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where's the beef?

Posted: Feb 26, 2010

Comments denigrating Obama's demeanor but nothing on the actual points of the meeting. We get it, girliies, you don't like Obama. Any other insights?  I did not like that baby blue tie.



Just like the insecure schoolyard bullies . . . . - Really?

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who don't like the popular kids . . . so they have to make up stuff in order to feel better about bullying them . . .

No that would be the libs on this board afraid of a decent discussion - just bullying anyone not liberal here

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God forbid anyone should have a difference of opinion here as they get bullied by the libs. We can take it, but it's like my mom always told me...how many more times are you going to get beat up before you just walk away.

And the "made up stuff"...you mean like your post here. There is stuff going on and things happening, but if you don't want to see reality you consider it "made up".

Now that's rich!

Please give an example of a lib "bullying" anyone. (sm) - Nikki

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I've seen libs try to engage in debate with questions that go unanswered, but I don't see any "bullying" by libs.

you can read the messages for yourself - - no need to copy and paste
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but then again I wouldn't expect you to think anyone has.
I have read them, and if anything, it's the (sm) - Nikki
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other way around, with the conservatives being very nasty to the liberals.

I'm sorry but I just disagree....look at the posts again - anon
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I understand where you come from and that's okay. Your choice to believe what you want, but in all honesty the libs are ganging up on what few conservatives there are, and then yes the conservatives get angry. Who wouldn't.

I haven't looked at the board in a day or so and came back and sure enough it is most definitely a liberals playground here. Not seeing much conservatives, but I am seeing a bunch of republican bashing. Every post that is started is pretty much bashing anyone who is a republican.

You've got to admit it because it's true
It sounds like what's really bothering you is (sm) - Nikki
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that there aren't enough conservatives on the board. That's something I disagree with, by the way.  There are many various forms of "anon" here, and they all seem to represent the conservative point of view. Then there are the drive-by insults by conservatives towards liberals.

I, myself, left the board for a couple of weeks because I couldn't stand the constant diatribes by conservatives against liberals. It all just became too unsavory for me to subject myself to.

A couple of the liberals on this board have tried to form a debate by asking questions of conservatives with respect to their posts, but their questions remain unanswered.

You most definitely have a right to your opinion, but I truly don't see what you see. Perhaps you could give me an example.

We'll have to just agree to disagree - see message - anon
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I'm sorry but I just don't see what you are seeing. I enjoy your posts, even if I don't agree with them. I stopped using my moniker I used to because every time I posted what I thought about something or an article I was bashed & trashed by liberals. Won't say what my moniker was or who was doing the trashing, that's not what this is about, but I'll just say I went to anon because there are many and it's just safer that way.

It doesn't bother me that there are not more conservatives on the board, what bothers me is the constant bashing (and I mean really bashing) of conservatives, and anyone who has a conservative viewpoint. What I'm reading on this board are headlines of people who hate conservatives, then whine when someone brings something up about the current administration. It's like they refuse to see that there is wrong going on in our government, and when people point out issues, they turn around and call them racists, Obama haters, etc, etc. As though that is valid.

I did stop coming because it is basically a liberals playground here and the only thing is posts denigrating anyone with a conservative viewpoint. It reminds me of when I was younger and my sister would poke and poke and poke me, and when I'd poke her back she'd yell ow, why did you do that (then my mom would yell at me). That's what it's like here.

The bashing is on both sides, no doubt about that, but I just stay away now because this really is a liberal board, praising every single thing that Obama and the administration does, never taking responsibility for the people who are really responsible for the destruction of the country (at this present time I'm talking about - making decisions today and tomorrow that are affecting our lives in our current time (not the past administration, their faults are for a different post), but decisions on taxing us more money, health care issues, continuing the war, etc. A lot of the liberals on this board (not you in particular because even though I don't always agree with you, you are civilized and thoughtful in your posts) have the attitude as one poster put "its my way or the highway attitude". They refuse to validate an article that Fox has, yet they'll post a story from Huffington or Raw Story and say that is credible but a conservative website is not.

