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I'm glad it gave you something to think - about. I don't know much

Posted: Oct 24th, 2019 - 7:03 am In Reply to: I'm glad you posted this. You gave me - a lot to think about.SM

about Tom Steyer but I have been following Klobuchar since she began her run. I will also do some research on him though.

Out of the top runners, Biden definitely gets my vote. My opinion does differ with yours in that I think Warren and Sanders ideas are bad ones and way out in left field. Klobuchar wants to build on the ACA and offer a buy in for Medicare, which I think is a great alternative to national healthcare. I also think she is more likely to work in a bipartisan way in Congress and that is what we need.

I promise, I will look into Steyer but I'm afraid my mind was made up a long time ago on Klobuchar. Thanks for your input.


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