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Posted: Jan 24, 2014

Like so many people, the last few years have been progressively more difficult for me.  My husband, who is in his mid 50s, exhausted his unemployment benefits some time ago and cannot find a steady job that will pay the bills.  I made very little money last year - less than $20K.  After a 7-day hospital stay a few months ago, I now have medical bills totaling more than $80K despite having "insurance."  I'm grateful to have a job, but now my trusty old computer is starting to act up.  

Last week I got the results of my routine mammogram, which said there was a finding that required further workup.  Thank God I qualified to go through the county to get the imaging, but I don't know what I'll do if I need to have a biopsy or worse.

I have faith, and I don't remember really crying  in the last 3 years, but tonight I did .  I just lost it.  I'm sad and tired and a little scared about the breast thing and everything else now.  I know God is here, but I do feel very sad and vulnerable.

Thanks for listening.


Praying for you Louise - believing MT

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I'm so sorry to hear you're going through so much. I would encourage you to keep reading God's word, praying and crying out to Him. He is there and will walk us through the dark valleys. They are difficult times and we often just don't understand them. God will never leave you. He is there even sometimes when we can't "feel" Him. Trust in His promises and stay at the feet of Jesus depending on Him for every breath, even if it means you feel like a small child...that's right where He wants you...trusting completely in Him, walking by faith not by sight and resting in His Word. I am praying for you right now. I pray for His peace and comfort for you during this very hard time.

Prayers for you.. - I was feeling..

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sorry for myself tonight due to impending job loss and a lot of debt that my family doesn't know about/wouldn't understand, but I don't have the health scares that you have. God bless you...deep prayers for you.

Prayers going up - Helen

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My family was on the receiving end of special prayers last year and I know how uplifting it can be to know that others are praying for you -

sending you positive energy stay strong xo - mtr

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I will put you in my prayers and I just know - kshel

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that good things will come your way. I wish I could give you a hug so, here is an electronic one! God bless you.

Count on me to pray you through it. - sm

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Louise, I'm adding you to my prayer chain. You have every right to be frustrated and scared and overwhelmed. You need to let your friends (and even your MT friends here on the board) surround you with love and support. You and your family are going through a very rough storm. Lean on God for comfort, and keep us posted on how things are going.

Thanks to all - Louise

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Your posts, prayers, and support mean so much to me. I hear God speaking to me through all of you, and I do feel the love. My followup imaging appointment is February 3, and as soon as I get the results, I will let you all know. God bless you prayer warriors!

A little advice Louise - missbarb

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I have heard over and over that an alkaline healthy body keeps the cancer away. If your pH is too acidic (under 7.0) you need to boost up your alkaline uptake.
Since I can't afford stuff like this alkamax booster, I actually drink a little baking soda and water each day or every other day.
Cancer and tumors cannot survive or manifest in an alkaline body. Please research for yourself as to what foods to eat and not eat especially during this time. You can get pH strips at the drug store by the pharmacist. Get your pH level over 7.1, (7.35 to 7.45) and keep it around that number.'
An acidic imbalance:

Causes fatigue and illness
Decreases energy production in the cells
Stunts the repair of damaged cells
Limits the ability to detoxify heavy metals
Encourages tumor cells to thrive
Hinders the body's ability to absorb minerals and nutrients

Acidosis is more common in America because of our diet, which is high in acid producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy. In addition, Americans eat more acid producing processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink acid producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks.

Beer: pH of 2.5

Coca-Cola: pH of 2.0

Coffee: pH of 4.0

Americans take more drugs for ailments, which are acid forming; and use artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal and Aspartame.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/764298


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Thank you for this enlightening post. I appreciate this information and I hope Louise saw it and it benefits all that read it.

Alkaline foods - missbarb

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Alkaline foods:
Drink Herb teas and lemon (yes lemon) they metabolize as alkaline in your body.
Eat grapefruits, watermelon, apples, pears, almonds, broccoli, use canola oil, flax seed oil.
For much more please see:
Alkaline and acid forming foods chart.

Prayer for you - MT

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I will pray to angel Raphael and arch angel Michael to protect you and to bring healing in your situation. Please believe that everything will work out, just believe, that is what god would love for you to do and he will see you right through this.

Overwhelmed - peaches

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I pray that God will move in you and your husband's life in a mighty way right now and that you will experience unspeakable joy and peace AND prosperity, and that you will remember to thank Him and share your testimonies, pray the prayer of Jabez as much as possible. In Jesus name Amen!

Might be something you're interested in taking a look at: - Lynn

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I read your post and you are in my prayers...You aren't alone in this journey, for sure. So many people are really hurting right now and I'm passionate to share what I'm sharing below. It could be the answer to your prayers or anothers.

I have been an MT for over 30 years now; I've had bountiful years and I've had meager years; I've watched this profession go down in respect and pay until its almost hard to remember what the years were like when we were paid very well for our legal documents we produce and clean up every day for all our docs. This year, I've found another opportunity to have more freedom, travel, spend time with my family and to actually earn what I'm WORTH! Which is something that hasn't happened for years.

If anyone is interested in finding out what I'm doing that I'm so passionate about helping others do, please feel free to contact me at LNZBOP@aol.com and put as the Subject Line: Opportunity.

This may not be for everyone; but you may know someone who has been praying for a way to change their life and I'm very passionate about helping those people do this. I'm willing to do what it takes to help others achieve their goals and dreams, so you aren't alone in this business I'm offering.

Is it worth taking a look at something that could change your life forever? I'm claiming 2014 as my year of DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO GET A DIFFERENT RESULTS. Is is your year, also? Would love to hear from you if this piques your interest.

There is more to life than working for someone else and making their dreams come true! You deserve yours, also.

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