Why I basically have stopped coming here is there is no good news or articles being posted anymore. It's not neutral and is just always a snide remark about a conservative, then a bunch jump on the band wagon, and this board is starting to look like a replica of what is being spewed on MSNBC. The absolute hatred for conservatives is rampant and anyone who tries to defend their viewpoints gets knocked down.

I'm all for difference of opinions but the bashing does get old. You don't want to merit people in congress for their own actions, you'll lump everyone in one group. Until people take responsibility and admit that there is wrong doings going on in congress and stop blaming everything on republicans, when they are not in power, nobody will ever get anywhere. But as for that I come about once every few days now and see that nothing has changed. This really is not a politics board for all, it is a politics board for liberals, and if you are a conservative and have a difference of opinion, you just have to be prepared that you are going to be bashed and trashed because you have a difference of opinion. Just not worth the time anymore.
I agree with you. It's best to agree to disagree. (sm) - Nikki
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I don't know if you remember a couple of months ago (I guess it's still in the archives) when someone seemed to be stalking me, calling ME out when I hadn't even posted anything on a particular subject and being very, very nasty. I've walked in those shoes longer than I cared to.

I imposed a self-exile and disappeared a few weeks ago because a quick scan of the board kept showing conservatives bashing liberals. So you're right: I don't see what you see.

I wish you would assume your moniker again and post news stories from a conservative website in order to start a discussion. As I'm sure you're acutely aware, I'm liberal and post liberal stories for that reason.

I don't dispute that you're feeling what you say you're feeling. Nobody can tell you what you are or are NOT feeling. You're the only one who knows that.

I appreciate your response and support agreeing to disagree. Smile

Thanks, anon! I totally could have written everything in your post! - Anon
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I haven't given up on posting here, although I do wax and wane depending on what's going on in my life, or how pissed off I am about political decisions that day, LOL! I don't know if anyone ever reads what I post inside the message, but my hope is that maybe I can educate one person with some unbiased facts, because those seem to be lacking on this board! Anyway, thanks for your efforts in the fight to regain our country!
If you won't give an example, then how about - your definition.
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Just what is your definition of bullying?
Cant back up the claim with any example? - Imagination working overtime. nm
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yup - just as I suspected - as the saying goes...
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He that first cries out "stop thief" is often he that has stolen the treasure. - William Congreve (1670-1729)
Oops - posted in the wrong spot - no need to copy and past
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This was a reply to the ones who replied to me.
Simple truth would work for us - NJ
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âMake the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe itâ - Adolph Hitler. Also a part of the republican playbook and probably a favorite of Rove and Rush.

Or as Bush said "sometimes you have to - catapult the propaganda"
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I see far more "bullying" from the repubs here. You can't post anything without 4 or 5 of you jumping on to post some hit-and-run insult about the poster and poster.
This is what I see as well. I read here, do - not post SM
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I am neither R or D. I read here frequently. I see reasonable posts by libs and, as the above poster said, "hit and run" insults from repubs. It's really too bad. I enjoy intelligent discussion of differences and opinions.
Usually the libs on this board post a derogatory article about conservatives.... - Anon
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then join in agreeing with themselves on how evil those pubbies are. Then when a conservative actually tries to debate the issue or clarify the facts, you libs jump on them. Typical Alinsky-style tactics, and very detrimental to the level of discourse in this country.
No, we post an article supporting our stance on - certain policies, usually
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things that we have been beat up (bullied?) about(verbally, that is) by the repubs on this forum. Sometimes we post just to bring up a topic and start hopefully civil discourse and what we get are a bunch of drive-by insults of our posts and personal insults of stupidity and so on. I think the closed mind and the tendency to have a kneejerk response with party talking points and no honest thought is the "evil" I see here. Sorry, but if your idea of "debate" is to insult the poster and the poster, maybe that is the proplem. That type of response is not conducive to reasonable discussion.
Read the 2nd response to the original post as an example.... - Anon
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If you were truly interested in "reasonable discussion," you wouldn't insult your adversary right off the bat. You would say, "any thoughts on this article?" Instead you bait people to respond with juvenile name-calling, and then when they try to defend their argument, you jump on them with more insults.
I'm assuming you're referring to my post . . . . - Really?
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But just stating facts -- Since before President Obama was even elected, there has been a bunch of garbage manufactured by conservatives in order to assasinate his character -- none of which has any basis in fact or logic to back up these ridiculous claims -- and that, my friend, is what we referred to in elementary school as being a bully. Now if you seriously consider that an insult, you obviously haven't paid any attention to the CONSTANT attacks and namecalling on this board of any and all individuals who come close to posting an opposing viewpoint contrary to conservative opinion. Making up stuff and throwing it out there for no other purpose than to just be disagreeable is considerably more petty and insulting. I did not refer to all conservatives as bullies -- but if the shoe fits -- I was simply trying to express that I consider that kind of behavior (i.e. constantly insulting and finding fault with any little trivial thing that involves the President)as very much a form of bullying.

