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You gave me incentive to find out about - Amy Klobuchar...sm

Posted: Oct 24th, 2019 - 7:19 am In Reply to: I'm glad you posted this. You gave me - a lot to think about.SM

Saying that EW's and BS's ideas were not bad, I meant in the sense that they feel that everyone should have healthcare coverage available. It's just the way they want to do it that doesn't seem to be practical or reasonable. I do think that improving peoples' access to good quality healthcare will eventually come in the future, but it will be a while in coming and will happen slowly in increments. We do have to keep the momentum going though for it to happen. Tom Steyer might be too much of a liberal for you, but I think some of his liberal causes have been carried out in the private sector by ordinary people, not by the govt. That's the kind of liberal activism I can get behind.


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