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Roads and bridges.

Posted: Sep 16, 2012

Really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that my hard-earned tax dollars will be going to these American-hating tyrants in the Middle East. Well, maybe they can reap the benefits of roads and bridges, too, that is if they don't destroy them first.


American-hating tyrants - sm

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If you are concerned about how your tax dollars will be spent, I would worry more about what's going on here at home. Romney is all too enthralled with military increases, and we all know what that means. I give him nine months to start a war.

And the choices are . . . - An

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Either put my tax dollars into a strong military--or--throw good money after bad (borrowed and tax dollars)by paying off dictatorships where very little if any of that money ever reaches the people who actually need it. I'll take the strong military.

I can't imagine what kind of fool would actually want war, so of course I don't advocate for war. Had plenty of family and loved ones to serve in those, some were lost, some are in the military now. War should always be a last resort and any sane person knows that as I am sure both you and I do as well as Mitt Romney. Peace through strength, walk softly, big stick, all that. At least holding that money back with more conditions attached to it could probably accomplish some cooperation and safety for our citizens.

I have no idea what you are referencing when you discuss - paying off dictatorships

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Maybe you should look for a quarter . . - an
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you might be able to buy a clue, but then in this economy, that would probably only buy a half a clue. Do some research. Out of here for the day, whew.
I'll send you 50 cents if you tell me what you are talking about - nm
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You're generous. I give him till Christmas. - nm

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In case you aren't watching the news - an

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It may be less time than that before there is war, even with all his Obamaness in charge. We don't necessarily have to look too hard for something to find it sometimes.
I know that Bibi and Willard are best buds. - sm
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So you may very well be correct. Bibi has thumbed his nose at Obama, and I expect some sort of violent attack to occur based solely on politics.

Who's bibi? - Trying to figure that one out
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Just wondering who bibi is.
Sheesh! He's the Prime Minister of Israel. - sm
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I'm curious. Is Romney your man?

You don't get it. - smSM

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You seem to think Obama and Romney are different. They are the same, yet you'll never see (or if you do see, never admit) that.

Do you even understand who is behind Obama, Romney or any politician who becomes a president. A president doesn't start a war by himself. It's the people who give them their orders. The same ones who were behind Bush are behind Obama and will be behind Romney if/when he becomes president. It doesn't matter to them who is president. They run the show, they give the orders. As for whether a war is actually started, that is up to congress. Again, no president has ever started a war on his own. It has always been through the approval congress. So if you don't like a specific war, take your pic at which one because they are starting new ones under Obama, then you need to look at the voting record of anyone in congress who voted for it and let your grievances begin with them.

I think your post is wrong on all accounts. I just addressed your last portion.

Everyone should be concerned about how their tax dollars are spent. Being concerned about sending our tax money to a country that doesn't like us, then forgiving their debt (i.e. telling them they do not have to pay us back), then giving them more money is as important as being concerned about our tax dollars here in our country. Everyone should be concerned about our tax money going over seas or the economical downfalls in this country (rising unemployment, rising foreclosures, education, children and families going hungry here in our own country), which is as important as Obamacare and what that means for everyone, etc, etc. My point is every issue is important and everyone should be concerned about them all. Since we all pay taxes we have the right to know where our tax money is going and why.

I read that a leader of another country is telling Romney that when he is elected he better get the debt under control. He said it has gone out of control under democrats and our debt doesn't impact just our country. They are impacted too. All countries are in some way connected. It's the ripple effect. When one countries economy fails, parts of that effect other countries economy.

So instead of rallying up the hate for the other political party people don't agree with they should step back and take a look at everything. It makes more sense when you understand how everything works and is connected. Nobody should be saying you should worry more about this than that. Everything is important. What is most important to me is taking a step back. Dumping any notion that the two parties are different. It's the individuals that are different. I agree more with Romney's record than I do with Obama's. They country is in bad shape, and I mean bad. When you've just been downgraded, don't know how to break this to you, but....it's bad. It is time to drop the "my club is better than yours" attitude and start looking at issues on an individual level and research what each issue means. It's the only way you'll truly understand politics.

sure I do - sm

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Of course we have the right to know where our tax dollars are going.(!) I was questioning the facts behind the OPs assertion that our "hard-earned tax dollars will be going to these American-hating tyrants." I have no awareness of our tax dollars supporting extremist hate groups. If you do, please share.

Your assumptions are many. I do not have a "my club is better than yours" attitude, nor do I have any illusions about politicians or the significant limitations and pifalls of our two-party system. As for your supposition that no president has "ever" started a war on his own, I would refer you to the history books. Keep in mind, as well, the fallacious information presented to congress that clinched the war in Iraq.

I agree with you here: Instead of rallying up hate, step back and take a look. It was my hope that the OP might do just that before advancing the idea that our tax dollars support American-hating tyrants.
you really do need to read up on history - and not from MSNBC
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Bush did get congresses approval for the war in Iraq.
fail - sm
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A) I don't visit MSNBC.

B)Yeah. I know Bush got the approval of congress for the war in Iraq. Did you miss the part where I talked about the fallacious information presented to congress in order to clinch that approval?
Fallacious information plus putting the whole war - sm
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on America's "credit card." It's no wonder Bush handed Obama such a high deficit to wrestle with.

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