I understand that you don't like the President's policies, but it is exceedingly immature to constantly bash someone's character based on that . . . .
That's the way I see it, as well, having experienced it (sm) - Nikki
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up front and personal.
I know, Nikki -- I have posted a few of the posts by "Anon" - Really?
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It appears that when accusing others of attack-mode behavior, that "Anon" has very selective recall.

". . . if we start besmirching people's reputations with gossip and innuendo . . ." (Re: see comment below that "Obama has lied at every turn" . . . I would call someone a hypocrite for accusing other people of "gossip and innuendo?")

"Your post makes no sense at all...which is rather typical" (another one of those famous drive-by insults)

"Rather condescending, aren't you? Much like Obama!" (and yet another one)

"Obama has lied at every turn . . ." (quite melodramatic and overblown, especially in the face of Bush's lies to the American public to justify an unnecessary war which is what bankrupted this nation).
Careful~don't want to be "bullies" - LOL
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Don't want to upset the poor, tender-hearted cons on this forum.
LOL! (nm) - Nikki
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And it continues...(sm) - Nikki
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The libs on this board are such hypocrites! Anything Bambi does is A-okay in their book! - Anon
Do you not read the posts before yours? Plenty of examples given before you posted this message . . - Really?
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try reading a few posts up . . . I think there are more than enought given to prove my point. Any more questions?
Hey, easy there. I agree with you. (sm) - Nikki
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I saw the list you prepared, and I was merely adding yet another post (in support of your post's list) that occurred by the same poster AFTER after you posted your list. Maybe I should have put it in quotes. Smile

Sorry, Nikki - my response was not to you . . . - Really?
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I inadvertently tagged the incorrect post -- it was supposed to be in response to "Anon" who posted below asking what "garbage" had been manufactured, AFTER you and I posted "examples". Thanks for that, by the way -- I can confidently say we share like viewpoints! LOL

Once again, I'm so sorry for my mis-post.
No problem, and yes, we DO share like viewpoints! LOL! (nm) - Nikki
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Please give samples - anon4gdreason
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Of these "fabricated stories" you talk about of the "bunch of garbage manufactured by conservatives in order to assasinate his character". Which stories are you talking about? Please provide links.

What is ridiculous is you don't even acknowledge that anything wrong is going on in congress.

If you want to talk about bullying you need to read and talk about the posts where people who have a conservative viewpoint are being bullied by the liberals. Not only does one reply but the whole gang jumps on the band wagon, which one can only take is to drive them away.

You must not know what "drive by's" are. They are one liners with insults. I see it on both sides so please don't even try and claim that no liberals on this board do it. They do.

Making up stuff? You mean like calling people a racist? Calling people Obama haters because they don't agree with a policy he is putting into place?

You will not accept an article from a conservative website. You laugh and say it's not credible but you'll accept an article from a liberal website even when it's filled with hate towards conservatives, and have no facts to back up it's claims.

I've never seen this country so divided since our new president was sworn in. If this is what the country has become, then maybe Hillary should have won. One thing for sure is the country would at least have a chance of recovering from what the previous admin did to us, and people wouldn't be called racist for disagreeing with a policy. Right now the devastation he inherited is getting worse and worse. Nobody in congress is representing the people they are supposed to be. They are not making decisions that will make the country better, and when American stands up and says "NO" they don't care, they go on doing whatever they want to do.

I'd say your post was a nice try at deflecting the truth, but it wasn't.
Examples - NJ
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Birthers. Uproar over bowing to another country's leader. Lies about who buys Michelle's clothes. Blame for the economic slump instead of praise for avoiding a depression. Cries of Hitler, socialism, communism. Slamming the victory garden because fertilizer was used on the lawn years ago.

