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I think we're seeing the fruits of this just like the coordinated - effort to bring down religious freedom

Posted: Jun 11th, 2020 - 12:32 pm In Reply to: For commies the ‘black community’ is a horse to ride - to power.

law and push LGBT.

My husband just got out of a corporate meeting where they all had listen to "minority voices" give speeches about how "oppressed" they are.

All this outpouring and wildly coordinated messaging felt familiar to us and we realized it's VERY MUCH like the corporate/political/lobbying campaign that happened with RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) where the local sports teams and city and city businesses all suddenly had identical messaging and signs and T-shirts about how they supported gays.

Who handled all that coordination? Marc Benioff - Salesforce CEO. Suddenly I recalled his ominous quote afterwards that CEOs were going to be their own political party.

This is RFRA on a MASSIVE scale - coordinated by CEOs. The liberals of old were actually so right about the corporation problem on many ways. They realized at some point they could use them all to their advantage. We didn’t. It only works when you control the Media and the Judiciary. We are fighting to overcome the tyranny of Progressive Media and Academia, bolstered by many in the Judiciary.

Now these CEO are funding the "revolution"


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