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I pray that our Father in Heaven has mercy on this - nation. Please heal President Trump

Posted: Oct 2nd, 2020 - 7:01 am In Reply to: Prayers for President Trump and Melania. God's love - can move mountains. Calling

and Melania, and please heal our nation. Not all of us want violence. We are a sinful nation. We have fallen from grace, but even the dogs get crumbs.

Have mercy upon us. Help us get rid of the evil that plagues us. Take the evil from our land. Let us freely worship you in the open. We are not ashamed to serve you. Let us freely worship you in the open. We are not ashamed to serve you. Give us great men like President Trump. Who are not ashamed to call out to you. We need this man you sent us. My prayers along will millions of others is to save our nation.

Watch over and protect President Trump and Melania and help them recover quickly and completely.


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