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The Fence

Posted: May 27, 2012


You can't get any more accurate than this!

Which side of the fence?

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Democrat's demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it..
A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Republican reads this, he'll forward it because he knows its true.
A Democrat will delete it because he's "offended".


On the other hand - .....sm

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If a Democrat owns a gun, they store their bullets in the box they came in and keep their weapons in a nightstand drawer, locked display case or in a safe when not being used.
Republicans pack loaded guns on their person, holstered and unholstered, conceal them in the glove compartment of their cars and trucks, lay them on the front seat console and display them on rear window gun racks. They never met a gun they didn’t love and can never own enough revolvers, pistols, hunting guns, target practice play toys, rifles, shotguns, BB guns or automatic and semiautomatic assault weapons. Their favorite numbers are 22, 38, 45 and 357. They hang out at gun shows, revel in their God-given right to arm themselves to the teeth and are constantly preparing for their day of reckoning with the tyrannical government who is poised to take over at any given moment.

If a Democrat is vegetarian, they don’t eat meat.
If a Republicans encounters a vegetarian, they endlessly berate them and stalk them relentlessly, screeching about how uppity, stupid and wrong they are to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

If a Democrat is homosexual, they live their lives with dignity and pride and demand equal rights for all human beings.
If a Republican is homosexual, they hide in the closet and lie like a dog about their lifestyles, and support the party that inflicts shame and degradation upon them until their self hatred gets the best of them and they can’t take it anymore.

If a Democrat is down and out, they take advantage of the social services they paid for to get back on their feet.
Republicans that are down and out blame Blacks, Hispanics, and immigrants for stealing their jobs and destroying the American way of life. After that, they get a handout from a rich relative or clandestinely collect unemployment compensation like a good little hypocrite.

If a liberal Democrat doesn’t like a talk show, they watch it anyway and try to understand a different perspective.
Republicans always like their talk shows because they never venture beyond the Fox News fold.

Democrats exercise religious tolerance regardless of their personal beliefs, strive for First Amendment religious freedom and fight religious bigotry.
Republicans believe there is only one true religion, despise any and all others, whose followers they think are all terrorists destined for eternal damnation. They still don't realize the Crusades ended centuries and centuries ago.

Democrats support equal access to affordable quality health care and believe the state has a role to play in promoting the common good that recognizes the value of every person’s life.
If a Republican uses private or public health care, they “earned” it, despite the Commie freeloaders, those dirty Democrat dogs, who have the gall to suggest all citizens are worthy of basic health care services and are willing to ensure that with their tax dollars.

If a Democrat reads this, they agree with these observations and shake their heads, wondering what makes Republicans hate so much.
If a Republican reads this, they insist they are being attacked and whine and moan all day long about being persecuted.

So true - mbmt

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Couldn't have said it better.

Republican: The party of fear and me first. - nm

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Democrat: The part of lies, fear, and hate for anyone who - doesn't agree with them all the way

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nm is needed.

Why so divisive? - Rose

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I read the above and I wonder how we have gotten to the point where just the words Democrat and Republican bring up so much hate and misunderstanding. It used to be a nice balance between the two parties - one a little bit conservative and one a little bit liberal. Now we are expected to align ourselves with one or the other - either we are "right wing" republicans or "bleeding heart" democrats - why can't we be in the middle somewhere? I was raised in a home that was conservative and as I read the list I can identify with both - a republican as "The Fence" reads and as a democrat in "on the other hand." but in today's world of politics we are "labeled" republican or democrat - and we are expected to align with one or the other. I was talking about our current president's "devisiveness" long before the news media was. To him, we are not America - we are democrats and republicans - us against them - and that's not who we are - we are the "united" states and we should remain so.

Have you never heard of satire? - nm

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Satire? That was no satire, just more trash talk about democrats. - nm

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Satire - the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule... - sm
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Yes, it was satire. If you know what satire means, you can see the whole post was filled with satire. It just also happened to ring true and I believe that is probably what dems don't like, which of course then brings me to the last point - A democrat will delete it because he's "offended".

Maybe (of course not telling you), but maybe you meant to direct your post to the one named "on the other hand". Now that was a pretty hateful post. Definitely not satire, but instead it was like reading the tantrum of a child not getting their way.

If you want to discuss trash talk I can direct you to most all of the posts here talking trash towards the republicans.

Have a nice day.
And the fence post? No truer words - were ever spoken, huh?
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Unflinching hubris and hypocrisy, without fail. Having trouble dealing with the accuracy of a creative response to a copy and paste piece that's been making the rounds in the fringosphere since last year, no doubt.

Ah, yes, satire.... - Rose

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I have heard of satire! But you missed my point entirely in your eagerness to respond to my post.
Nope, got your point right on spot alright - Nice try...NOT - nm
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