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New attire

Posted: Apr 11, 2017

Was Jared sporting the new uniform Trump will want our military wearing?  What kind of idiot shows up in a military field dressed like he's going out on the town?  This whole group has no idea about anything!


Some people are raging jealous and search - to nitpick the livelong day.

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What does this have to do with anything political?

It's just mean spirited...sm - Anon

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I think he looks fine. Though I think he should have worn the bullet-proof vest under his blazer, but then if the blazer wouldn't fit over it, he'd have to lose the blazer. It would probably be a lot cooler without the blazer anyway.

Yeah, I agree! - anonon

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I mean he was probably required to wear it for safety and it really does not matter in the big scheme of things what he is wearing. He is a preppie kind of boy, so maybe his fashion sense does not lend to the battlefield. That's no crime. He was probably just trying to look professional and not thinking about the dirt and sand in that place.

I ask myself the same thing every time I - read a right-leaning post.

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Oh I so wish it had nothing to do with anything - political, but there you go

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That walking advertisement for Brooks Bros or whatever that preppy look is has been put in charge of a bunch of stuff in our govt. Don't get me wrong, better him than Trump, but still. Not qualified at all IMHO, but anyone is better than Trumpy.

I seem to remember a time a while ago when President Obama wore a beige suit and that drove the right wing rags crazy for a couple of days.

This is just poking fun at a privileged junior who has done absolutely nothing to deserve a position like this (not unlike EVERY SINGLE ONE of Trump's cabinet).

Let's see, shall we, what happens when we are ruled by those who have no qualifications except being rich? That is most DEFINITELY un-American IMHO.

No jealousy here at all. I don't know, - Trump wants everybody

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in suits and ties. Maybe he'll push for the military to because the whole family doesn't know a thing about the real world. If Trump had been there in a suit talking to the men, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but this kid who looks like a five-year-old on his first day of kindergarten with his name-tag and that dear-in-headlights look is priceless.

Who said Trump wants everybody in suits and ties - Is that an ASSumption?

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Some information on Kushner that should make anyone jealous especially anonymous posters with time on their hands probably making minimum wage if you are an MT.

And that's what you're concerned about? Clothes? - anon

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Huh, silly me, I thought there were more important things to worry about than what someone's wearing. Guess my life's just too full?

Libs think it is a backhanded Trump bash. - This makes their day.

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Lots of empty time to search out anything that may look Trump look bad.

Jared's silly preppy outfit, - and even his presence there

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just makes us look even more fooling in the eyes of the world. No, clothing is not a major issue but please, how can the US be taken seriously when we send a family member with no experience to pretend to conduct diplomacy. Absurd!

We look "even more fooling in the eyes of the world" - Really? Who is judging?

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Syria, Russia, Iran, North Korea, China?

Really who are we looking even more fooling to?

Jared is quite successful and I am pretty sure people admire his qualifications as a success in business. Was he "pretending to conduct diplomacy" or just visiting the area.

Hatred really distorts libs viewpoints to the point they make no sense, including the ridiculous post criticizing what he wore, "a silly preppy outfit."

Anonymous posters with nothing to do but bash a successful businessman worth millions while they sit at a computer digging for dirt on anything Trump. That is absurd.

I'm pretty sure that none of the above - would send out a novice

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to try to evaluate complex geopolitical events. Being a success in a family business, as Trump demonstrates every day (not counting all his bankruptcies), is not a qualification for governing anything, a city, a state, nevermind a nation. And Jared's outfit IS preppy and silly. And as far as dirt on Trump? You really don't even have to dig.

The whole world is judging us. - And rightfully so.

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The "whole world" is on fire, so I'm not concerned about - being judged. Take a look at the EU
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Russia/China alliance, South America/Russia alliance, Iran having nukes, North Korea/China alliance.

There is something spiritually wrong all over the world.

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