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So, when he messes with mana's chemo

Posted: Apr 12, 2017

He does not understand what he is doing.  He achieves enough disruption---you won't get paid for transcription either, and there will be a lot less of it anyway.   


What's funny is that the republicans refuse - to work with the democrats

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So he wants to punish all of us for their behavior. What a fool.

I agree, absolutely disgusting. - They should just pull a McConnell

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Make Trump's ploy to deprive poor people of subsidies extremely public, do interview after interview asking why the president and the Republicans want to hurt so many people so they can put their horrible health care plan in place - oh wait, we do know why, they just can't wait to get onto the important stuff, tax cuts for billionaires!

This administration and the Republican party deserves total resistance. They are NOT operating in good faith at all. If they truly wanted to bring Democrats to the table, talk about fixing the holes in Obamacare made by selfish and insidious Republican governors who refused the Medicaid expansion AND the lousy insurance companies who have screeds of lawyers working on ways to improve their bottom line and skirt the legal requirements of the ACA.

That's what's wrong with the ACA, the refusal of Medicaid expansion coupled with the cynical insurance companies trying to increase profits. And while the health insurance companies have huge lobbying power and many lawmakers in their pockets, it is demonstrably true that most of them are Republicans.

You understand how to fix healthcare insurance? - Speak out.

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This has been a royal screwup ever since Obamacare was introduced. Politicians are not experts in anything. They are talking heads taking bribes from special interests.

So if anonymous posters have the answers about healthcare, get out from behind the computer and contact someone.

Otherwise quit trying to achieve goals of undermining Trump through disruption.

I have spoken out - and continue to speak out

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and it's not to get rid of ACA, it's to work together to fix it.

No one is trying to "undermine Trump through disruption."

I was upset when Trump blamed the Freedom Caucus for not supporting - RyanCare. That was just Ryan's

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cynical attempt to save ObamaCare while appearing not to do so. THANK GOD they stuck to their principles, instead of settling for a "win." If it's true that Ivanka met with Planned Parenthood (it hasn't been denied), it was time to say "you're fired". I don't think Jared and Ivanka should be part of the administration; they're proving to be globalist-liberal agenda advocates.

And now this? Syria is a nation. The US shouldn't be there, except in the mission to destroy ISIS. It would've been better for the US to get there and investigate, to be far more cynical about who used chemical weapons and why. ISIS isn't going to be defeated unless the US and Russia cooperate.

Summary...I want what Trump promised. To sit down and "play chess" with Putin. Not to sit down and make decisions because Ivanka was sad.

I'm not like Obama voters who supported EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING not matter what.
Though we disagree on some - things, I am glad
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to see you are one who does question some things Trump does, as I did with Obama. I wrote Obama and my representatives during his time in office showing approval or disapproval. Everybody needs to do that on both sides of the aisle and in the middle of the aisle.

It's not about a war between parties, it's about our lives and holding our officials accountable for what they do. You can vote for someone, feel they will do the best and still disagree with things they do.

I do agree that Ivanka and Jared should not be part of this administration, though not for the same reasons. LOL on the "you're fired." What most on the right don't understand is most on the left are not "globalists," they understand we live in a "global" economy where we have to conduct business with the rest of the world in order to stay competitive, but not a global society where there is one government for the world.

We are actually in total agreement on Syria.

The Republicans own this problem now. - House, Senate and President

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They don't need Democrats.

But Obama always told us everything he had to deal with was - Bush's fault? Hypocrites.

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This is, again, not about Obama. How about - an intelligent response

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about the fact that the republicans said they will not work with democrats? Do you think they should? Why should they or why shouldn't they? That would be more to add to the conversation with different views instead of name-calling.

Obama told us all of Syria's chemical weapons had been - eliminated. Lies, nothing but

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It's the Democrats who are the party of "no" now. - Hypocrites.

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Huh, didn't know my warlock was receiving chemo - anon

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