A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Feb 11, 2012

I know this is probably a stupid prayer request, but honestly, I am praying that God will get us through a house project we have going. We are remodeling/renovating an old house and I really pray we don't fall on hard times. We are trying to downsize and once we are able to move in and sell our present place, things will be less stress financially -- I pray they are anyway. I pray God will keep us on track and keeps working things out financially for us as we continue on with this project. Hopefully we can get it done in 2012. Sometimes I stress out about it. I pray we continue to do well at our jobs and yes I kind of do pray that God will let me be the winner of a $100,000 sweepstakes I entered, it would really help. Thanks for your prayers.



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