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The hate is on both sides - ModerateMolly

Posted: Apr 29th, 2018 - 7:38 pm In Reply to: The left is so hateful and clueless, they think that if they just - get a little more vulgar in their

It is just this type of comment saying that the "left is so hateful and clueless," which shows at least your ignorance to your participation in the hate. So, it is okay and not at all hateful to call the left hateful or clueless or other such names peddled by right wing radio/media personalities? I will just say that I am a moderate, leaning liberal who does not support Trump, but I clearly do not call people who think differently about him names. It is hypocritical to say in one breath someone is hateful, and at the same time do the same thing. I wish this country could just understand that we are not all the same, no matter the party or ideology we agree with. I don't agree with people insulting the president, so I do not like being lumped in with the rest, just because I have the ideology that is liberal leaning. I have friends on both sides. There is just as much hate on the right as there is on the left. As Americans we could do well to start being a little bit more moderate, starting with the ceasing of name calling and lumping everyone into the same pot. Try to understand that we are all in this together. The media is a whole other conglomerate - they ALL have their own agenda. We the people need to remember that.


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