The list goes on and on, full of trivial things, lies, and misdirection. Things blown out of proportion. Anything, any excuse to fuel hate.

To paraphrase Gene Robinson: When someone in California starts a fire and it gets out of control, destroying forests, property, and lives, we hold that person accountable. We should also hold people who spread hate accountable.

The left is starting to do just that. Again I say, it's about time.


Reply - anon4gdreason
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1. Birthers - Very derogatory thank you. The birth certificate is a very real issue. If it wasn't, judges and lawyers (who well know the consequences of bringing a bogus issue into court) would not be bringing the issue to court. Whether or not you want to believe it, the birth certificate issue has not been resolved. Putting a phony birth certificate that has been examined by experts and found to be a fake will not fly. Personally I don't care where he was born. It is just something that will go down in our history books that the first time in history this has been allowed to happen. But calling them "birthers" is a derogatory term for something that over half the country wants to know.

2. Bowing - this is a very legitimate issue. NO president bows to the leader of another country. Unless of course they feel inferior to that country. A polite hand shake would have done.

3. I think everyone knows that M.O. buys her own clothes.

4. Economic slump - hmmm...nice choice of words. Kind of like putting a frilly dress on an ugly duckling. You cannot make like of how bad the economy is. Nobody is deserving of any praise. That's like saying we should all praise him because he hasn't turned the key to launch a nuclear weapon. If you're going to say he needs praise for avoiding a depression then you better say the same for Bush because he "avoided" a depression. We were not in a depression when Bush was in office and we are not in one now, however, no praise is going to be given to someone who is a hairline fracture away from putting our country into a depression. The spending has got to STOP. If it doesn't we most certainly will be facing a depression.

5. Cries of Hitler? I heard that from the left about Bush. You also might want to do some research about what communism/socialism is. Sorry you don't like to hear the truth, but this government is in the process of creating a socialist country here. They might just get away with it, but I'm sure you'll be okay with that because after all a democrat is president.

The victory garden. I don't remember much about that. Did she call it organic? I don't remember. If she called it organic when she used fertilizer and pesticides, then that would be a problem. I think the garden itself was a great idea to teach children, but please don't call it organic if it is not. Again, I don't know if she did or not.

Issue you thing are trivial are not trivial to half the country.

I like your Gene Robinson phrase. People do need to be held accountable if they cause a fire. Hence the congress should be held accountable for the destruction they are causing.

People who spread hate - Oooh...you mean like the people who spread the hate about Sarah Palin?

Yup, it's about time.

Oooppsss - meant "issues you think" - not issue you thing
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Fringe is a good tv show - NJ
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I like the tv show "Fringe". I'm also amused by the political fringe. It's very hard to take seriously, even when it gets loud enough to cause headaches.

1. The term "birthers" is "very derogatory? But refusing to believe the proof because you haven't touched the birth certificate yourself is ok? That's so far out there the birthers have fallen off the edge. The issue is dead, not persued by republican leaders, because it's just too silly.

2. You never saw the pictures of the other presidents bowing? Try a search at Google images to see Dubya, Nixon, and Eisenhower to name a few. One that the left doesn't bat an eye at that would have the right frothing at the mouth is Dubya planting a big smootch on the lips of an oil sheik. If Obama did that, he'd be called a homosexual socialist ^^

3. Not everyone knew and some cried that their tax money was buying Michelle's wardrobe. There was a brouhaha on this very board about it from the radical right, so this still counts.

4. Godwin's law. When comparisons to Hitler enter the arguement, the side bringing it up loses. (See my previous post on this.) All the fear mongering from the radical right rolled up together cannot justify comparison to this grisly genocide. There are holocaust survivors alive who could explain Hitler to you, but I have my doubts that anyone using the Hitler comparison would care to learn.

5. On this board, Michelle was criticised for the victory garden, a humanitarian effort that was dampened by fertilize

r used on the lawn in a previous administration. Again, it happened here, folks, so you can't dismiss it.

