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OOPs - I'm sorry

Posted: Aug 6, 2016

Regarding e-mails and e-mail servers and other classified information.

General Petreous gave his mistress his black book which contained highly classified information. He got reprimanded by congress - a misdemeanor.

Another high ranking official accidentally brought home a highly classified document in his briefcase - unknowingly. Interestingly, when he found it, he just put it in his top desk drawer. Name of this person was kept confidential - I suspect because maybe he himself is a classified agent. Wonder what he was thinking?

Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, was grilled by Congress about his use of personal e-mail for business. In the hearing he told Congress he didn't realize it was a problem and he surely would not do it again.

Not to defend our current presidential candidate, but apparently mishandling classified information is not news and not new. I suspect it will happen again down the road. I hope not.

Maybe they don't get any training when they get the job? Sorta like MTs don't get any training.

The most interesting thing is that generally it is not a criminal offense because the statutes state it has to be done with INTENT to jeapardize our security. Of course no one would admit to intent.

You think they all should now better.

OTOH, what happens when the official server goes down, you have to get a very critical message and time is of the essence or very bad things could happen. Do you wait until the official server is back up? Do you use your cell phone (like that is really secure)? Or just wait and hope nobody dies?



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