stay connected to Him. He will complete that good work in you. God even blesses us with faith. "For by grace you have been saved by faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8

my thoughts - Empirelady

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I consider myself a "red letter" Christian, meaning, I go by Jesus' teachings in the Bible and his actual quotes. If you love Jesus and believe him to be the Son of God, then I say you're good to go. Of course, one truly has to strive to follow His teachings as well. He pretty much said there was no more jumping through hoops to gain God's favor. I say you continue to pray and find that place that brings you peace within yourself. You'll know when you get there. :)

I haven't gone to church in ages. I don't like the politics that can go on in even the best of churches. Not saying they aren't full of wonderful folks, because most of them are. My belief and trust in my God has nothing to do with an organization built by man. There are too many biblical interpretations and added rules by religion that I just can't abide by and find that it can turn to bigotry in a heartbeat if one isn't careful.

Just my thoughts on a Wednesday morning.

A couple of things I have learned - over the years

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in my search to be closer to the Creator.

Aside from praying, we should also be "praising" the Lord. He loves to know that you have deeper feelings for him other than to "ask for things" by prayer. When you do pray though, at the end, say "in the name of Jesus, your beloved son." Nothing goes to the Lord but through Jesus' name. God also does not care for the "repetitious" man-made prayers, such as the Lord's prayer and the Rosary. He likes to hear the words of your heart...not made up words by someone else. When you do pray and praise, do it somewhere that you are alone, and not in front of a crowd of people, like in a church. Your relationship with the Lord then becomes personal and not flaunting in front of others. Thank the Lord for everything that happens in your life, both good and bad. From the bad comes goodness through the Lord. Don't just pray to him in the bad times when you need something or want something. That is not sincere praise, for sure. Faith in the Lord is a huge thing, and can falter easily as our life's struggles take precedence over everything. But the more you communicate with Him, the more faith you will gain. As you share your life with Him, he will surely share with you. I hope some of these suggestions help in your search for getting yourself right spiritually. Being human, we tend to forget, or put things on the back burner....myself included.

I also tend to agree with Empirelady about her beliefs about organized religion. Most of them charge money in order to be a member, and I have a huge peeve about that. The Word of the Lord is "free" to all who seek Him. If we choose to tithe to someone who is "teaching us" the ways of the Lord, we should do that if we can, but it should not be "demanded" by a group or organization, and most especially not a determined preset amount of funds. Some churches actually "invoice" members annually with a certain percentage of the member's income. What the original idea of tithing meant was to offer a warm meal to your traveling teacher, a place to spend the night if needed during his travels, food, warmth, and comfort as thanks for sharing the Word. It did not mean organized religion to be run as a "profit" organization and demanding a certain amount of payment from each member, just to be demanded of to believe the organization's "interpretation" of the Lord's words. Many churches have different "beliefs" about what the Word of God actually meant, and many of those beliefs, if you study the Bible with an open heart, just are not true at all. My belief is God is "personal". It is the relationship that He and I have built together, and to me, that is the way it should be.

hope this helps some. good luck in your search.

Ummm, you are not correct - anon

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The Lord's Prayer came from Jesus.
anon - provide proof please
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please provide a link or scripture that states that Jesus spoke this prayer and advised his followers to do the same. Not to my knowledge.
Guess you need to read the Bible more - anon
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It's found in both Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4. You could have easily googled this yourself OR looked in your Bible, which, as a professed Christian, you should be reading on your own regularly.

There are different versions based on what version of the Bible you are reading, but the gist of it is the same all around.

Also, No where in the Bible does it say you have to end your prayers with "In Jesus' name" in order for your prayer to be heard. If that's what you do, fine, but don't be telling people God won't hear their prayers if they don't say that, as it is untrue and not Bible-based.

What you are actually referring to is John 14:6, which states "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." That verse is in reference to one's faith and belief in Jesus, not how you end your prayers.
the lord's prayer goes back to the old testament - nm
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Yes and no - anon
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Bits and pieces of the Lord's prayer can be found in the Old Testament; however, the Lord's Prayer, in full, is only found in the New Testament.

Unless you've had personal experience... - sm

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one way to look at being spiritually prepared is to be diligent in keeping your temple full, meaning getting to know the nature of God by reading the Word and being open to His communications with you. This diligence helps if you or your family is harassed or attacked by demons. When you are saved, this is like a protection. This seems simplified, but like I said, unless you've had personal experiences, most would consider this crazy talk by a Bible thumper, Jesus freak.....be spiritually prepared. God is great. If God is for us, who can be against us!

Thank you all - your thoughts have been very helpful - OP of post

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There is so much to learn. Every post has been very helpful and I will be taking everyone's thoughts with me in my journey.

My prayer for you - friend

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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-14

god bless my grandfather - MIA

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For he used to ask complete strangers, "do you know where you're going when you die?" I was so embarassed back then, but I have learned over the years that it really gets people to wonder "am I ready?" If you are seeking God with your heart and mind, He will find you. If you knock the door will be opened. And there is no right or wrong way to pray in order for Him to hear your words for He knows the number of hairs on your head and your words before you speak them. Let your words come from the heart. He is listening.

Have you ever read the gospel of John in the Bible? - mom22dogs

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Read with an open heart and be open to the Holy Spirit's leading, and He will show you how to be spiritually prepared. It involves admitting you are a sinner "for ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (even me :-)) and accepting His death on the cross as forgiveness for your sins. Praying for you! There really is nothing that we can do to get ourselves spiritually prepared, just accept His gift. I am praying for you!

The gift of salvation - SM

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Thank you for this post. Accepting Christ into our hearts and receiving the gift of salvation if the only true way to prepare ourselves for eternity. Our works and deeds alone with not do it.

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