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And yet not repulsed by Trump? - the vulgarity reflects him

Posted: Apr 29th, 2018 - 10:38 am In Reply to: The left is so hateful and clueless, they think that if they just - get a little more vulgar in their

It's amazing the amount of passes he gets. I think he hypnotizes people or something. Lucky for me I cannot stand to look at or listen to him because of that self same vulgarity and loud boasting.

People are repulsed by a comedian but not Trump? I don't think "the left" is trying to get more people to their side. Michelle Wolf does not represent "the left" - she is just a comedian.

I don't think "the left" are "genuinely shocked when people are repulsed" either. What they are shocked at is that a few jokes gets the response that most in the non Trump camp have for Trump all the time, every day, with his shouting and lying and just plain nastiness.


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