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Scraping the bottom of the melting pot: Is it realistic to believe

Posted: Jul 15, 2016

It's heresy, I know, to challenge the cherished notion of America as "the melting pot" that we've been taught to believe in since childhood, but I've become convinced that Muslim and non-Muslim (especially Judeo-Christian) cultures are about as miscible as oil and water.

I don't think that the concept of the "melting pot" was ever intended to imply that ALL cultures can be melded into one grand "super-culture."

And what's more, I don't see anything wrong or "un-American" about simply acknowledging the fact that there are cultures that simply DO NOT MIX WELL because their fundamental beliefs are diametrically opposed to one another.

In saying this, I'm taking no sides about which if any culture is "right", or "good", or "best", but merely suggesting that there can be beliefs held by one culture that are utterly opposed to beliefs held by another culture. 

For instance, Shariah law versus Constitutional law.  How could the faithful believers of either system EVER become reconciled EXCEPT PERHAPS BY ABDICATION OR SUBJUGATION?

People, something I think you should consider very seriously is that OUR system is so designed that it can be USURPED by THEIR system.

To overwhelm OUR system, the only requirement is enough voters.

Will Hillary's millions of refugees be enough, or will it take another cycle of unfettered immigration and child-bearing within the Muslim community?

You might not think that it is possible for America to become a Muslim nation, but I do.  I can see quite clearly how it might happen - perfectly legally - and that foolish policies will hasten the day.

My own position is this:  I have no quarrel with Muslims of any kind.  I am fine with them living in their world and we living in ours.  I am fine with mutual trade, treaties and other forms of cooperation and commerce with the Muslim world.


I realize how conspiracist this sounds, BUT LOOK AROUND YOU.  If you can't see it happening when it begins, when it gathers speed it will be too late.


Obama has left us more divided. Division is what - community organizers do.

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They stir up perceived grievances and play groups against each other.

Obama's legacy.

you have read my mind - dnh

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You have put into words that which I fear most, not for myself so much as I am older, but for the future of my grandchildren and generations beyond. I recall some time ago reading about an area in the UK where the Muslim populated wanted to institute Sharia law in their communities and it was a very serious consideration. People need to remember no one thought a holocaust could happen either even while it was taking place right in front of the entire world.

First of all, several of your premises are false. sm - VTMT

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Secondly, no religion will ever be our national religion. There is a reason the Constitution specifies separation of government and religion. America, and Canada too, have always been "melting pots" if that is what you want to call it. There are so many success stories throughout our history and even now. The mothers, babies, fathers want so badly to have peace. It is not about religion or racism, it is about humanity. Canada is the model for the US when it comes to refugees.

Canadians ABHOR what has happened to their country. - GALW

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You know NOTHING of which you write.

Again, GALW!

I don't think you're exactly paying attention to what's - going on in the world.

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And what you don't seem to grasp is that for devout Muslims THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. I don't conflate culture and religion - BUT THEY DO. You won't find many devout Muslims who would not prefer to live under shariah law and who, if they had sufficient votes in a democracy, would not feel that it was their religious duty to enact shariah law.

I'm starting to understand why you say some of the things you do on the forum. Perhaps this exercise would be salutary for you: Before you make even one more post on the topic of Muslims, refugees in Western cultures and related topics, take some time and learn more about Islam, and about Islam as a religion, Islam as a framework for government, and some of the major Islamic cultures.

Then, take some time to familiarize yourself with the experience of mass Islamification in Europe.

Last week, stickers appeared on sign posts around Sweden: "Women, if you do not wear head scarves you are asking to be raped."


Frist of all, YOUR premises are false - as per usual

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Separate fact from your fiction,..I dare you. It is NOT about humanity and has far more to do with common sense - a concept Liberals are incapable of grasping.

Canada IS NOT a model for the US.

Clearly, you are not well schooled at all in history, politics, religions, or the US Constitution. Those of us aware of your insults already knew that.

You must not know many (any?) Canadians - anon

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Many, many of my Canadian friends and family have stated they do not want refugees and are heartsick that their country has become a dumping ground.

I live very near the Canadian border and have friends....sm - VTMT

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and family that live all over Canada and are mostly very happy with Trudeau's election and performance. They are especially proud of how Canada has welcomed the refugees with open arms and hearts.
No way to prove your "false" premise - as usual
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Not based in fact...only your fiction.
I also live very near the border - anon
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...and many are not mostly happy with the immigration/refugee policies.

Democracy can't live in harmony with Islam - anonie

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We cannot live together. They are against freedoms, our religions (only theirs) and all that goes with them.

We worship the true God and our Jesus is not like their Jesus.

We are a country who would help others and we do.

Look at the world now. Horrible mass murders last night and now today Turkey revolution.

