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Well then they need to figure out a way - to make those laws work.

Posted: Feb 19th, 2018 - 1:52 pm In Reply to: They refuse to enforce the close to 30,000 gun laws we - have, don't give us new ones to ignore.

Maybe they need to sit down and figure out which ones are working and which aren't. Maybe better databases. I was reading a comment in an article and that person had an idea that I thought was great. Connecting the dots in all the databases. School databases that have kids that are trouble, like this kid, employers that have employees that threaten, etc. Then if any of these people are trying to buy a gun, they would be flagged and look into that case more. We have incredibly more people than we had back when the second amendment was written so we need to find a better way to manage all these people. I don't know the answer but running around blaming each other is not solving anything.


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