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Well, that went well. Seattle's CHAZ needs help - Truthhurts

Posted: Jun 11th, 2020 - 8:35 am

Capital Hill AUTONOMOUS Group keeping police out, barricaded themselves into a 6-7 block area of the city, self-contained, self-governing. Guards at the barricades with guns to make sure no one gets in without approval.  Only problem, someone took the word "free" too far. Their food stock was STOLEN!!!! Now one of them was on Twitter asking for help to replenish their food supply but they only was meat substitutes, soy, fruit, oats, etc. Who are they going to call to arrest the culprit? 

How long did they seize that area and self-govern/self contain??  One whole day? Or was it two?  Even then, they weren't self-contained. They still depended on the city to supply electric and water/sewer (not sure about the weater/sewer services).   I feel so sorry for them--NOT. Do you? 



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