I am so afraid that something will happen at the Republican and Democratic events.

We have one enemy, ISIS and people want to drag up other things like racism that is not rally there in a huge quantity like in the past. All the head of police departments have to do is to investigate and weed out the bad apples in the police departments, etc.

We have to elect a real president who will rebuild what has been destroyed. If we don't elect the right candidates, our country is in danger of ending up taken over by these Muslims.

Let it be remembered that Obama administration didn't just - let them intothe US, he enabled

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and encouraged it. Sharia is in conflict with the US Constitution.

I do not think that left types will believe this point. My leftist cousin still hopelessly thinks that the more inviting and generous we are they will respond in kind. When asked, what if that does not work, the response was that it must be our fault and that is the mentality that is at work on the left. The truth is that Islam is at war with everyone on planet Earth who has not yet submitted to the will of Allah.

Read The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail

Very well stated. Too bad Libs cannot - reason through

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even the most basic of these concepts. Notice how Libs never move to the areas chock-full of radical Islamic terrosits? Libs use their usual gas bag strategy (fi you can call it that) of sittting back and dictating to everone else how Libs think they should live, what they should do, how they should think, what they should eat...Libs' dictator list is endless. This is just one more them.

I don't see any LIbs flinging the doors of their homes wide open and taking in these "refugees...feeding them, clothing the, paying their way - yet they expect all of us to do so.

You stated the reality of the situation perfectly...Libs could learn from your post.

Both in Canada and certain places in the US...sm - VTMT

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families are not necessarily taking refugees into their homes but they are sponsoring the families for a year to help them get settled and become self sufficient. Church communities also are doing this, much like Pope Francis called upon them to do. But you don't care about any of that good stuff that people are doing.
FALSE PREMISE - falsely attributing thoughts - and attacking poster
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that were never stated. To take a page from your play book, your false attacks and stalking "reported to moderator"/ See how easy it is?

Elections are RIGGED. - Ha

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They will import masses of Muslims, no doubt. But they have to to keep the facade going. So people like you can continue to believe that elections are legit, and that "those people" voted for her.

But the reality is: Presidents are Selected, not Elected. (FDR said it!)

Possible, but not at all likely - As in never

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You're correct that with enough voting power they could change the Constitution. But then your argument falls completely apart. Hillary's millions of refugees? Their children? Not enough. Their grandchildren? Still not enough. Great grandchildren? Maybe...

Do the math. 10 million Muslim immigrants have 4 kids each. That means in 25 years we have 50 million Muslims. Let's give them another 25 years and 4 more kids. Now, at the 50 year mark, we're at 250 million Muslims. Wow scary! Not so much.

At the same time assume the current US population remains stable (at 330 million) or grows slightly lets say to 400 million. I mean we can count on Mexican immigration being mostly all Catholic. And they'll have a lot of kids too. Plus, there are already 11.7 million Mexican immigrants, but we'll assume they don't have a head start (and haven't been just as um... productive as the Muslims) and go with your nightmare scenario...

Hence 50 years in the future, the population of the US is 250 million Muslims. (What?!? You forgot the ones already living here.) Okay, you got me. There are 3 million Muslims already here. That gives us 253 million Muslims against 400 million non-Muslims.

They'd have to change the Constitution by amendment which means they'd first have to make a proposal. That takes control of 2/3 of both houses of Congress or control the legislatures of 34 states.

At this time, again nightmare scenario, Muslims are 63% of the population so an amendment proposal is possible. Next, it goes to the States for a vote. If 3/4 of the States (38 out of 50) approve, then you've amended the Constitution. 63% of the population isn't enough.

All of this assumes, that the children of the Muslim immigrants have been able to stick to their Sharia roots and not learn a "better" more "American" way. It also assumes that the 330 million Americans already here cut their population growth drastically. What about those 11.7 million Mexican immigrants that are here right now? They're your only hope. Don't deport them!! Don't build a wall!! You need their Judeo-Christian ethics to fight Sharia.

Do you now see how crazy your idea is? A lot can happen in 50 years. Even if there is a Muslim population bomb and the Jews and Christians decide to all get spayed or neutered, it still ain't gonna happen. Well, maybe if we spayed and neutered ourselves... I wouldn't rule that one out.

Love the dislike - As in never - sm

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Did you dislike my post because you actually want the Muslims to take over and you saw how unlikely that was? Or did you dislike the idea of the Christian Mexican immigrants coming to your rescue?

It's too late for me to be laughing out loud. Have a heart! Think of my children!