Finally, one can criticize without hate. One can even ridicule without hate. Palin is ridiculous, but I don't hate her. Just making up crazy stuff and lies (see above) along with thinly veiled race baiting (lying African tp sign) while stridently trying to incite with references to odious buzz words and Hitler are tools used by hateful people who would incite and destroy our country to punish the majority that elected Obama. Sometimes it bothers me. But then I remember that we won the election because enough republican citizens voted with us and there is no one to challenge Obama next time around. The fringe is tearing up the republican party far more than it is damaging the dems. 

Ok, I'm off to finish laughing about the birther thing.



Okay, here're are your examples . . . - Really?
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You: . . . Give me samples of the "fabricated stories" you talk about . . .

My response: You mean like the "death panels", Obama is a racist against white people, "pulling the plug on grandma", not a US citizan,he's a Socialist, a Nazi, like Hitler, and oh, the worst one -- acting like he's the only President to ever use a teleprompter, he's going to take away your guns... and I don't need to provide links because we all know these are just a very few of the multitudes of "garbage" make-believe claims that pubs have hurled at our President, with little to no proof to back them up.

You: What is ridiculous is you don't even acknowledge that anything wrong is going on in congress.

My response: Just because I didn't acknowledge in my last post doesn't mean that I don't absolutely think that Congress bears most of the responsibility for a lot of this mess, but the pubs just want to continue to blame the President.

You: If you want to talk about bullying you need to read and talk about the posts where people who have a conservative viewpoint are being bullied by the liberals. Not only does one reply but the whole gang jumps on the band wagon, which one can only take is to drive them away.

My response: Both sides are guilty of the smart a** comments that contribute nothing of value, but your side always acts as if they are beyond reproach.

You: Making up stuff? You mean like calling people a racist? Calling people Obama haters because they don't agree with a policy he is putting into place?

My response: I only call out the ones that try to pretend they're not racists -- and there are a lot of them -- that either don't have the cajones or are plainly in denial. If you got a problem with every single thing the man tries to do -- most that have been done by past administrations -- with such a hateful, focused and almost fanatical campaign to totally shred someone's character has the ugly stench of racisn all over it.

You: You will not accept an article from a conservative website. You laugh and say it's not credible but you'll accept an article from a liberal website even when it's filled with hate towards conservatives, and have no facts to back up it's claims.

My response: I need some proof of which liberal website is "filled with hate" . . . But I guess it's different when Fox draws their viewership by inciting anger and fear and perpetuating myth. I think you got that backwards, as it's seems to be the pubs that when challenged on here to provide "facts" to back up their outrageous claims, would rather respond with anger and bitterness, rather than provide proof.

You: I've never seen this country so divided since our new president was sworn in. . . . Right now the devastation he inherited is getting worse and worse. . . . Nobody in congress is representing the people they are supposed to be. They are not making decisions that will make the country better . . .

My response: So, honestly, do you think the attacks on Obama would be this brutal if he was white? Seriously, get real. And we don't know if Obama is making "all the wrong decisions". I'm willing to give him more of a chance -- it took longer than a year to make this mess, so I don't know why certain people expect that it should be fixed in a year. Don't cha' think that is a little unreasonable?
Other stupid, fabricated, creating an "issue" - out of absolutely nothing
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The wearing or not wearing of the flap on his lapel, the false indignation because the president wants to make a speech to school children the first day of school-God forbid! The unbelieveable silliness over his bowing-God forbid he should show respect to another person! Oh, and he is not only a Socialist, he is a Marxist and a Fascist as well! Which is it??? The way the terms are being thrown around, I suspect the folks doing the throwing don't even know what they mean! Oh, and I especially love all the hoopla because "he is not keeping his campaign promises by airing the health care forums on CSPAN", and then when he does, "It is a set-up!" Silly, silly, silly.
What "garbage" has been "manufactured by conservatives"....please give examples. - Anon
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I moved this post from above -- this is in response to "Anon" - Really?
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Do you not read the posts before yours? Plenty of examples given before you posted this message . . - Really?

try reading a few posts up . . . I think there are more than enought given to prove my point. Any more questions?
This is exactly what I'm saying - thank you - no need to copy and paste
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That is exactly what I was talking about. You said it better than I did.

Thank you for posting.

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