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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

Pres. Trump would rather connect with American - citizens than waste his time

Posted: Apr 30th, 2018 - 4:38 am In Reply to: And so why did Trump not attend the WHCD? - sm

being insulted. This dinner is not a president duty. Who cares?

There’s a simple solution to this intractably rabid liberal madness -— revoke all of their press passes, and transmit a “Daily White House Update” via facsimile to a single machine in an 8X10 foot room, deep in the bowels of the White House basement. They can all retrieve their briefing there, until such time that they can learn to act like mature and respectful adults.

No questions will be permitted, since they’re no longer credentialed members of the White House press corp..There’s simply no reason whatsoever for these adolescent insults to be allowed to continue the way it’s currently structured. Like sending children to their rooms without their supper, these insolent hyenas must be taught a lesson that they’ll not soon forget.

Problem solved ... until further notice.


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