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Evidently, social distancing DOESN'T work - Truthhurts

Posted: Oct 2nd, 2020 - 6:26 am In Reply to: Trump is under quarantine for COVID - .

The president and Melania have no symptoms. He has social distanced even without a mask (except with Melania). Listening to the left. they seem pretty happy about it, especially MSNBC and ABC. Then there's the doom and gloom they're broadcasting...the "what if...," how many did they infect, and their real worry, "What about Joe. Where is he? We've been trying to contact him all night and can't reach him." You know what will happen if Biden gets it...they'll blame Trump even though they were social distancing at the debate.

At his rallies, those without masks were more than 6 feet away, yet the left is asking how many more will be sick over this. Can't wish him and Melania well. Have to hold the hate as before. They disgust me.


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