Do the math yourself, but do it right. - sm

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1. Why do you stop at 50 years?
2. Why do you use 25-year increments?
3. Why does your first 25-year increment begin 25 years from now?
4. Why have you not factored in the differential rate of death of the current American aging population?
5. Why have you not factored in the increasing delay in marriage of American Millennials (not so, Muslim), which is now past 30.
6. Why have you not factored in the predictable differential in voter participation? While the Muslim block vote would be very predictable, not so American voters. We've seen how so-called "progressives" tend to vote, and their support for one-world government and other threats to the American constitutional system.

I won't go on. As Einstein said, "Make things as simple as possible, but NOT MORE SO." Your math is simply too simple - and more than a bit biased to your position.

Even today, or perhaps especially today, there are lessons to be learned from the collapse of great societies of the past. Sadly, too many Americans today are woefully ignorant about history, which is one reason we are probably doomed to repeat it.

When you look at such collapses, you find three common themes:

1. "The Trojan Horse"
2. "Barbarians at the Gate"
3. "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"

Take Rome, Greece, the Ottoman Empire, Chinese dynasties, etc and you'll find one or more of these sweeping forces behind their collapse.

Now, consider that in the case of America WE ARE DEALING WITH ALL THREE OF THEM, and then tell me just exactly why we should go on sleeping comfortably with our dreams that America is somehow different. Too many Americans seem to believe that our system is in some way invincible, impervious to threats, failure-proof, when the truth is that the American system is made peculiarly vulnerable by its very democratic nature. Other Americans, if the shameful truth be told, don't frankly give a damn if the American system DOES collapse - and actually hope it does so because they entertain woolly-headed notions of some grand One World Order.

Wake up, America. For God's sake, wake up.

A warning, though: This is a topic that is reserved for the person who dares to be intellectually honest, even when it's disturbing or even frightening to be so.

It won't be necessary for Muslims to reach 50+1% nationally to - begin to effect their agenda.

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Legislative success or failure is not merely a matter of "doing the math" or "counting heads." It's much more complicated than that.

Those who think otherwise are invited to explain the legislative impact of a variety of demographic groups that have nevertheless represented very, very small proportions of the population.
False narrative. Most other people believe in EQUAL rights...nm - VTMT
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Typical - As in never - sm

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You don't like the way I did my math but you don't present anything to refute it. You accuse me of oversimplifying while the OP (guessing that's you) basically said, "Because Muslim immigrants can change the Constitution, they will change the Constitution." While not mentioning any method by which they could garner enough support in Congress (2/3 majority, remember) to make the proposal and THEN convince 75% of the states to ratify.

Here are the answers to your questions:
1. Why do you stop at 50 years?

Because in 50 years we're either dead or part of the problem. Things have changed a lot in the past 25 years. I see no need to worry about anything further in the future than that.

2. Why do you use 25-year increments?

On average a generation takes about 25 years to mature, get married, and start producing babies of their own. Also, we're talking about voting blocks, and I was assuming a rather robust 4 children per couple. People can vote once they turn 18, but most couples will have their children 1 or 2 years apart from each other. 25 years is a good average.

3. Why does your first 25-year increment begin 25 years from now?

There are currently 3.3 million Muslims here now. They represent 1% of the US population. I had to assume (to go along with the nightmare scenario post that I was refuting) that Hillary allows 10 million Muslim immigrants into the country on her first day in office. They'd then need to start reproducing so they have enough voting power to change the Constitution. Their first generation of 50 million would be at mature voting age in 25 years. Again, assuming a starting number of 10 million sometime in the very near future. Realistically, I would have started the count 30-40 years in the future to allow for immigration and the increase to 10 million Muslims to develop a little more naturally. But, again, nightmare scenario (!!) so I didn't constrain myself to the more realistic option.

4. Why have you not factored in the differential rate of death of the current American aging population?

Because 1.) I also didn't factor in the differential rate of death of my Muslim population. 2.) I was already assuming (rather pessimistically, I might add) that the current American population would remain mostly stagnant, which seems highly unlikely and unrealistic.

5. Why have you not factored in the increasing delay in marriage of American Millennials (not so, Muslim), which is now past 30.

See the answer to question 4 above. I also didn't factor in increased teen pregnancy among non-Muslim Americans. Again, why bother? I already knew I was underestimating non-Muslim population growth, while overestimating Muslim population growth. Do you disagree? Then, please present your calculation of non-Muslim US population growth over the next 50 years. I'd love to see exactly what you're thinking in this regard.

6. Why have you not factored in the predictable differential in voter participation?

Voter participation isn't predictable. If you anger or inspire people, they'll vote.

Now a question for you:
By what means do Muslim immigrants gain the support/control of 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 38 State legislatures?

There are already large communities of non-Muslim immigrants living here and they have no reason to accept Sharia law. (I mentioned the 11.7 million Mexican immigrants.) Why don't you factor them into your calculations? They already have a head start on any Muslim agenda.

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